Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Bdatz Yerushalem is not responsible at all for the Meah Shearim Shatnez Lab


One should not rely on the Meah 
Shearim Shatnez Lab for checking shatnez.


  1. Where's Kreitman?

  2. When did the KMan move to Yerusholayim?

  3. The rules of this site has been to follow the askan ‘tale’ that all must be heard (posted) even if it’s not “SOOOO Polite.
    However for some reason Shain won’t post Paulie’s hard core Apikoorsous and hard core nivul peh since he may get a complaint and lose some revenue.
    I guess it’s gotto be a Mishnah lamelech or some Reb Chayim who limits the Rambams “say it all loud and clear” rule to exclude loss of revenue or some “heiligeh zaideh” pass when it comes to posting Paulie’s meenoos and “clean” attributes used to shower today Gedolim here and beyond.

  4. What would the OU mashgiach do if not for this website?

    In the old days he could only rant & rave about Paulie to the 4 walls of the basement in Queens, as well as the odd straggler who might pay him heed for a few minutes out of rachmunnes.

    But Yudelstake has been a serious boost of self-esteem for the lowly mashgiach. He scribbles & scribbles & scribbles lunatic outbursts against Paulie and 'thinks' people are actually following his messy graffiti.

  5. The latest propaganda broadcast from Agudah Fresser channels to yeshivos is that the virus has mutated and is no longer dangerous. To be completely accurate the exact words intended to downplay the choimer are: "reduction in the severity"

    Roshei yeshiva & Menahelim who are otherwise very on the ball & do not back Agudah if it requires speaking sheker, have been duped into repeating it.

    This fraudulent sound byte is also being typed into letters sent to all yeshiva families.

    Try telling this garbage to the nunter of all the heimishe Yidden recently rushed to hospital Emerg's & ICUs.

    One rosh yeshiva inquired to a mumche who informed him the Agudah Fressers are peddling falshkeit that makes people dangerously lower their guard.

    1. One Rosh Yeshivah = CooGardneh.
      A mimcheh = Paulie.

      Get the picture here.

  6. הנה דברי קדשו של הרב הגאון רבי ציון בוארון שליט"א זקן הדיינים הספרדים בהכרזה דרמטית.
    "לא נסכים לכפות עלינו מסכות ושתי מטר בבתי הכנסת" דהיינו "אנחנו לא נסכים לכפות עלינו להישמע להוראות "קבינט הקורונה" וזה כולל "שמירת מרחק שתי מטר ומסכות" ונימק "הואיל וברור שכל מטרתם היא אך ורק עקירת תורה ותפילה מישראל"

    בעקבות החלטת קבינט הקורונה על סגר בערים אדומות, בהם הערים החרדיות בני ברק, בית שמש, אלעד, וביתר, וכן ההגבלות על הישובים רכסים ועמנואל וכן לקראת ימי ראש השנה ויום הכיפורים והחגים הבעל"ט וההגבלות על בתי הכנסת ומוסדות התורה

    בהמשך לקו התקיף והברור שנקט הגאון רבי ציון בוארון מהרגע הראשון של התפרצות 'ווירוס קורונה' לפני חצי שנה, בישראל, לפיה אין להגביל או למעט בשום אופן את היכלי התורה הישיבות ובתי הכנסת, אלא צריך להמשיך כרגיל בכל מוסדות התורה והתפילה.

    בערב שבת האחרונה (פרשת כי תבוא) הכריז הגאון רבי ציון בוארון בבית מדרשו שבשכונת בית ישראל בירושלים, דברים ברורים ונחרצים כדלהלן: לא נסכים לכפות עלינו להישמע להוראות "קבינט הקורונה" דהיינו שמירת מרחק שתי מטר ומסכות, הואיל וברור שכל ההגבלות האלה הן אך ורק להרס בתי הכנסת, לחלל הדעת, ומטרתם- "עקירת תורה ותפילה מישראל" ח"ו

    למותר לציין כי לדברים הברורים והחד משמעיים של הגר"צ בוארון יש השפעה רבה על הציבור הספרדי בכלל ובני התורה

  7. Fresser Way or the HighwayWed Sep 09, 11:41:00 AM 2020

    How many yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs who refuse to provide video hookup and who subscribe to the Agudah Fresser achzoriyus to davka make everything difficult as a way to force kids back into infection prone classes, are not even providing audio hookup, or at least one that any human can hear the rebbi/morah talking?

    I know of 4 places already.

  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._Everett_Koop

    Genack says that Belsky told him bsheim Dr. C. Everett Koop (who told him when no one else was there) that the 'permitted' worms never become virus infected even when the fish flesh itself is infected


    Coronavirus lingering on chilled salmon may be infectious for more than a week, according to researchers in China, where imported fish have been investigated as a potential source of infections.

    Researchers at the South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Guangzhou found SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, collected from salmon samples could survive for eight days at 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit). That’s roughly the temperature at which the fish are transported. The research was released Sunday in a report ahead of publication and peer review.

    Chinese authorities have been investigating imported meat, packaging and containers as a potential source of Covid-19 since June after repeatedly finding traces of the pathogen on packaging and food. Six of more than 500,000 samples tested have been positive for the coronavirus, China’s customs agency said in a report Tuesday.

    “SARS-CoV-2-contaminated fish from one country can be easily transported to another country within one week, thus serving as one of the sources for international transmission,” the researchers said, noting the fish must be kept at a temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius during shipping.

  9. The rosh yeshiva who asked about supposed mutation is a big name and he asked a mumche with multiple degrees.

    The liar who is denying it this morning as made up by bloggers is planted by the anti-vaxx. The anti-vaxx have a long history of sending trolls on to the internet to lie about vaccines and deny anti-vaxx cover ups. Now they lie about their affiliated project in order to make sure as many people as possible are infected by coronavirus.

  10. If you know of "I know of 4 places already."
    Please tell us who they are so we can chalk them up on "cheshash meenus" list.

  11. The rosh yeshiva who asked about supposed mutation is a big name and he asked a mumche with multiple degrees.

    The pope/rosh hakool is absolutly correct:

    CooGardneh IS a BIG name - dorten in Maariv Noitzry land.
    Mimche Poolie has multiple degrees in noitzris.

  12. What's pshat with this? And why would YSV give it by Bodenheimer's place if they have their own catering hall & food depot?:

    We are pleased to inform parents that Continental Caterers will be distributing a week's worth of breakfast and lunch for children under the age of 18.

    The distribution will take place this Sunday, September 13th, at Bas Mikrah, 381 Viola Road, Monsey, from 12:00-2:00.

    YSV Office

  13. YSV don’t want to see professional schnorers at their place so they send them to bode grimes.
