Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Who is the real ADL? Anti-semite back stabbers- The ADL acts under the "color of law" (check the meaning)

The statement pointed out that the ADL has partnered with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which the Loomer campaign called “a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.”
“Not only has the ADL lost all moral authority to call out anti-Semitism or critics of Israel, but the ADL has made friends with some of the most virulent and dangerous anti-Semites in the world,” the statement said.
The ADL is a fake.

ADL's "Sly Fox" Says "Trump is bad for America and bad for the Jews"

Just when you think that dumb Jews go low in pandering and apologising to vicious ant-Semites, we found one that can go even lower.
 Abraham "kapo" Foxman , who tuchis lekks, enemies of the Jewish people, and who supposedly retired from the ADL and  left a self-hating Jew as his replacement as national director, wrote the nauseating column below in The Times of Israel. 
Remember: It was Jews like Foxman that headed the Judenrat that helped Nazis lead their fellow brothers and sisters into the flaming ovens of auschwitz. It was Jews like "Fake Fox" that endorsed the genocidal Stalin until his death.. 
We don't have enough anti-semites to disparage and hurt us, we need a fellow prominent Jew to stab us in the heart... Instead of thanking the best friend the Jews ever had in the White House, this "Fake Fox" blames Trump for the hate in the USA, totally ignoring the hateful rhetoric of AOC, Ilhan Omar and Tlaib.  
Read his exaggerated lies and weep:
Nothing pains me more than to speak up with anguish in the face of this presidential election. But silence is not an option. American Jewry confronts a fateful choice. Another four years of Donald Trump will be nothing less than a body blow for our country and our community.


  1. ADL was perhaps the largest contractor paid by Obama to resettle in the United States at taxpayer expense, the horde of Arab infiltrators posing as "refugees" who supposedly survived the Syrian civil war. The infiltrators have terrorist sleeper cells hiding among them and many are just opportunists from other countries looking for free money. The horde has also destroyed the makeup of most Western European countries to make them conquered by Muslims what they couldn't accomplish during wars 1400 years ago.

    Resettlement areas include many areas right next to the frumma like Brooklyn & downtown Spring Valley.

    ADL repaid Obama's multi-million dollar contract by attacking anyone criticizing the resettlements as either racist gentiles or Jews who 'disgracefully' betray the Rachmonnus ideal of their own religion. And ADL of course shilled for Obama for President and touted him as if he is the Messiah.

  2. ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is a self-hating Jew who was previously 'Special Assistant to the President' in the Obama Administration, and before that worked under Bill Clinton in both Little Rock and Washington.

    And starting with his ausvarf Modern Orthodox ADL predecessor Abe Foxman, the ADL took $millions in bribes from Obama to settle Arab terrorist sleepers.

    Maybe Flatbush hocker Malcolm "Ho Ho" Hoenlein can do something useful at the Conference of Jewish Org Presidents to referee this coward

    These Jewish groups are fighting — even physically, according to some — behind the scenes

    By Ron Kampeas
    May 15, 2018

    The Conference of Presidents, representing the leaders of more than 50 Jewish groups, would not comment for this story, saying its leaders were traveling and unavailable for comment.

    The most serious complaint came from the ZOA. Ms. Berney has accused Greenblatt of grabbing her after a 2016 panel discussion at the United Nations. Greenblatt, she said, was incensed by ZOA claims that ADL is not representing Jewish interests.

    “I’m standing with a group of 4 to 5 people, and suddenly Jonathan Greenblatt grabs me,” she told JTA. “He came up to my right, put his arm around my back, grabbed me with his left hand on my left shoulder. He starts pushing me with the force of his arm down the hall. I was trying to get away from him, and he was restraining me.”

    Greenblatt, screaming, led her to the offices of the Iraqi and Syrian missions, Berney said.

    “Let’s go by the offices of the real enemy,” Berney quoted Greenblatt. “All this time, he’s continuing to hold my shoulder really tight, not letting me out of his grip, dragging me down the hall. I was so shaken up by it.”

    JTA spoke to 6 people who said Berney described the event to them, on the day of the UN meeting or within 2 days of it. All but one recalled her describing Greenblatt gripping her to the office; one recalled that Berney described an altercation. Two interviewed, Mort Klein and Susan Tuchman, are ZOA staffers. The others spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they fear reprisals within the Jewish organizational world.

    The ADL said it looked into the claim and found it baseless. (like Margulies "investigating" Kolko?)

    Berney & Klein said they wrote ADL directly asking for an apology, and Klein said that subsequently at a Conference of Presidents meeting, Greenblatt threatened him physically. Berney, an attorney, said she decided not to report her UN encounter with Greenblatt to police because of the ambiguous status of UN territory — it’s not clear, she said, whether New York law held there — and because she believed it was better to seek an apology. Klein said his subsequent confrontation with Greenblatt started when Klein demanded an apology, and Greenblatt’s response is what led the ZOA to refer the matter to the committee.

  3. ADL learned from Paulie How to "stab Religious Jews in the Back".....

  4. Meshuga leDavar EchodWed Sep 09, 03:32:00 PM 2020

    The OU mashgiach has become so obsessed with "Paulie" that he has to drag his name in to smear him even on a topic he has no connection to.

    The only backstabbers are types like in the mashgiach's own mishpooche. Paysach Krohn shlepped the molester mechuton Bryks to a Shabbaton loaded with potential victims which led to much public outrage & a phone call to Krohn from the JBAC askonim.

    And then at Torah ohn a Mesorah, where a 5 Towns lawyer publicly exposed Shea Fishman, Fishman ran so fast to resign that he left burn marks on the carpet. That was altz several of Yudi Kolko's 100+ victims had gone to Fishman asking to help them rebuild their shattered lives. Fishman feigned sympathy & offered empty promises to get the gedolim to stop Kolko. Fishman had previously spent years whining to concerned rabbonim who raised the Kolko issue that he can't get involved because he's "too old". He had just turned 50. This time, Fishman broke his promises by not only doing nothing, but he actually gave Margulies a list of all the victims who came to him. The victims & their relatives then started getting anonymous, threatening phone calls from Margulies operatives.

    The OU mashgiach gets tremendous enjoyment from enabling the real backstabbers while smearing heros. The mashgiach is of course a backstabber himself & prefers to associate with the backstabbing shnit.

    1. from the JBAC askonim

      JBAC has no askonim just terrorists.

  5. Abe Foxman's eidim is a co-conspirator in the Platinum ponzi scheme along with Torah Umesorah Board members which is why the FBI has been looking into Zvi Bloom putting TU's gelt in the scam - which is also assur l'halacha.

    No surprise however as Bloom was convicted of fraud in the Seasons Supermarkets scam.

    And the Beis Din that was involved strongly criticized both sides for not caring less about hilchos ribbis.

    But what can you do when the eppel doesn't fall veit fun der boim? Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom was such an akshan against anti-molester askonus that he was even too much for the Agudah Fressers after he started causing them PR problems with the government & the public.

  6. Who knows if the pope and his Rosh hakool are posting the truth or not.
    But one thing is sure no one terrorizes like the Christian couple.

  7. Of course the mashgiach has negiosThu Sep 10, 09:05:00 AM 2020

    Since the day they outed the molester & his enablers in the gantze mishpooche, the OU mashgiach has called JBAC a bunch of "terrorists". Never mind that they are all lawyers / doctors / musmachim, including an alter Torah Vodaasnik who was one of the Yidden that Rav Wolbe saved from the churban in Sweden.

  8. With the approval of all accepted Israeli poskim and the the Briskeh dynasty plus some unheard of mayselach to back these masis oomadeechim.

  9. Hashkofos Off the Cliff in CliftonFri Sep 11, 10:24:00 AM 2020

    What's the real reason why Zvi Bloom's shvogger Yonah Lazar is no longer running Clifton Cheder? They probably did NOT get rid of him for his hiring more Left Wing Modern Orthodox staff who bring poison hashkofos with them - when one supposed reason to hire Lazar in the first place was to take the Cheder from modern to "yeshivish". Completely absurd that he was tummeling 'look at me' that I hired Brisker rebbeyim for the older kids - when the younger kids were trapped in a virtual Solomon Schechter. But it doesn't seem the Board cares about that.

    Was it because of the scandal with the non-viable new building?

  10. Strange place Clifton. Lazar had one preschool director who is from the shnit of Dati Leumi (though American) machine gun toting settlers. Lazar replaced her with "Yeshiva" of Flatbush machshayfa Melissa, hanikra Medusa, who hates bnei Torah.

    His own hashkofos have raised eyebrows despite that his shver is Mr. Agudah. Maybe because his own father is a YU rabbiner.

    And now Lazar's replacement grew up in a Crown Heights hard core Meshichist home. His father runs a website attacking the Vilna Gaon & other "Snags".

  11. "a website attacking the Vilna Gaon & other "Snags"."

    Sounds JUST like Paulie.
    He probably learned all these tricks from Paulie and CooGarden.
    They are the experts on attacking via Nivul peh and/or otherwise any and all gedolim.
