Thursday, November 05, 2020

The Democrats motto

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. 
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. 
The people who count the votes decide everything."


  1. Rabbi Shain, I agree with you 1000 percent.

  2. This was said by Stalin ימ"ש

  3. As are the people who count money.
    ווער עס האט די מאה האט די דעה.

  4. YSV the Root of All EvilSun Nov 08, 02:42:00 AM 2020

    It's like Yeshiva of Spring Valley telling parents the Board "elections" are monitored by a big Manhattan accounting firm.

    Some of the oylem goylem are indeed impressed with that facetious announcement.

    What difference does it make when you can't "run" as a "candidate" unless YSV's corrupt Old Boys network let's you "compete"? They only allow their their own cronies to "compete" in what are essentially rubberstamped handpicks worthy of Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong Un.

  5. Agudas Harabbonim, founded in 1902 by alter Europeyisher rabbonim, allowed only those from alter Heim yeshivos & personal musmachim of an alter Heim gadol, the right to carry the title rabbi.

    Rabbis ordained by YU-RIETS, then known as Yeshiva College, were barred from the organization. Europeyisher rabbonim harbored many doubts concerning secular studies taught at the college. The well-known Rav Elchonon Wasserman described the institution as “a center of apikursus & shmad.”

    As the number of YU rabbis swelled, they created a new rabbinic organization for English-only-speaking rabbis trained in America. That organization, the product of a merger of several smaller ones, became the Rabbinical Council of America. One of the RCA's earliest public statements, according to its longtime member & historian, Rabbi Louis Bernstein, sought to refute an article written by a leader of Agudas Harabbonim declaring that only its members “are really rabbis while the others are deceiving the public.”

    In 1939, Agudas Harabbonim went after Abraham Goldstein, the chemist who devised the OU symbol of kashrut as Modern Orthodoxy’s flagship kosher service. “Mister Abraham Goldstein,” the Europeyisher rabbonim charged, “is a thorough am haaretz in matters of Yiddishkeit.” As a Moderner Ortodoxer, he “impudently assumes authority to decide in matters of kashrus.” The rabbonim warned he is “misleading the Jewish public.”

    1. At that time, the Agudst haRabbonim had their own kashrut. Actually, their independent members had their own hashgachot, many not too good. Rav Eliezer Silver writes about it

      By the way, Igud haRabbonim was formed by Torah vaDaat musmachim for same reason, they were also not allowed into Agudst.

  6. They also allow only non OTD students.
    Just all other yeshivas in the world.
    No reason to slander YSV for that universal policy.🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼


    I've never seen this packaging for Eckstein's strawberries. Is this Belzer brand takka bug free?

  8. The reason why the Agudas Harabbonim opposition to OU is floating around lately is because the Open Warpedodox have been peddling it as part of their smears that Charedim are a bunch of backward tzebissena chevra.

    This kind of talk comes from people like "rabbi" Eleff who Skokie yeshiva made Chief "Academic" Officer & is also a visiting professor of American Jewish history at Touro College in NY.

    Eleff is also campaigning that halacha should be reformed chalila that Modern Orthodox should accept toyevah mit "chuppah vekiddushin" to "sanctify" those doing the abominations!

    R' Elya Svei is vindicated for his issur to attend Touro.

  9. If they are clean or not is up to debate especially on this site.
    But the fact that people are aware of the insect issue and attempt to purchase what seems to be insect free ia Giant step for mankind.

  10. R' Elya Svei is vindicated for his issur to attend Touro.

    Unfortunately there plenty of ex-Lakewooders who say there same.

  11. Fresser Way or the HighwayWed Nov 11, 08:47:00 PM 2020

    Just when the current virus surge is twice as bad as the original at Pesach time, yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs are doubling up with their Agudah Fresser-mandated harassment of remote learners, trying even harder to force them back into the classrooms.

    Because of certain dynamics, the situation is worse in the Bais Yaakovs over boys yeshivos. Some of the yenta Morahs who are lazy & selfish types to begin with and got wind of the Fresser scheme are being "mehader" by making it even worse than whatever achzoriyus they were already asked to do. When the Hanhalos get complaints about the machmirim they do nothing about it, chalking it up as the machshayfos just doing the retzoin haFressers anyway.

    The heartless Hanhalos are now telling mishpochos that yes we are fully aware that we are setting up the remote learners to fail exams. But too bad, veil azoy darft es zein al pi tzavoas Fressers. The Hanhalos were already demanding full tuition for the kids at home who have no video AND no phone hook ups to classes - this fraud is a direct order from R' Shmuel Kaminetzky. Now they are suggesting the parents also splurge for tutors if they want their kids to pass! And they are hinting if you temporarily switch to another yeshiva who gedolim told to use Zoom or an online yeshiva, you won't be accepted back after the pandemic.

    1. Nebach the highway fresser with the otd kids has some more issues other then not being able to get into the Agudah events thus having to do his fress on the highway.

  12. You can fool some of the peopleFri Nov 13, 03:49:00 PM 2020

    You die hard Agudisten, like Thurs 10:01 pm, are eating crow because you know how horrible you look to all reasonable people.

    Even when Pinny Lipschutz asked around by a bunch of establishment players, they were embarrassed by the cruel policy against yeshiva & Bais Yaakov kids, that they diplomatically criticized as unfair.

    The criticism will probably not be repeated because Philly probably had them intimidated within 2 hours of publication to keep quiet. That's similar to R' Elya Brudny at the Agudah Convention Q&A session publicly blasting the Kaminetzky anti-vaxx insanity as "insulting" & "against the Torah". Rav Brudny got the message tze shveigen & never voice it again, but we all know what the truth is.

  13. Those who must fress on the highway are posit not only for eidus - kol ho’ochel ba’shook... - but are posit in general.
    The manner they use to classify and criticize people in general and gedolim in particular just gives them automatic membership to the Poips Temple in the Western wilderness with branches in the QC Zoo.
