Saturday, November 14, 2020

Secular Chareidim?

Secular Chareidim ! By  Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer  Nov 11, 2020

Last week, I perused a local “heimishe” weekly magazine, which of course focused on the recent elections. Although this magazine’s circulation is assuredly far smaller than that of the Yated and the other major frum publications, I came away, to be blunt, pretty disgusted.

Aside from the token Torah columns, I would characterize this heimishe magazine as basically secular. Its analysis of the elections, featuring a mix of Orthodox and irreligious Jewish pundits, and plenty of non-Jewish contributors, consisted of all types of calculations and prognostications about who should win and why, evaluating every factor out there – except one: ratzon Hashem. In fact, the words “Hashem,” “G-d,” “Hashgocha Protis” and the like were nowhere to be found. Everything that occurred and that was predicted to transpire as a result of the elections was presented as a function of campaign strategies and political maneuvering, media influence and public perception, Covid-19 and the courts. Obviously, these are indeed these mechanisms at play, but, ultimately, Hashem is mamlich melochim and is the G-d of history. If we, as frum Jews, take a totally secular approach to world events, we are abandoning our raison d’être.

Election Fraud This is particularly relevant as we read about what appear to be substantive allegations of election fraud on every level: hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ballots discarded; election observers illegally barred from monitoring ballot counting; innumerable fraudulent ballots being filed; ballots sent in by people no longer residing in a state and even no longer alive; ballot numbers exceeding the number of eligible voters; and ballots being accepted with late postmarks or with no postmarks at all. If ,at the end of the day, lawsuits with these allegations are dismissed and Joe Biden is sworn in as president, such is the ratzon Hashem. Those who may have perpetrated lies and stolen the election will have to answer to the Ribono Shel Olam, but in the end, it is He Who determines the course of events.

(Please note that I voted for Donald Trump. I felt it was a no-brainer. Issues of national security, law and order, the economy/employment, energy, and of course Eretz Yisroel, religious values/religious freedom, and the simple need for hakoras hatov were clear as day. When liberals would counter, “Don’t personal example, middos tovos and integrity matter?” I would point to the 42nd president and his wife, whose countless acts of immorality and deception, and whose commission of nearly every crime in the book, made them more corrupt than the most heinous mafia kingpins, yet Democrats still revere this felonious couple, and those who criticize Trump for his demeanor and sense of ethics hypocritically support the corrupt 42nd president and his wife, whose commission of acts of moral turpitude is almost unchallenged in American political history. We vote for a commander-in-chief, not a mashgiach ruchani-in-chief, as nice an ideal as it might be, but one to which no candidate from any party can come close to aspiring. I thus do not write this article as someone who is pro-Democrat in the slightest, and I would love for Trump to succeed in his legal challenges to the election; such is proper hishtadlus. But we speak here of the broader perspective.)

Many contend that JFK stole the 1960 election and that Al Franken did the same thing in Minnesota in 2008, when he was elected to the US Senate. Perhaps so, and perhaps we will never know. While those who perpetrated corruption will ultimately be held accountable by the Aibishter for their crooked and evil actions, the end result of having these people elected was Hashem’s Will. But unfortunately, there are some members of acheinu Bnei Yisroel who otherwise come across as fine frum Yidden who are so preoccupied and obsessed with politics and current events that they no longer view things from a Torah perspective and naturally believe that major world occurrences are the result of political strategies, persuasive lobbying, good timing, partisan interests, clever scheming and cover-ups on the part of fraudsters, and perhaps “luck.” Oy meh hayah lonu that some “bnei Torah” and “heimishe Yidden” have unwittingly embraced such a belief system, not realizing how it undermines and totally contravenes hashkofas haTorah.

Yosef’s Perplexing Trip to Shechem- What better example do we have than the narrative of Yosef being sent by Yaakov Avinu to Shechem in search of Yosef’s brothers?

Yaakov and Yosef realized that dispatching Yosef by himself to a distant, isolated area in order to find his brothers and report back, in the context of their great animosity toward him, was quite risky, to put it mildly. Yosef could have replied to his father Yaakov, “I am happy to do what my father asks, but my father should please consider the danger into which I am being placed.” Yet, the Hashgocha decided otherwise, as Yaakov and Yosef, who were holy, clairvoyant and brilliant men, went full speed ahead into a mission of extreme doom, which from a practical perspective any ordinary person of far lesser intelligence would have naturally shunned. Yosef, the wise visionary, later understood and explained why things occurred as they did and how this intricately-planned web of events miraculously unfolded, leading to the yeshuah of Klal Yisroel and the future geulah, and that it was all of course from Hashem, from A to Z. Yosef is the rebbi for all future generations in teaching Hashgocha Protis.

This affirmation that Hashem is the G-d of history is what the Torah teaches and what we of course proudly espouse, but it appears to now be softly challenged, without even realizing it, by some Torah Jews who are steeped and submerged in politics and have been sucked in by the belief system of the secular political arena.

Professional Wrestling I recall that there were times when the referee was inexplicably distracted during a match, whereupon one wrestler would quickly take a cloth soaked in an unknown substance, show it gleefully to the audience, and apply it to his opponent’s face so as to anesthetize or seemingly kill him, such that the opponent would immediately collapse in the ring, at which point the referee would suddenly no longer be distracted, turn around, notice the fallen wrestler unable to rise and declare the wrestler who applied the illegal substance to the downed wrestler as the winner. This would happen all the time, as a wrestler, his coach or an unknown person in the audience would distract the referee for just enough time for another wrestler to render his opponent unconscious or bruise him bloodily by piercing him in the face with a steel bar “hidden” in his pants or by breaking a heavy object on his head, after which the referee would suddenly turn back around and award the offender with a victory, for the opponent assumedly lost in a fair fight, the end of which the referee conveniently happened to miss while distracted. (For some reason, paramedics were never called in, and the loser always got up and walked back to his locker room as he angrily mumbled, “Next time!”)

I remember how the fans were so incredibly frustrated, as the referee was oblivious to the obvious injustice that occurred moments ago. It happened every week, and each time, the winner “stole” the match by cheating. Or so it appeared.

The exasperated fans failed to realize that it was all orchestrated to occur that way. It was part of a master plan, carefully schemed and rehearsed to yield the desired result.

And so is it in life, lehavdil, that matters that might seem unjust to the average person and which determine major events in the global annals of humanity are in fact under the full and unmitigated control of Hashem. We must accept what happens and not be frustrated by the seeming injustices, as we view the picture from a Torah perspective of Hashgocha Protis and not from the perspective of ignorant and unrefined professional wrestling fans.

As the Ramban essentially explains, there are two levels to such situations: Hashem’s master plan for Klal Yisroel and the world is fulfilled, while those who chose to act wrongly will be punished by Hashem in the time to come. We need not and should not get upset, attributing that which happens to people’s corrupt actions, cheating and lies. They will be held accountable for sure, but the emes is that Hashem’s Hashgocha is at work, and it is often inscrutable and unable to be understood by the finite human mind.

Secular Chareidim I discussed the topic of political obsession and lack of inspiration on the part of some frum Jews with a family member last week and was told in response that this person’s rosh yeshiva blames the internet and social media for people going off the derech. I initially wondered how to interpret this, as the rosh yeshiva did not refer to people reading kefirah online or being exposed to inappropriate material, which of course can really damage a person’s ruchniyus. It then struck me that the rosh yeshiva was referring to the above phenomenon, in which people become infatuated with political or social endeavors, due to the ease of immersion therein through electronic media, and come to accept the values presented there, which they unknowingly absorb over time. Eventually, Torah commitment and belief become mere formalities that “get in the way” of what these people feel is really important. The result after a while might be a person who is off the derech totally, or might be the emergence of “secular chareidim” – people who look like bnei Torah and fully adhere to the Torah’s “rituals,” but whose belief system is thoroughly foreign to the Torah, as they attribute world events to political strategies, economics, media manipulation and perhaps “luck.”

Let us take a step back and realize that just like Yosef’s trip to Shechem might have seemed absurd from a secular perspective, but was in fact Hashgochas Hashem, so too is all that transpires the work of the G-d of history, and that the apparently unholy mechanisms at play are indeed geared to ultimately fulfill His Will.



  1. Lakewood takes front row "Mizrach" to secular yeshiva leit.
    They are all trained from early on in herd mentality of the פני העם bmg's אני ואפסי עוד
    Nothing else matters, only bmg's control of everyone's life, ר"ל

  2. Lakewood invented the Mass production of Restraining Orders and Arkous for Yeshivaleit and Bnei one Yungerman once observed that the Ocean County Courthouse in Tom's River looks like BMG first Seder with all the Frum Litigants And defendants

  3. Why did you vote ( for TRUMP or anyone else)?
    The RATZON HASHEM shall prevail even if you do not vote.
    By voting you are implying by definition that YOU - the big אני - makes a difference.
    Whatever you’ll answer on this you can just as well apply to all other voters.

  4. One is obligated to vote al pi Torah, Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Avigdor Miller, etc.
    That's "hish'tadlus".

    1. And hakoras hatov to this medina that gives us the freedoms that they do. (at least up until now)

  5. Mon Nov 16, 08:15:00 AM 2020

    There is absolutely no 'hishtadlus' to vote for president or congress in NJ, NY etc.
    The Ratzon Hashem is and was that it will always be Democratic.
    For local voting it may be hishtadlus. But ONLY if you say the "hishtadlus" leshaim Yichood" BEFORE you vote. Otherwise its pure "kochi V'otzem...."

  6. Mon Nov 16, 08:15:00 AM 2020

    No elected official look at the east coast states or the west coast states to see who voted what. Thus No Hakoras Hatov is involved.

  7. You don't comprehend the meaning of hish'tadlus, either because you aren't learning enough Mussar, or you R just a secular yeshiva man, r"l.

    1. Never thought that a “Mussarnick” can still be so soaked through and though with “Kochi v’otzem....”

  8. This is Obama under advice, trying to backpedal the ugly anti-Semitism that comprises his memoir's chapter on Bibi & AIPAC so that it doesn't hurt Biden. And it's sickening how the Obama-Biden team are trying to steal all the credit from Trump on the Abraham Accords, even calling it "normalization" instead of peace treaties. He ends off with a swipe at the Saudis because they repudiated his caving in to Iran, which is Obama's one failure that he is most sensitive & vindictive over any criticism whatsoever:

    Barack Obama called Bibi Netanyahu a “fascinating character” in an interview published today, saying he included extensive context on Israel & Bibi in his memoir to make readers understand the deep differences in worldview between he & Bibi.

    In a lengthy interview with The Atlantic chief Jeffrey Goldberg, Obama spoke primarily of US politics & the 1st years of his presidency — as in “The Promised Land” released tomorrow.

    Most foreign policy issues in Obama's presidency are reserved for a future follow-up. But the interview briefly touched on sections of the book focusing on Israel, Bibi & Putin.

    Goldberg asked about the way Obama wrote of Bibi & “others you don’t like”

    “You calibrated writing on Bibi, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, others & did so much extra contextualizing”

    “It’s no secret Bibi & I don't share views,” Obama said. “Same with McConnell. But Bibi's fascinating, same way Putin's a fascinating character. You can’t understand them, Russia or Israel, without looking at the history from which they rose, shaped them. Providing that context isn't me engaging in political calculation. I want the reader not to simply say this guy & Obama are antagonists, and since I’m reading Obama’s book I’m siding with him & the other guy must be a complete jerk. I want you to read it & say, I understand Israelis, given the world they're in, history they've experienced, threats surrounding them, turn to a figure of strength of a particular kind & why it clashes with Obama. My hope is there's a young Israeli politician reading my book who sees me pay attention to this context”

    Putin is widely believed to strongly dislike Obama, even naming an obnoxious black goat in Russia's National Zoo after Obama. Obama's platitudes to Putin may be a clever distraction for his own benefit.

    Obama reveals in a 2009 meeting with then Saudi king Abdullah, he pushed Riyadh & the Arab League to “consider a gesture to Israel to jump-start talks with Palestinians,” but got “noncommittal” response.

    Recently, Obama aides in Biden's campaign insist while normalization agreements brokered by Trump are positive, the groundwork was laid before Trump, including by Obama.
