Monday, November 16, 2020

Kosher meat war of 1902

The great kosher meat war of 1902 is the wildest protest you’ve never heard of

By Reed Tucker-November 16, 2020 | 4:38pm

Crowds gather in front of a butcher shop in the early 1900s. The organizers expected just 50 people. But on May 15, 1902, nearly 500 women packed into the meeting hall at 88 Monroe St. on the Lower East Side, with more gathered outside.

“New York never saw such a huge gathering of Jewish women,” one of the local newspapers proclaimed.

And the women were angry. The ladies took turns addressing the crowd, but it was Fanny Levy, a 35-year-old mother of six, who had the line of the evening. Lamenting the lack of results that efforts from others had brought, Levy exhorted the crowd, “This is their strike? Let the women make a strike; then there will be a strike!”

For an early example of activism and the power of women in New York City, look no further than the kosher meat strike of 1902 — a mostly forgotten incident that tore the Lower East Side apart. “This is an early example of consumer activism,” says Scott D. Seligman, author of the new book, “The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902: Immigrant Housewives and the Riots That Shook New York City” (Potomac Books).

The trouble began when the price of kosher beef shot up some 50 percent in just a few months. “At 18 cents a pound — $5.25 in today’s dollars — kosher beef was now beyond the reach of families that had to pinch pennies to make ends meet,” the author writes.

The Lower East Side’s massive Jewish community was understandably upset and felt the price hike was due to more nefarious forces than just simple supply and demand. They weren’t wrong. “There was no question the price was being manipulated,” Seligman said.

‘We must take a hand in this meat fight’

Inside a kosher butcher shop in New York City.

By the turn of the century, most New Yorkers were getting their meat from Chicago slaughterhouses. Cattle were raised in Midwestern fields, killed in industrial mills, then the carcasses were shipped east on refrigerated rail cars.

Kosher beef, however, had numerous restrictions — most crucially that it had to be soaked in salt water no more than 72 hours after the animal had been killed.

The prohibition meant that kosher beef had to be trucked in from the Midwest alive and butchered in one of New York’s fast-disappearing abattoirs. The extra steps made kosher meat more expensive than nonkosher meat.

The meat was then distributed by a wholesaler to the numerous Jewish butcher shops that dotted the Lower East Side. “[Jewish women] bought meat frequently and in small quantities; economies of scale from larger purchases were out of reach for most, not only because of a shortage of cash, but also a lack of iceboxes,” Seligman writes.

From a supply perspective, the problem was that nearly the entire American beef business at the time was controlled by just four firms. “It is alleged that these firms have an agreement, which makes it possible for them to boost the price of fresh meats whenever they want to,” the New York Sun wrote at the time.

The so-called beef trust was engaging in price fixing, leading to the spike in prices.

At first, the butchers (most of whom were only making about $10 a week) tried to boycott the wholesaler in hopes of forcing a price reduction. But their action was sporadic, with some shops remaining open.

Ultimately, that boycott failed to bring results.

That’s when the women got involved. “These were middle-aged, Orthodox, not terribly educated, immigrant women who had not been in the US for so long,” Seligman said. “They were living in tenements on the Lower East Side. Most didn’t work outside the home.” They quickly banded together, coming up with a plan for action.

“The time has arrived when we must take a hand in this meat fight,” a Yiddish flyer printed at the time read. “With our money, the butchers buy diamonds and wear diamonds . . . Now, what shall we say, dear sisters, when they give us stone and bone and charge us 5 cents more?”

The group agreed to station five women on each block containing a kosher butcher shop to “dissuade customers from patronizing them.” After that Monroe Street meeting, the women were out in the streets, some 3,000 strong.

“These immigrant women, who can barely muster English taking to the streets, that got me interested,” the author writes. “My grandmother and great-grandmother were living on Orchard Street, and I like to believe they were involved.” It didn’t take long for trouble to kick off.

Windows smashed, protesters beaten

A group of Lower East Side women talk with a potential buyer outside a butcher shop.

On Cherry Street, a butcher named Jacob Kalinsky sold a piece of chuck steak to a customer. The women watching his shop pounced on the customer when she emerged from the shop, grabbing the meat and tossing it into the gutter.

They then burst into the shop and began destroying the butcher’s stock.

The police soon arrived and arrested 11 women. As they carted them off, a group of more Jewish women assembled, who pelted the officers with meat. “One woman, a nursing baby in her arms, flung a plate at a policeman, knocking the helmet off his head,” Seligman writes.

Windows of butcher shops were smashed, and protesters beaten.

The next morning the neighborhood “looked as though it had been bombed.” But the women returned the streets, some carrying sticks and “well-sharpened nails.”

On Saturday, the demonstrators made the rounds of the synagogues in the neighborhood, trying to enlist more to their cause.

Some received them warmly. Others dismissed them. One rabbi insisted the women were ignorant and not competent to manage a boycott. East River slaughterhouses in the early 1900s. Over the next several days, the boycott dragged on.

“It will be a question of endurance between us,” one of the women, Caroline Schatzberg, said at the time. “If the retailers can afford to pay rent and do no business, I guess we can afford to do without meat. Fish and vegetables are pretty good food at this time of year, and we can stand it as long as they can.”

The sporadic violence continued as well, and the boycotters found other creative ways to dissuade customers from patronizing butcher shops.

“The women went from shop to shop and asked at each one to examine the various grades of beef offered for sale,” the author writes. “After it was brought out of the ice box, they would handle it as much as possible and expose it to air in an effort to spoil its fresh appearance . . . They left each store without making any purchases.”

Change was on the way

A cartoon by Charles L. Bartholomew, circa 1902, depicts President Theodore Roosevelt holding a gun while a cow labeled “beef trust” sits on the moon reading a newspaper.

By the end of May, the boycott won a huge victory when the Butchers’ Association agreed to join the cause, saying that they were “ready to close their stores and align themselves with the people to oppose the [beef producers].”

The women also took matters into their own hands. They raised money within the community and opened a cooperative butcher shop. The store, located at 245 Stanton St., was run by a woman named Sarah Cohn.

On its opening day, the store was mobbed.

“Housewives with their baskets stood in line a block away,” the New-York Tribune wrote at the time. “Men left their work and waited for hours to get the first meet the family had tasted for weeks. People rose before daylight to be the first at the door.”

Ultimately, the price of kosher meat in all local butcher shops fell to affordable levels, a reduction driven in part by the federal government’s investigation of the meat industry’s price fixing.

But the marginalized people of New York had learned an important lesson, according to Seligman: “They no longer needed any coaxing or convincing that they had the ability to change their situation. “Bustling Lower East Side markets are visited by patrons.




    This idyot Conservative "rabbi" author is father of 5WPR's Juda Engelmayer who was caught violating Federal laws impersonating & mocking critics of his client Rubashkin. Juda's father sent him to YU but he continues to speak apikorsis due to his upbringing. The OU doesn't care that he's a koifer who was badmouthing R' Dovid Feinstein all over the Lower East Side for personal gain. The OU also used Juda to drown out the whistleblower mashgiach who caught the treif at Le Marais. What an OU line up that was alongside the goyim to take down the mashgiach, with their fangs & claws out: Belsky, Juda Engelmayer, Philly yeshiva boy Luban, Steve Savitsky, Quack Quack Genack, Dov Schreier, Avraham Keller. Even the Kirschenbaums who own Levana joined the OU slaughter so that the OU would help them cover up Levana's own multiple treif scandals.

  2. I found old announcements placed in newspapers & decree wall posters from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

    Government officials ordered houses of worship closed for pikuach nefesh.

    The Agudas Harabbonim who were all talmidei Volozhin, Slabodka, Kovner Kollel, Mir deLita, etc, did not make one peep of protest, nor did they start publicly hurling insults at powerful figures in golus, like the Agudah (behaving like Baboons) are doing 102 years later under Philly's spell.

  3. The truck driver forgot to add Moshe Elefant to that list of gangsters.

    Once when the late Yosef Grossman at the OU felt compelled to defend Kirschenbaum, he grimaced to force the words out of his mouth that Mr. Kirschenbaum is a "scrupulous Lubavitcher". When he was confronted with various kashrus scandals Kirschenbaum & wife Levana were caught red handed in, he slightly backtracked but still insisted now that they are under pros like us instead of Chof K, there is no problem.

    Oy vavoy!

    But at least that "scrupulous Lubavitcher" deadpan got major mileage in laughs. When it was told over to a sharfeh Rosh Kollel, he smirked & said "scrupulous Lubavitcher" is an "oxymoron".

  4. Your 'takeh' a Truck driver.
    A filthy Truck driver. Worse then a 'baal ah'gooleh'.

  5. Almost as ‘Shein’ as the world class ‘Sheineh Yeed’ known as the sick dude from the Wild West - ‘Kronky Watcher’.

  6. Nov 17, 2:16 pm is the OU mashgiach in KG so avadda he is upset that not only the OU alein is being exposed but also because Dovy Schreier is a double dipping Queens Vaad member.

  7. B"H the Wild west "sheineh yeed" has proudly named himself: Kuckoo Gardens.
    Not sure about the garden part but the 'Kookoo' part iz zicheh EMES.

  8. How low can they get?

    Schloss & Jr are either doing it directly or are gorem the mishpochos with anti-vaxx type netiyos to send their kids to the cheder & girls buildings when the kids are actually sick with covid but well enough to just barely pay attention (as long as they don't have high fever & loud coughing)

    It would be no surprise al kol ponim if Schloss is demanding this in his slimy emails & phone conversations. But even if he didn't go azoy veit, what do you expect some mishpochos to do when they see he's already breaking every other law in the book? Improperly short quarantining if at all, no doctor visit, etc

    Cut out the baloney already of "in consultation with the Rosh Yeshiva shlita"

    Confess all the things you hide from Rav Stern or ignore him on!

  9. The trucker is getting slammed by someone who can't handle the truth. If anything the trucker went easy on Engelmayer who admitted in a newspaper piece that he doesn't believe in what going to shul is about but takes his kids to give them a sense of tradition.

    Engelmayer publicly being mevazeh R' Dovid Feinstein for years is because he had dreams of getting rich off Lower East Side real estate & gesheften which he believed was only possible if a large frumma oylam moves back in, which he believed was only possible if R' Dovid was mevatel his father's issur on the eruv. So the grubba & greedy am haaretz nagged R' Dovid which R' Dovid of course refused, thus angering Engelmayer.

    When Engelmayer bought the legendary bialy bakery here, an askan made a tummel to Hisachdus that it's a bizayon to them to certify a shvantz & apikoires like Engelmayer. It took a while but Satmar finally parted ways. He must have been a prompt payer until that point!

    The impersonations & attacks on Rubashkin critics could have sent Engelmayer to Federal prison for years. He had mazal that the victims were willing to drop charges if he apologized. So after he initially lied when caught & Open Orthodox Ronn Torossian from Avi Weiss's temple covered up for him, he wrote a half baked apology that was released to the media 5 pm erev Shabbos of a major holiday weekend so that no one notices it.

    The OU can never get enough of all the slimy people they associate with. It was a disgrace when Engelmayer was standing together with the Le Marais anti-Semites at press conference to smear the kashrus mashgiach who told the truth.

    Engelmayer is currently official spokesman of super menuvol Harvey Weinstein, shem reshoyim yirkav. Weinstein who is currently locked up by NY State DOC & has police depts in diffferent States & foreign countries waiting their turn to arrest him too, had been a nebichdik bochur growing up in Kew Gardens Hills who couldn't get shidduchim. When he went in gantzen off the derech in Hollywood, he used his power to be me'aness 100s of mostly shiksos. Again, what a fit for the OU!

  10. "Not sure about the garden part" says the OU mashgiach who is either outright lying or needs to pinch himself to realize once again he lives in Kew Gardens.

    That's interressant about Harvey. I wonder if he was ever a Queens Vaad mashgiach?

    There are two other infamous menuvolim from Kew Gardens Hills who ended up totally OTD in Hollywood: Bob Dylan & Lou Pearlman who was niftar in prison.

  11. Wed Nov 18, 10:28:00 PM 2020

    Noch AH Chelemeh arrives at Passaic.
    It was just fine until you arrived.
    If you don't like the going-ons there go back to where you came from - CHELEM.

  12. menuvolim from Kew Gardens Hills who ended up totally OTD

    Forgot to mention the third.....Himself.

  13. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSat Nov 21, 06:33:00 PM 2020

    In other words the mashgiach is attacking a Passaic "Chelmer", only because the mashgiach poshut cannot live without trying to undermine absolutely any criticism on this blog against anything, especially if the criticized item is backed by Agudath Anti-Vaxx of America. This extends to the mashgiach protecting even yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs under Agudah spell who have morphed into rotzchim trying to infect as many people as possible.

    The mashgiach no doubt expects to be rewarded for his cellphone keyboard terrorism. A Philly contingent can come up to West Side Kosher in the Bronx to pin a medal of "honor" on him. And the next time the mashgiach's brother makes an eating centered event in Far Rockaway on behalf of Agudah, they can save the mashgiach a minimum 3" extra cut of Roumanian pastrami (extra shmaltz marbling preferred) & an extra supersized shtick Viener crunch.

  14. Whew.
    Only a “grobeh fresser” would know about extra cuts of “ahzah Flemish mit much ah fleish”.
    Keep your fress dreams going while “cursing out” all posskim, roshay yeshivas, Rebbeh and other Talmiday chachomim because your grobeh bahleh batisheh kup can digest other halachic opinions.
    Cant expect anything better mit a kup Arein gehtohn in “haleetainee”.

  15. Mir Hobben Du a ComedianSun Nov 22, 09:44:00 AM 2020

    Grobeh baal habatim who Fress betachlis haFressing & don't listen to gedolim - last night 8 pm has got the upteitch of heintig Agudah to a tee!

    Bifrat in Passaic they were led by a Philly boy to lynch a shul rov with fake excuses just because they didn't view him as 'yeshivish' enough. The din Torah was by the national Agudah beis din. When AB"D R' Yisroel Reisman issued the psak that the rov cannot be removed because he did nothing wrong, the Agudah lynch mob didn't like the psak so they kept trying to get rid of the rov af al pi kain.

    It's not just the baal habatim either. Philly boy's gurus have taken the place over with their deadly krumkeiten. See Rav Sternbuch's 3 page teshuva how their anti-vaxx lunacy is assur d'Orayseh for 3 sibos; pikuach nefesh, chilul Hashem & misgareh b'Umos.

    Never mind purposely spreading the coronavirus which kamma gedolim properly call them out as murderers!

  16. Who is the godol here Rabbi Reisman or Rabbi Shternbuch? Or are they BOTH gedolim (Chas Vesholom!!!!)
    Who fits better into your Loshon Horah/Motzee Shem Rah/Recheelus agendeh???
    And which of your kids are OTD (due to your tzidkus) that you must blame on Passaic? Or are there more then one? Does your fressing count as fressing or only those who are on your LH/MSH/R agenda considered fressers but all others are OK?
    Who is on your "Kamma gedolim" committee ??

  17. Mon 2:01 pm macht a cholent fun Sun 9:44 am because Mon 2:01 pm farshteit nisht an inyan & ken nisht afilu leinen.

    Sun 9:44 started making choyzek of a fanatical Agudah defender.

    Then er tzaychent tzu an alter Passaic mayseh where a Philly hothead led an Agudanik lynch mob to get rid of a shul rov altz some fake excuses but the real reason was because his semicha was from YU. The point is when Agudath of America's own beis din issued their psak through Rav Reisman, the Agudah baal habatish fakers ignored their own org's beis din.

    Heyos that brought Philly into the picture, it was relevant to mention Rav Sternbuch's teshuva telling R' Malkiel to ignore Philly's anti-vaxxer garbage.

    And now that Philly has merged anti-vaccine with pro-covid infection, there is a tzoirech to point out many gedolim protest the Philly-instigated Agudah shita to spread the virus as redifus mamash. Even R' Chaim Kanievsky called them roidfim at one point when R' Gershon Edelstein managed to sneak into the dira during a lapse from the Agudah having grandson Yanky restrict any gedolim or doctors telling R' Chaim the truth.

    R' Dov Landau wrote that his rebbi the Chazon Ish holds the Philly-Agudah shita is redifus.

    Also R' Moshe Hillel Hirsch, talmid of R' Aron Kotler.

    Also R' Ezriel Auerbach, daas of the tatten RSZA.

    Also Brisk, the daas of the Rov ztl.

    Just watch the Agudah maniacs however continue to ignore or even bash the real gedolim. This is mamash pikuach nefesh so stick your false cries that exposing Agudah is "loshon hureh" in your pastrami sandwich before you gulp it Esav style.

    The Agudah have lost their minds, like with their latest filing at the US Supreme Court attacking Cuomo that he's an "anti-Semite". So get a clue vert get a brain.

  18. Surprised you stopped at the Chazon Ish's 'kelompeh' what he "holds".
    It would be more believable if you say the Gr'a 'holds" like you. Maybe throw in the Chasam Sofer and/or the Gra'z (quoted on every page by your favorite the Chofetz Chayim.
    If can the Ball Shem a free pass to your "kamma gedolim" club you can even snag some or all the Chasidim. Last but not least the "Rosh HaKamma Gedolim" club, deh groiseh poipe mendelovitch can keep pushing your agenda by just mouthing that the zaideh 'hur oich azoi gezoogt'.

  19. It's the same "nice guy" OU mashgiach screaming for years that all his perceived enemies whom he never met like R' Yudel Shain are "WORSE THAN HITLER!".

    His latest shtick is whenever someone has a tayna on any yeshiva, no matter how justified, he starts falsely accusing the critic of sour grapes altz his kids went "OTD". And if the critic has a sharfeh comeback, the mashgiach shows even more of his miserable self by veiter falsely whining that the critic parent followed his kids OTD.

    The mashgiach has wasted many years of his life hurling all kinds of low, ugly language at many he doesn't like. All of that is just fine in his warped mind but should you dare make one comment at the expense of his sacred cows like Agudah, you're a baal lushen huroh, motzee shem ru, blah blah blah

    The mashgiach is soooo predictable! Someone a few weeks ago - it was the mashgiach - mocked Bobov 45 for being in the virus spreader machaneh, that Admor Rubin's particular reason he shtochs is being desperate to show up 48 that he has a big oylam by Tish. The mashgiach is very eager to be mechanef the Rebbelah who bankrolls him at the fake kollel. That Rebbelah can't stand 45.

  20. There is no such animal as “a ray a on any Yeshivah”
    In the frum world (excluding Pope Paulie who is not to be considered part of the frum world nor his shifted the Raiderette) Yeshivah are sacred. No matter who, or why or how...
    Obviously our Paulie Chosid shows his true color every now and then when he not busy with his infamous LH/MSR/R project.

  21. Tue Nov 24, 12:39:00 PM

    What a horrible comment how he slights the Mesorah of these living gedolim saying over from their rebbeyim. The horrible mechaber is being mevazeh these gedolim, which vaisst men doch what halacha is applicable.

    Be careful before you mock one of the last living talmidei Chazon Ish as a klompeh, which is someone who plods around in wooden shoes. In the 1990s, a grobbeh baal habos made a disrespectful remark to an adam gadol nogaya his foot. In short order the baal habos was in an accident where he lost his entire leg.

  22. "Yeshivah are sacred. No matter who, or why or how"


    Once again the OU mashgiach from KG strikes out in his futile worship of the Agudah goldeneh calf.

    Chazal said before Moshiach many yeshivos will be run by or infiltrated by Erev Ravniks (as brought by the Gr"a, the Toldos Yaakov Yosef & R' Chaim Sanzer)

    R' Chaim Brisker said in a few doros from him the Agudah will be run by daas sekretaren, not daas Torah - this is the biggest raw nerve on the OU mashgiach, which is why he fights to delegitimatize Brisk in addition to "Paulie" (He's also jealous he couldn't get into Brisk. One thing R' AY hates is when someone's father is rich off stolen money, but it's not like the mashgiach was the type of bochur who would be a good fit for the yeshiva af al pi kain)

    R' Yaakov Kaminetzky said in the 1970s, a yeshiva vos iz geboit oif sheker & genayvos vet nisht hobben a kiyum.

  23. FYI:
    You hear the Rosh hoeiruv Rav club all day here.
    By throwing around names such as Briskeh Rov, gra, and your favorite rebbes does not legitimize your airuv Rav mentality.
    Your and your giro from the western frontier are just about finishing off the aigel hazahav.
    Of course comes together with some good fressing of all kinds of cuts of fleish - hope it’s somewhat kosher. Along with nisht fagining another religious Jew from a seudas mitzvah.
    Oh. We forgot the non religious and/or anon a Torah Jewish heart you have. Yeh those yesomimlach.....

  24. "good fressing of all kinds of cuts of fleish"

    Yener OU mashgiach never ever admits when he's wrong. When all else fails, he bashes "Paulie" as a hyper-reflex distraction.

    The mashgiach also seldom has the correct information when going to battle. R' Shraga Feivel ztl stopped eating fleish in 1945 for a reason al pi Sod.

    The aynekel did not fir zich like the zeyde because he is not on that madraiga. But he hardly ever eats fleish anyway because he does not trust the shechitos on the West Coast.

    And here's something that will really push the mashgiach's buttons to explode: "Paulie" once wrote on his blog that R' Yudel Shain is right, the Los Angeles hashgochos are bichlal very shvach.

  25. The zeidah must of taught him about Cheerleading very well and blessed him to get one as his shitef.
    The zeideh must of taught him all about Vegan and how animals are above humans.
    The Zeideh must of taught him how not to trust anyone including today’s gedolim and Poskim.
    The zaideh must of taught him some unpublished pages in the Chafetz Chayim.
    The Zeideh was zoiche to a Eisav einikel that does not the Zeideh rest ever.

  26. The OU mashgiach keeps digging a bigger hole for himself

    Cheerleading - there is an issur to remind gerim of their former life on top of the 46 issurei Torah for each word uttered or kneitch to bother them. Rabbeinu Bachya & the Rambam in the teshuvos say HKBH takes care of those bothering gerim himself, not al ydei malach. There are sick people like you who also mocked the Rebbitzen of R' Amram Blau

    Vegan - for someone who is quick to call every other Yid an "apikoiress", you were just mevazeh R' Shraga Feivel ztl befarhesya, lying about his hanhogos to smear him. But we know how much you must hate vegans as they would put West Side Kosher out of business

    Poskim-Gedolim - "Paulie" listens to the real gedolim who your hypocrite buddies at Agudah claim to but ignore their every word

    Chofetz Chaim - where are the pages takka you are somech on when YOU spent years bashmutzing several dozen rabbonim & askonim you don't like?

    Esav - Esav was a grubbah goniv who stole to celebrate his bar mitzva day - why don't you do teshuva from stealing by returning the gelt you were neheneh from that your father was convicted of embezzling?

  27. Who is a ger?
    Who is a Vegen?
    Who are the real Gedolim who Paulie had wonderful words to say about that no one can halachacily quote for its outrageous attitude about them.
    His infamous “kind” words about the Ari, Reb Eliyashv,Reb Elchonon, the Gerrer Rebbe, the Zohar, Rav Sheinberg, the Baal Shem were so “kind” they can not even be quoted as a reference to his Apikoorsous.
    The fact the the Zaideh has no rest at all Is a direct result of Paulie’s “ listening” to all those REAL gedolim and kranke Worshippers such as you and your cronies.
    Anything you quote here that has to do with the Orthodox Torah is Saam hamoves for you and the world.
    Get back into your shell together with Paulie and go to a makom shein makeerin and do whatever your heart desires.

  28. Seems like Reb Y Shlit'a has issues printing, citing or refering to original sources for many of the "kind" issues to determine some truth. Just some - not all.
    If he follows Reb Miller then he either did not vote or voted non-democratic. So why is the "democratic" sham and scam continuing on this site??

  29. Gibberish of an OU mashgiachTue Dec 01, 12:24:00 PM 2020

    Zaideh, Paulie, Rav Elyashev, Apikoorsous, Worshippers, Cronies, Saam

    As usual the OU mashgiach stationed in Queens makes no sense!

    unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.

    "he talks gibberish"

  30. Nebahch.
    Deh Kranke seems to be getting worse R"L.
    Ehr farshteit veiter nisht.....


    Whistleblowers: Postal Service labeled Trump mail ‘Undeliverable,’ 388,000 ballots backdated, ‘disappear’

    by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
    Dec 01, 2020

    Several whistleblowers today cast new uncertainty on the 2020 election process, claiming up to 288,000 ballots disappeared, another 100,000 improperly backdated & mail promoting President Trump junked while mail for Joe Biden was delivered.

    In the most extraordinary report, a US Postal Service contractor said his trailer full of 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots, which he drove between New York & Pennsylvania, disappeared after he delivered it to a Lancaster, PA, depot.

    Another claimed ballots were backdated by postal workers & in Traverse City, MI, Trump campaign mail was put in bins labeled “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” while the same type of mail for Joe Biden was ordered delivered on time.

    A 3rd raised new issues about the integrity of Dominion voting machines.

    The claims were unveiled by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which mounted an independent investigation of voting & registration in several key battleground states. It recently made headlines revealing the FBI requested findings of its Voter Integrity Project.

    The project uncovered flaws & fraud in ballots + voter registration of several states that certified counts in favor of Biden.

    In today’s release at a press conference, the group said whistleblowers found election officials in Democratic areas manipulated ballots & campaign mail, potentially influencing the outcome.

    “The whistleblower accounts detail failure of officials in blue jurisdictions to maintain ballot chain of custody, allowing for infusion of fraudulent ballots. The accounts include photos of individuals improperly accessing voting machines & a detailed eyewitness account of breaking sealed boxes of ballot jump drives & commingling those jump drives with others,” said the outfit.

    It adds, “The accounts also reveal multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least 3 of 6 swing states. Details include 100,000s completed absentee ballots transported across 3 state lines & a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.”

    Previewing the whistleblower accounts, the Amistad Project said:

    Postal subcontractor Jesse Morgan on Oct. 21 moved 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where his trailer holding the ballots disappears.

    Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease is told by 2 postal workers on 2 occasions that USPS in Wisconsin was gathering 100,000+ ballots on the morning of Nov. 4 to backdate ballots so the ballots would be counted even if they arrive after the statutory deadline.

    Computer expert Gregory Stenstrom of Pennsylvania witnessed a vendor of Dominion machines & local election officials download & update counting machines in violation of election protocol & comingling machine jump drives in violation of protocols & rendering audits impossible without direct forensic access to the machines.

    Postal workers in Traverse City, MI; Coraopolis, PA; Erie, PA & Elkins Park, PA, indicate widespread malfeasance in the Postal Service including backdating ballots, ordering Trump mail be interdicted to be placed in ‘Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail’ bin & emphasizing Biden mail be delivered on time.
