Thursday, December 24, 2020

Covid info, do not confuse with the vaccines

This article is one of PIKUACH NEFESH.  Please take it very seriously and forward the content to anyone who is COVID positive and has a risk factor.

As many people know, I had recently been hospitalized with COVID.   There are ways to seriously minimize the effects of COVID – which many people are unaware of.  When I was in the height of it, I tried to get Monoclonal Antibodies – but it was not available. An organization got me into Mt. Sinai, and  I was given plasma antibodies, and that, in combination with steroids, antiviral Resvedevir and anticoagulants helped me significantly.

Monoclonal Antibodies, however, are even better than plasma antibodies – reducing hospitalization rates up to 70% according to the latest studies.   

People who test positive must let their physician know early on, and not allow themselves to be treated at home with oxygen etc. without physician supervision. Once someone is on O2, they will not qualify for monoclonal anymore.  There are protocols in numerous hospitals that allow physician to get their patients treated as outpatients.

There is an organization called CPI (call 828 4 PLASMA) which can help patients get into to the following six places that offer this treatment. [There are more of course]. This organization got me into treatment at Mt. Sinai.  Their email is: and the website is –

  1. Sinai (NYC)
  2. Maimonides (Brooklyn)
  3. Northwell (SI and LI)
  4. Good Samaritan (Rockland)
  5. Monmouth Medical Center South Campus (Lakewood, NJ)
  6. Hackensack Meridian Health (NJ)

Not enough people know about it.   Tell anyone you know.  It was originally approved by the FDA in November.  The first one was made by Eli Lilly and called, “Bamlanivimab.”   received an emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration in early November. Less than two weeks later, the agency granted an EUA to Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail, made up of two monoclonal antibodies, Casirivimab and Imdevimab, and called REGEN-COV2.

This second one was the one given to President Trump.  It worked fabulously.

The fact is that according to the FDA, monoclonal antibodies should be given as soon as possible after symptoms emerge.

So as soon as you test positive call that number.  They will prioritize high risk people who are a] 65 or older, or b] BMI of 35 or more or c] underlying health conditions.


The author can be reached at


  1. If you thought Maimonides BP was badThu Dec 24, 12:58:00 PM 2020

    Hackensack is notorious for having a "clueless" billing department. Clueless in quotation marks because they act SO stupid that it's hard to believe they're not doing it on purpose to cover up their fleecing of you.

    They don't acknowledge payments or previous conversations you've had with them, pretend like none of it existed. You spend 100 hours with them until they finally tell you the bill is "settled". Then a year to two later you find out they put you in collection anyway with a notoriously shady & aggressive collection agent in California. One victim had this process repeated on him FIVE TIMES for the same fake delinquency, once a year for 5 years. When they ambush you 2 years later, they hope you no longer have a paper trail to disprove their lies. The California agent off the bat inflates the original amount up to 6 times without any indication what specific bill you supposedly didn't pay & will keep adding to it as he goes to court trying to get a default judgement to seize your bank account & garnish your wages. The agent himself is known to later pretend you never paid him either to come after you again.

    All this is probably the cousin of another scam that Congress is trying to eliminate as part of the Stimulus Bill. One out of every 5 hospital patients is now sent bogus bills by doctors working in hospitals who refuse to cooperate with insurance, often with no prior warning. The amounts start at minimum $500 & go up to the sky. There are $75,000 bills that have bankrupted families. This scam is 10% driven by greedy doctors who leverage their prestige to threaten hospitals they won't affiliate with them unless they can extra-bill. The other 90% is engineered by Wall St piranhas who figured out there is big money in shaking down unsuspecting hospital patients. So they are buying percentages of hospitals or hospitals outright to milk the public with extra-billing doctors who are fronts for them. If this Stimulus Bill passes, all extra-billing through hospitals - when bypassing insurance - becomes a Federal offense. Not clear what happens to Hackensack who only pretend they weren't paid by insurance. One Hackensack victim says he went there for a COVID test. They told him they ran out of test kits, did nothing for him, but still billed him more than $1000 outside the confines of insurance.

    Valley Hospital in NJ are oyberchochomim. They ask you to sign a waiver before any operation or procedure they you are maskim to get fleeced by any amount beyond insurance. If you refuse they tell you to go home, they're not servicing you even if you are dying of a machala. So people started editing the contract. Valley then made it (almost) impossible to make edits with a new electronic signature screen. A Brisker guy figured out a way to make an edit on the device which shocked them. He was mossif "signed under duress". The hospital panicked & brought their in house lawyer into the operating ward. After huddling they decided to kick the yungerman out, no operation for him, unless he signs a new contract with no edits. The yungerman saw they meant business & wanted his operation so he was maskim even though it would be very expensive. Then the lawyer had a vindictive einfall & said you know what? I'm not letting him get operated on after his 24 hour harrowing prep to teach him a lesson! When the surgeon was moyche & hinted they are breaking laws & ethical rules, the shark lawyer came up with a bogus excuse.

    Valley is also the only hospital I've ever heard of who were sued by major insurance carriers for refusing to accept their plans unless they majorly upped the payments.

  2. Reb yudel, the confusion stems from the fact that there is a lot of money in plasma collection and donations. As some mosdos are more interested in $$$$ than saving lives they flooded the public with ads and plasma drives.The detriment is that the noise drowned out the benefits of Monoclonal Antibodies. If one wants to assist the Rabim they would place ads specifically about Monoclonal Antibodies.



    part 2

  5. Real Gedolim vs PhillySun Dec 27, 09:10:00 PM 2020


    HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein shlita publicized a psak din last week on being vaccinated vs coronavirus.

    HaRav Zilberstein wrote the p’sak after meeting with Prof. Ron Balicer, of the Israel Health Ministry advisory team on COVID & other experts, on the effectiveness & safety of the vaccine.

    Rav Zilberstein wrote since we don’t have a Beis Din who are oisek in refuah, the Aruch HaShulchan poskens that during these times we must rely on doctors approved by the govt to practice medicine.

    The Rav continued that according to Mishlei 21:1 “Lev Melachim vSarim b’Yad Hashem” [Hashem controls the hearts of world leaders], since we see Hakodosh Baruch Hu instilled in the hearts of many kings & ministers’ to be willing to be the 1st vaccinated, it's is a sign the benefit of the vaccine outweighs the risk.”

    “Therefore, these vaccines are as if they have approval of Beis Din, ergo we must be vaccinated - as if Beis Din says to be vaccinated.”

    “There are those who claim risk of the virus is not high so it doesn’t justify great risk to be vaccinated. These claims can be answered that to evaluate high risk, it’s not enough to only count fatalities but one must also count the number of patients who were dangerously ill & recovered.”

    “As explained in הגהות מיימוניות re eating on Yom Kippur, there’s no need to worry someone may die from it but if someone's at risk from not eating, we give him food. As written in Shulchan Aruch when a choleh needs to eat, if an expert doctor, even not Jewish, says if he doesn’t eat he'll be at risk, we give him food & there’s no need to say he might die.”

    “Therefore since in the world there are millions who became sick & were at risk of becoming seriously ill, even if they eventually healed, the virus is considered an illness that endangered millions, so it’s clear even if the vaccine has risk, it's like any medication that has risk.”

    “It’s definite the risk of the vaccine isn't great, unlike risk of the virus itself. Because if the vaccine's dangerous, govts wouldn’t allow it – ‘to exchange a cow for a donkey’ [to incur loss], but encourage vaccines based on fact that risk of vaccination is much more minimal than the virus.”

    “Then being vaccinated is included in what the Torah says ‘רפא ירפא’ that a choleh should take medication for illness despite that medication has risk.”

  6. There are many many poskim who outright dis agree with Rav Zilberstein and the fact that he used “Gov’t Approved” doctors did not help him look who are the govt approved doctors in the USA kal box homer to the Israeli approved doctors.

  7. "many many poskim"

    Philly & Peleg have many many talmidim!

  8. The GROISHE rebbe has COVID.
    Zoog Tillim phar יקותיאל יהודה בן פסל לאה.
    You too should say some tollim or something else you got in your pocket, Reb Yudel.

  9. Tue Dec 29, 01:46:00 PM 2020

    The many many Peleg bums just shut down BB and disn't let people go learn, daven, go to earn a living (Avoideh Zara in the Peleg books), let alone the blocking of medical personal, Hatzalah and ambulances.

    This is all the same books that Paulie studies daily and has finished many many times. For the siyums he has some cheer.... entertaining.
