Thursday, December 24, 2020

Who is Yechiel Kalish, the new CEO of Hatzalah of New York-and they aren't even ashamed of themselves, for taking him

A Liberal life-style Advocate- all of the Shmutz is a go.


  1. This picture could win a Pulitzer prize for exposing how shallow the Agudah kuved zuchers are.

    At a jam packed event where Yehiel Kalish spoke, an Agudah wannabe type ran up to shake his hand. But his posture gave away his true kavonnos: the kuved zucher turned his head & body around backward because he wanted to know how many in the crowd were watching him give shkoyach to Kalish!

  2. Kalish is attracted to gelt like a moth is attracted to a light bulb.

    He purchased a membership at a non-Orthodox temple in downtown Chicago & sometimes DAVENS there against the psak of all the gedolim because it has the wealthiest membership in town and he's been trying to leech off them.

    1. At least you guys in Chicago have the top Menaker in the country.

    2. At least you guys in Chicago have the top Menaker in the country.

  3. I have heard second-hand, but from a reliable source that Rabbi Feldman, upon finding out the terrible things that "Rabbi" Kalish did as a politician, regretted taking part in the Q&A session with Kalish at the most recent Agudah convention. Rabbi Kaminetsky called Kalish's quotes in the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times a terrible Chillul Hashem. Yet Zweibel, Soroka and Company still welcome him into their circles. If Rabbis Feldman and Kaminetsky have not made their feelings known to Zweibel that the Agudath Israel of America should have nothing to do with Kalish, then some of the blame falls on them.

    That the man still gets kavod is terrible. He even kept his position as Ba'al Tephila at his Chicago Shul for the most recent Yomim Nora'im.

    Here are the memorable quotes from Kalish that appeared in the aformentioned major Chicago daily Newspapers: “I’m proud to have been one of the foot soldiers … to protect a woman’s right to choose …. It’s clear that Roe (v. Wade) is at risk from Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees.

    “Protecting access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare … is a priority for me because a woman’s right to choose is under assault from Washington.

    “Equality for all citizens is a fundamental constitutional and moral principle. We are all equal under the eyes of the law and G-d, and marriage equality is no exception, and that’s why I support (gay marriage).”

    He voted in favor of a bill that mandated that textbooks in IL public schools must feature the contributions to society of members of the LGBTQ community. 6 of his fellow Democrats voted against the bill, but gutless Kalish voted in favor of a bill which promotes LGBTQ agenda to the many Jewish children in the IL Public School system. Moreover, the most radically pro abortion bill ever brought before a state legislature that Kalish was going to vote in favor of, upon being pressured by those in the orthodox community to not vote in favor of the bill, he only had the courage to vote "present". This was his downfall as his progressive allies in IL politics were disgusted that he had betrayed them by not voting in favor of the bill that they fully anticipated this Orthodox, black hatted Rabbi would vote for. Again, he only had the "courage" to vote "present", another betrayal of the Daas Torah he claims to follow.

    This is the man Agudah types and their allies choose to honor.

    1. If it’s second hand then it’s NOT RELIABLE by definition.

  4. I maintain that there are two "Deep States" in this country - the first being contained within the Govt. of the United States and the second being contained within the Manhattan offices of the Agudath Israel of America.


  5. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel posken that fighting for toyeva acceptance is kefira mamash, not just chilul Hashem. They wrote this when demanding that "rabbi" Dweck in London be removed from the rabbonus

    One of the most prominent charedi rabbinical courts in Israel has published an open letter declaring that Rabbi Joseph Dweck’s lectures “are complete heresy”.

    The Beth Din Tzedek of Bnei Brak is headed by Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, one of the most respected leaders in the Orthodox world.

    On Sunday, it published a letter addressed to “the esteemed Rabbis and Dayanim of London and Manchester”.

    Referring to Rabbi Dweck by name, the letter said: “While he heads a respected community, his lectures stand contrary to principles of Jewish religion, and of belief in the Written and Oral Torah, and are complete heresy.

    “He teaches in public, in a way which is understood to allow that which is forbidden, and is clearly a danger to his audience.”

    Rabbi Dweck, who heads the S&P Sephardi community in London, has been attacked by a number of rabbinic authorities after giving a lecture in which he said that while sex between two men was forbidden, there were ways in which men could love each other.

    He also said he genuinely believed “that the entire revolution of feminism and even homosexuality in our society… is a fantastic development for humanity.”

    In the past two weeks Rabbi Dweck has been condemned by rabbis in the US, UK and Israel – including by two of his uncles by marriage, Israel’s Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef and Rabbi David Yosef.

    **This latest letter states that Rabbi Dweck should not continue in his post.**

    It reads: “Having thoroughly investigated this matter and listened to his recordings and to testimony, we hereby inform you that it is clear it is completely impossible for him to serve as a rabbi or spiritual leader of any Jewish community.

    “It is incumbent upon all who fear God to do all in their power to diminish his negative influence such that none of our Jewish brethren should fall in his net”.

  6. Are there still any respected Jews in the World?
    Kalish is or was respected until the Yudels got to him.
    The same Yudels claim their support based on ‘respected Batay din’ etc.
    I can’t wait until the Yudels get to those batay din members as well if and when....
    The Yudels have already dealt many ‘knock outs’ to many respected Roshay Yeshivas and respected Rabbonim because the if and when had already arrived in their ‘utmost respected’ books.
    What a shame on those Yudels.

  7. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachTue Dec 29, 01:46:00 PM 2020

    In other words the OU mashgiach last night 6:57 pm demands that the oylam respect toyavaniks & pro-toyavaniks.

    R' Yudel & like minded Yidden are just so shamefully rude by having a problem with the mashgiach's favorite people like toyavaniks, child molesters, embezzlers & establishment kashrus fiends feeding non-kosher to the unsuspecting public!

    So sayeth the OU mashgiach!

    And 3 cheers for WEST SIDE KOSHER!

  8. Another unknown Popy looking for some respect.
    Everyone reads Popy's column for some good laughs. Just to see how crazy Popy can get with his alteh wanna be surfing results.
    Keep up he good work maybe we can book you dort on second avenue's comedy clubs. At Least there you'll have a parnooseh and won't have to schnor on a daily basis....

  9. You can be sure most bnei Torah had no idea what Manhattan street the comedy clubs are on until the OU mashgiach just announced it.

    Chronicles of an OU batlan & letz is more like it.

    Hey mashgiach, speaking of SCHNORRERS, how's the fake kollel that throws you a few scraps from the gelt they SCHNOR under completely misleading pretenses in Queens?

    Anyhow, besser a SCHNORRER vee an EMBEZZLER which is where the rest of your cash flow comes from (minus a por dollar from your OU account in da Bronx)

  10. ... how's the fake kollel that throws you a few scraps from the gelt they SCHNOR under completely misleading pretenses in Queens?
    Nothing different then most places in Lakewood or in Israel!!!! And out West they have to mislead they just go to Restaurants to see who is game for a good Tax deduction.
    In your case schnorring and embezzling is the same - you need ah Heimish inn kosher parnooseh as long as Paulie gets his share...

  11. I say we celebrate Kalish's new shteller

    with, what else?


  12. Here goes the OU Mashiach again with his litaznus.
    Kalish issue is very serious. You know what Avigdor Miller said ????
    And the Gedolay Hapoiskim?


    Now the OU has use for this shmatta Kornblau who was last seen signing the pro-toyevah letter with the Open Orthodox.

    After the Queens Vaad came under attack for months, they finally had Kornblau remove his signature.

  14. Thank you Kranke Neshama fin CooCooGardn for successfully attacking the Queens Vaad - not to be confused with VHQ- for sooooooooo many years - while being unemployed and bored stiff.
    Now the Queens Vaad is all kosher and yosher since they pulled back the signature (on some Kranke Neshama issues.


  16. As of today Kalish is still laughing hard.
