Friday, January 01, 2021

DIRSHU Kosher certification-Updates


  1. Is this the same Dirshu as the marbitz Torah R' Dovid Hofstedter?

    If so, it's good to see that just like he is serious about lernen, he also knows a serious player in kashrus when he sees one.

  2. Seems that from now on there will be Dirshu Hashacha food only at all Dirshu testing sites.
    It brilliant of Reb Yudel to hook up with the Hofsteders. Its a all win no lose situation.

  3. If Feb. 11th is correct, Rav Hofstedter & Rav Shain deserve a groissen shkoyach. Because with Agudah events having shvache kashrus, at least one can eat at Dirshu events!
