Sunday, April 11, 2021

עיין אגרות משה או"ח חלק ג' סימן צא


  1. A nice piece or teshuvah. However all the poiskim differ majorly with this “grubbed finger draying”.

  2. Right on! And for that matter, Trump won the election but the media won't report it.

  3. In Lakewood for sure Trump won.

  4. Not sure what the Igros Moshe listed on your website has to do with this discussion.

    Either way I will go with the majority of Rabbi's who say to vaccinate.

  5. A professional Anti Vaxxer.....


  7. After a za recharging in ruchniyus on every Chol Hamoed, we will be tzugegrait for the Fresser Convention!

    Disneyland will allow employees to choose from gender-inclusive hairstyles, fingernail styles, jewelry & costumes that provide more flexibility of personal expression in a major change to the theme park dress code.

    Disney Parks, Experiences & Products Chairman Josh D’Amaro announced the gender-inclusive policy change to the Disney Look on Tues, Apr 13 in a post on the Disney Parks Blog.

    “We want our guests to see their own backgrounds & traditions reflected in experiences they encounter in their interactions with Disney. And we want our cast members — & future cast members — to feel a sense of belonging at work.”

    The new Disney Look policies go in effect immediately to be in place when Disneyland & Disney California Adventure reopen Apr 30 after a yearlong coronavirus closure.

    Before the closure, Disneyland resort had 32,000 cast members, Disney parlance for employees. Disneyland laid off at least 11,500 & furloughed 1000s more due to the pandemic.

    The change to the Disney dress code will guide how cast members show up to work. All references to gender are eliminated from the guidelines. Under the policy change, all cast members can work in gender-inclusive costume of their choosing. All cast members can choose the look that best suits them as an individual & how they wish to express themselves.

    Previously, Disney guidelines had specific rules on men’s hair. Men couldn't wear nail polish in the past. Previous guidelines included specifics on female hairstyles & color.

    The changes to Disney policy also address tattoos. All cast members can now have visible tattoos not larger than an adult hand. (Fort kleiner than the size of shrotzim allowed in Bodek lettuce)

    “Our new approach provides greater flexibility to forms of personal expression surrounding gender-inclusive hairstyles, jewelry, nail styles + costume choices & allowing appropriate visible tattoos. We update them to not only remain relevant today, but also enable our Cast Members to better express their cultures & individuality at work.”

    Out & Equal CEO Erin Uritus called Disney’s dress code policy change a “great moment” that signals everyone's welcome at Disneyland.

    “Disney’s move is a powerful example of a company that walks the walk on inclusion & belonging,” Uritus said in a statement released by Disney. “With these changes, cast members bring their authentic selves to work. Disney guests will see themselves reflected in the diversity across all levels of the company.”

    Out & Equal, which advocates LGBTQ (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer) equality, partnered with Disney to develop the new policies.

  8. Trying to figure this out.
    What our in house choochem fin the ma nisht a ah is saying is:
    That at the fresser convention (does anyone know which convention he is referring to?) will now beans allow:
    “gender-inclusive hairstyles, fingernail styles, jewelry & costumes that provide more flexibility of personal expression in a major change to the theme of the “fresser convention”.
    Well it takes one to know one. Then he wants to know why he is not the key note speaker .

  9. Ain Fressers kAgudahSun Apr 18, 03:32:00 PM 2021

    "does anyone know which convention he is referring to?"

    Who else?


    As R' Avrohom Yehoshua said befarhesya, the fressing dort fun kol minei taanugei oylam hazeh is the Agudah convention ikker, not the sampling of speeches & vertlach.

    Make sure your expensive suit doesn't get ripped or stained from all the grubbeh shtupping by the meat carving station!

  10. As R' Avrohom Yehoshua said befarhesya...

    Wondering. How would R' Avrohom Yehoshua know whats going on at a Agudah Convention? Fressiers or not?
    I won't even contemplate the idea that he should learn or 'chazer over" some Chofetz Chaim.

    Thus the only conclusion is that its a befarhesya lie and a piece of 'moitzee shem rah on R. Avrohom Yehoshua.

    Duh. Duh.

  11. The tzemisht & tzedrayt double DUH DUH guy is the one who needs to chazer ibber Chofetz Chaim for the chiyuv to be moyche supposed manhigim who don't behave k'rauy.

    R' Avrohom Yehoshua slammed Agudah Convention fressing in an early 90s Chumash shiur. And he was harsher than the way he was quoted here yesterday. I remember it clearly.

    R' Mottel Weinberg had previously slammed the Agudah Convention for something worse than the fressing which is why those thin skinned baal habatim made sure he couldn't come back again.

    Many rabbonim were moyche in the late 90s when the Agudah honored Joe Lieberman who was in the midst of trying to ram every anti-Torah mussag through Congress, including toyevah acceptance. Some of those rabbonim came in person to be moyche outside the annual dinner.

    A decade later there was a mechoah outside the dinner by molestation victims who were joined by a sympathetic Ruv from Williamsburg. They are victims precisely because of Agudah cover ups. Two Agudah machers tried to drown the victims out. One convicted fraudster on the Agudah Board drove his Town Car up on to the Manhattan curb to argue with them. Another Agudah macher, who was from the Asarah Rishonim to cover up on Margulies, was maching avek the victims on the microphone inside the hotel, that we the infallible Agudah are not goress protesters & picketers. This event caused a huge anti-Agudah backlash from bnei Torah who were appalled at the Agudah's arrogance and lack of rachmonnus for victims. The Agudah attempted to smooth things over at the next dinner with a farce ceremony of busing in a bunch of young children who had been molested, calling them brave, and parading them to the front to give them a gift. Of course it remained business as usual, like covering up for Meisels who was molesting seminary maydelach.

  12. Same author seeming nearly died from COVID....

  13. "Many rabbonim were moyche in the late 90s when the Agudah honored Joe Lieberman ..."

    They were the minority vs. the majority who approved it. The issue is that this "FAKE" briskeh knows this but it does fit into his " LH/MSR/Rechilus mode.
    The fact that in the 90's ...... just is impossible to be true. Reb AY had, Has and never would care what anyone who has no shaichus to him (by his choice since the 'tatteh/Zaideh?elteh Zaideh supposedly had no connection to Agudah) did or does or wants to do.
    This "fake" Briskeh gives the impression that the Chimash Shiur is some kind of "Page Six" Plakaat. Chas Veshoolom that REB AY ever ever would utter or allude to something he wants nothing to do with.
    The Fake Briskeh mode guy should publish his shtusim in places like AM... so at least he can make a salary there. They will open their arms for him there - mootzoo meen es meenoy.

  14. Yener OU mashgiach is getting bent out of shape while attacking a Brisker who simply told over facts.

    The fictional character Forrest Gump has a low IQ & no direction in life so he starts jogging from coast to coast. He is joined by many others who likewise have nothing to do. One day while passing through the Mojave Desert, he suddenly stops & whimpers he is done jogging, he just wants to go home. One of the loser tag alongs shouts out in desperation: "What are we gonna do now?"

    The mashgiach's brother thinks tachlis is attending Agudah Fressing events and when not officially scheduled, he creates one of his own in Veit Rockaway. The mashgiach is the loser tag along. As soon as holes are poked in the Agudah balloon to release all the hot air, he acts up in desperation, shooting at the messengers who bring irrefutable proof that what he's been chasing for years is krum.

    I asked a shul rav who learned by R' AJ about the anti-Fressing Chumash shiur. He was not there that year but heard it from talmidim who were.

    It's also well known that R' Berel criticized the Agudah in his day. R' Berel was from a more philosophical angle even though the grub baal habatim were known to be overstuffing their plump punim mit essen as early as the 1950s. A bochur who was escort of an adam gadol to the 1959 Convention has said befarhesya that a baal habos made a loud chilul Hashem by breakfast, barking orders at the waiter that his omelet must contain no less than tzvelve eggs. And he'd better not short him as he'll be counting! The then-bochur described this sick behavior as shudder-inducing, even scarring, something he nebich can't forget.

    There was an internal split in the Agudah alein over Senator Lieberman. R' Lazer Ginzberg was bezunder upset. But as usual, even if those in charge are only 2% with their demented opinion vs 98% of those using sechel, they take charge of the whole agenda, kicking afilu the roiv dissenting Agudah rabbonim to the curb. Same thing with the cover up for Yehiel Kalish (ex-shuchen 'toiv' of the mashgiach's brother) who shills for homos. And same thing with sabotaging all the remote learning during the pandemic. They almost pulled it off against the measles vaccine too but they hadn't quite wrestled control yet. They fort were not criticized in public for the measles, with the exception of R' Elya Brudny who publicly attacked them for going against Chazal, but was quickly clobbered for speaking out, so he never made another peep against them again.

    The Brisker omitted at least one major event. When the Agudah Fressers woke up to the internet 20 years too late, a much larger group of victims came to protest at Citifield, that look at these Agudah hypocrites farkoyfing the gesheft of the TAG child abuser who was thrown out of chinuch for beating the wrong kids who had protekzia, while also covering up for monsters like the Kolkos & Margo whose victims were almost all from broken homes. One victim organized a very daring distribution of leaflets inside the stadium complex that exposed Agudah hypocrisy of acting against the Torah when they claim to be it's guardian. Fresser askonim were running around coordinating with walkie-talkies trying to round up the intruders to be moyser them to the NYPD. Then like something out of James Bond, the lead victim drove his car full of his helpers at high speed in reverse to escape from the parking garage.

  15. As all can see this ‘grump’ has no clue what Agidah or Brisk stands for.
    As already pointed out this grump is one of the many class A Fake Briskehs.

  16. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed Apr 21, 04:08:00 PM 2021

    Briskers are known to be factual while a particular OU mashgiach who makes muckety muck all over Yudelstake with his pro-Agudah propaganda is known to be DISHONEST.

    I saw the recorded interview of Rav Brudny & so can anyone else. When he complained that Philly is going against Chazal he added that it's "frankly insulting"


    After jogging for over 3 years, he's tired & abandons his tag alongs.

    The mashgiach & his brother have been captivated by Agudah Convention Fressing for much longer!

  18. Briskehs MAKE facts. Nothing is real in Brisk. At least not these days.

  19. Checkout the videos this Briskeh is busy with.
    Tell us that he is real and factual.
    You can’t be real by watching and promoting movies and videos.
    You can’t be real if you politicize your shiurim and your yeshivous.

  20. The Brisker did not post the video, I did.

    You know the video is a sharf way to explain what you are all about, Mr. OU mashgiach.

    Is that what you were telling your little bunch of gullible ones in the basement this morning? Brisk is fake? They all lie? Why not just tar them already as "WORSE THAN HITLER!" which you've been doing for years now to Rabbi Shain & others.

    Keep talking stupidities, mashgiach, so everyone sees what a dishonest hypocrite you are

  21. At one Chumash sermon we all heard “ Vehr is dehr Hittleh?”
    I didn’t hear it but someone heard it from someone else that was there in the 80’s
    1880’s that is....
    You didn’t hear this one but it’s coming in the next “Modern Brisk” book deal.

  22. Chumash shiur entrantSun Apr 25, 01:35:00 AM 2021

    Thurs bei nacht 9 a zeiger punktlich = another tzebisseneh loser who R' Avrohom Yehoshua didn't accept in yeshiva

    Get over it already.

    Fun sour troyben ken men nisht machen vein, ober fun veinen du machst sour troyben.

  23. Here is the NEW and improved Fake Briskeh who “known to be factual” and known to be “punctual”
    Watching and searching the internet and all other ‘Chutz Lamachaneh” sources for videos which are chop shopped in order to post his narishkeiten.
    He surly has a video of a “Chumash Shiur” where Reb .... is matir to do all this internet surfing in order to spread non factual Loshon Horah with a fake diyook in the Ramban allowing all this. (wouldn’t find it in Halacha Lemayseh Seder from the Chofetz Chaim).
    He is also great at mimicking all his problems and blaming all others such as not able to get a job (thanks to Biden he puts his non earned unemployment money along with the stimulus checks to put some bread on his family’s table. He himself has a deal with Rose.... to supply him with non supervised “NON FRESSER” meats for his BBQs).
    He also accuses all others of not getting into Brisk after it was publicized right here that he never made it in. Thus he can CHA (as in CYA - he thaught all howto find these holy expressions - soon will get a video of a Chumash shiur using these as well -Chas Vesholom).
    The list for Fakers is endless but we all get the Real picture of this Class a fake Briskeh.
    More to continue by the faker himself. You just have to insert the correct name with the correct story.

  24. Fake videos.
    Fake Briskeh.
    Fake stories.
    Fake in general.

  25. The OU mashgiach mocks & attacks Briskers just like he mocks & attacks hundreds of others who he's decided in his feeble mind are "the enemy". Due to his various paranoias, kinah, stam selfish rishus & garden variety meshugassen, these enemies include anyone who has criticized the tatten, any other embezzler, the mechuton, any other molester, the OU, the Queens Vaad, the erev Shabbos zolel vesovay BBQs, et cetera

  26. From 'Chutz Lamachaneh', you wouldn't believe what the Forrest Gump actor Tom Hanks tooed oif in ruchniyus!

    The first movie and the worst movie Hanks ever acted in, which most goyim have never seen this movie, was set in Eretz Yisroel.

    The way Rav Mordechai Becher from Gateways says over the mayseh, a kiruv candidate named Dave told rabbis he will not become shomer Shabbos unless he is given a sign min Hashamayim. The next Shabbos he turns on the television, where lo & behold that flopped Tom Hanks movie is playing. It was just at the scene where Hanks looks right in the camera, memeila staring Dave right in the face, and says "Shabbat Shalom Dave".

    The real Dave freaked out & after turning off the tv in a panic - which he shouldn't have done - he was never mechalel Shabbos again!

    Hakol bishvil Yisroel - even a flopped Tom Hanks movie.


  27. veiter searching and pluging all other networks to find MORE mayselach used in his "off off OFF Broadway (5T) Plays".

  28. It's obvious the OU mashgiach in his latest outburst Mon Apr 26, 11:14 AM wants to prove he is also koifer in hashgocho protis & is against kiruv, besides all the other ikkrei Dos he already took a public stance against.

  29. The Qveens Choochim - all Chacoomim live in Qveens - zohgt shoin daious about 'ikkrei Dos.
    Plus "Other" ikkrei Dos.
    Only The Qveens Choochim knows all 'other' Shtusim.
