Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Lakewood "IHR HATORAH", another breach of Pritzus, R"L at Gourmet Glatt plaza parking lot

 Breach of tznius a outdoor fashion show at a busy shopping plaza: 

"Speaking of Lakewood there was a horrific breach of tznius  this passed Sunday .” 

A collaborative event like none other “. 

The hired models were prancing around in the heart of Lakewood with inappropriate evening wear and used extremely inappropriate body language . 

How low have we stooped to allow this to go on? ..It starts with the “food shopping experience “.... and this is what evolves ...pritzus !


  1. Pictures please 😂

  2. The rabbonei Lakewood might have shut down my speaking engagements but I fort enjoy rolling into town as a spectator.

    And I still have my supporters. While Belsky may no longer be around, I'm with Yankel Bender all the way! My dear friend Yankel has been on the 'correct' side of every issue for the last 40 years!

  3. Yaakov bender is on the only correct side of politically correct, otherwise (don't make me finish).

  4. HaRav yanked bender has the most successful school ever. His main success is he cares for every single student. No matter what his background.
    Aye. In Lakewood not only does this kind of school exist but they are against this successful concept ( only due to outright selfishness).
    Bottom line. In order to defend their “gayvah” they bashmootz him as much as they can.
    On the end of the day - Bender has the “most toys”
    For olam habah and enjoys his “pairos” on this world.
    No one in Lakewood comes close.
    What a shame.

  5. Another Kew Gardens menuvol, Bryks, probably isn't too far behind Weinberger.

    Bryks must be in a real free for all mood these days. Like he thinks he now has total free reign at Kew Gardens Synagogue with the passing of YU's old Dokter Rabbiner Bernie Rosensweig

  6. Wed Apr 21, 02:10:00 AM 2021

    And if he does - who cares except some laidig gayers such as Super.....

  7. This was not in gourmet glatt but at a clothing store in the plaza across the parking lot

    1. Who cares where it really was. Gourmet Glatt is still responsible. Don’t forget on which site you are. Truth is what we say it is.

  8. You had probably meant to write 'PAST' and not 'PASSED'. Please re-read befor posting.

  9. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed Apr 21, 04:16:00 PM 2021

    "Yanked" Bender? Don't tell me his biggest cheerleader the OU mashgiach is now calling him a jerk? Yanked is synonym of jerked.

    Al kol ponim, the rest of the mashgiach's falsh propaganda at 7:32 last night hinges on the mirage that Bender caters to special needs kids. What actually happened is that he only opened the division when it was paid for in full by a Lawrence billionaire who has a disabled son. Once the son was cycled out of the yeshiva, Bender didn't have much need for it anymore.

    The motive for the mashgiach's cheerleading is he's lucky that Bender takes his nephews, the einiklach of the mechuton. Avadda no Lakewood yeshiva would take them - and that's for reasons that has nothing to do with selfishness or being picky. Vehamayvin yovin.

    1. This is pretty funny:
      CooCooGardneh is talking about “ Vehamayvin yovin”.
      Who would waste his time to be mayvin what the yovon (as a yovon in sukkah) says.

    2. This is pretty funny:
      CooCooGardneh is talking about “ Vehamayvin yovin”.
      Who would waste his time to be mayvin what the yovon (as a yovon in sukkah) says.

  10. The Super Ma Nishtana choochim fell for the Weinberger joke.

    Would not expect anything better...

  11. Bread and Butter guyWed Apr 21, 04:49:00 PM 2021

    It's troubling that when Bender speaks around the 5 Towns he boasts that his Darchei has peiros in both Harvard & Lakewood. And to be mechanef the G-dless fressers of 5 Towns Vaad unpeeled strawberries, he places greater emphasis on Harvard. You can almost see his langa rekel flapping in the wind of all that helium he produces while in the throes of flattering the donors.

    1. Your as ignorant as any animal can be.
      (human is not in your vocabulary since animal can’t talk).
      If one has a mosad hachinuch in the 5T
      You can’t run it like a Mosad in Israel.
      Your trying to educate the kids into a Torah life which may not be the parents goal. Thus your ignorance - BIG time.

  12. There goes the OU mashgiach AGAIN defending yet another menuvol who is a Kew Gardens landsman. Dovid Weinberger grew up in KG.

    As the mashgiach veisst klor, the Weinberger saga is no "joke". It's a very serious scandal that the Board of Shaarey in Lawrence - including a Past-President of the mashgiach's employer, the OU - covered up DECADES of Weinberger initiating adulterous affairs & molesting single girls. When Weinberger ultimately pushed the envelope too far by targeting the veiber of a couple of multi-millionaires who were able to stop the cover up, kimat all the rabbonei Far Rockaway-5 Towns signed that Weinberger is permanently thrown out of the rabbonus & chinuch. A lawyer added his signature & so did Weinberger himself, although he is since trying to weasel out of the agreement.

    Who did not sign against Weinberger? Yankel Bender avaddeh, as well a has-been ex-OU RFR who is grada shvugger of the mashgiach's other bankroller, the Rebbe in the Eastern Queens basement with 7 Chassidim. (Actually make that 6 Chassidim now that the Conservative Jew davening there who was distributor to Queens Modern Orthodox & watered down yeshivish of the treif bee venom anti-vaxx 'health boosters' was recently niftar from long haul covid-19, which they as anti-vaxx will never admit.)

    And a big yasher koyach to Horav Yudel Shain who was from the few yechidim complaining about Weinberger before the millionaires ended that massive scam

    1. Rabbi Bender does not get involved in local issues which have nothing to do his mosdos.
      If it’s not a issue that disrupts his chimichanga he keeps far away.
      Local issues are for local Rabbonim only to deal with.
      Of course yentas such as CooCooRiCoo from the Metro area get involved in all issues except their own. The problem is that CCRC (CooCooRiCoo) has no clue what issues mean. A good BBQ. A good coffee. A good molester that is up his alley.
      And he accuses Reb Yudel of getting involved in other peoples business.
      Sounds familiar.

    2. I’m waiting for CooCoo to say all the 5T Rabbonim (53 to be exact) do what Weinberg did and does.
      It’s just they didn’t get caught....
      That right up his alley along with all his other hedonism, coffee and bbq tales.

  13. Who is this fool who accuses others of being clueless when he doesn't have the most basic grasp of the Yankel Bender-Weinberger fiasco?

    The reason why Bender didn't sign is because he was all in rosho verubo, playing the good cop-bad cop routine with Belsky. Bender was begging, crying & arm twisting the rabbonim to not sign against Weinberger while Belsky was threatening & trying to terrorize the rabbonim that they'd better not sign or else. Belsky thought he could simply intimidate the rabbonim as if they were Yudi Kolko's 6 year old victims in Camp Agudah. Truth be told, it would take a lot less to stop many of those rabbonim from signing. But now that some very wealthy husbands were furious their wives were violated, they threatened to expose the rabbonim which is a lot more frightening than Belsky's theater of screams.

    The Kolko mention is no coincidence either. Bender was in the original group of Agudah rabbonim who first covered up for Kolko while secretly meeting in Moshe Scheinerman's shul in the early 1980s. This was even before several batei din were later tampered with. Bender made sure dayanim could not even hear the case. Too bad Lowinger didn't know about Kolko yet. He would've thrown a few Benjamins at Bender who'd suddenly transform from cover upper to writing the hazmonos l'Din himself. Waving money in front of Bender is like switching on a light bulb in front of a moth.

    1. To be ignored.
      Can’t expect any truthful comment from a back Lawrence toishov...

  14. Rabbi Bender is involved in everything in that part of the country.

    He signed the letter against this new Hashgocho, as if he knows the first thing about Kashrus.


    He was also the one started the uprising against Rabbi Reisman because he spoke out against the heilege Vaad, which eventually spiraled into him losing his job.

    He will be roidef ad maves anybody who says a word against Rabbi Eisen or his Vaad.

    He also signed the letters with the Modern Orthodox malshinim to shut down all minyanim, even outdoors. https://matzav.com/five-towns-rabbonim-still-do-not-allow-their-residents-to-daven-with-a-minyan/ and here https://5townscentral.com/2020/03/26/updated-letter-to-the-community-rosh-chodesh-nissan-5780-630pm/

    Some of the other signatories called government officials and were moiser names and adresses of Rabbonim who had safe outdoor minyanim. And he joined them for these letters.

    He chastised any of his Rabeim who he found out davened by these minyanim too.

    He also forced people to vote for "Eretz Hakodesh". And now to take the vaccine.

    He is the powerhouse in that town and is more than just involved in everything. There are very few brave B'nei Torah who have the guts not to listen to him.

    1. That all Bender does?
      Isn’t your list much much longer then the shtusim you posted above????

  15. Rabbi Bender does not get involved in local issues which have nothing to do his mosdos.
    If it’s not a issue that disrupts his chimichanga he keeps far away"?

    THat was once upon..?
    now among those attempting to run or running the continent
    sample: his public phone call with Cuomo

    1. Did CooCooRiCoo forget to take his pills?
      Or was he preoccupied with his freebie BBQ?
      He forgot to use one his many “pronouns” and let his real name slip out.
      Too bad...

  16. The Bender we all know is courteous, friendly, and a Klal Jew.
    He always has something nice to say to everyone and anyone.
    Just because he is popular - in all circles - does cause some lifeless nut jobs to either forge his name, position or stam undo all the amazing Chesed he does and sets up for the whole community.
    Not to talk about all the Loshon horo, Rechilis and stam moitzee Shem Rah about him and his Moisdis.
    Nu. Nu.
    Rav Bender knew that this usually happens and he totally ignores it. He surly is Moichel each and every naysayer - no matter how evil - each and every day.
    If you think otherwise you just don’t know this Zadeek.

  17. Oh yes, we in the know, know Bender straight through with the Frak, we also know how he comes to you as well, he is very good at his shpiel. Take off your sunglasses, his glare is in your eyes.

    Did he ever say a white lie? don't hold your breath.

    1. A FRAK is no so expensive. You can get get a few like one regular, one silk and one half-a-frak as in tails so you’ll be a shvitzer in back Lawrence as well

  18. Yener OU mashgiach makes many absurd statements on this blog, such as his insisting Agudaniks are NOT into Fressing & Kuved Zuching and that "there are no Charedishe Yidden in Queens"

    Here is one HUGE HOLE in that fairy tale:


    Using stolen money to get himself on the Boards of Vizhnitz & the Agudah (whatever was left over after lining his pockets), he certainly LOOKS gantz heimish for a Queens resident

  19. https://5townscentral.com/2021/04/25/charedei-family-of-french-hill-jerusalem-exposed-as-christian-missionaries/

  20. Sun Apr 25, 09:09:00 PM 2021

    veiter surfing the internet for more Loshon Horah.
    Mestameh advised and approved by HIS non-Briskeh Mentor.

    The CCRG show keeps on progressing as planned and predicted.
