Thursday, June 17, 2021

Organic, raw farmer found in contempt by federal court for eastern Pennsylvania-Note: They also sell Camel's milk

Federal Judge Edward G. Smith Wednesday found farmer Amos Miller in contempt of court in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

The judge is discussing with counsel how to resolve the issue of sanctions for the seller of unpasteurized, raw milk, etc. 


  1. That's what Reb Moshe was talking about. There is a מירתת, so milk certified by the government is muttar.

    Not just Reb Moshe, the Chazon Ish, Reb Aaron Kotler, Rav Henkin, the Ridvaz, and many more held the milk was muttar.

  2. Reb Moshe ASSERED all of the cholov akum/stam as being actually "cholov-treif" brought in the same volume as the so called hetter on cholov stam.

    There is no poisek ever that was mattir the milk from these cows. There is currently 6-8 % of these operated (treif) cown in all non-cholov yisroel farms.
    No contemporary poisek was ever mattir these operated cows.
    Therefore, Either one uses cholov yisroel or cholov treif.
