Thursday, June 17, 2021

חן אשה על בעלה-seeing a picture does not have that qualification. Update: They should ask for the girls mothers' picture only.

 סוטה מז ע' א'
שלשה חינות הן 
חן אשה על בעלה
Therefore, the "Bashert" can not happen with a picture.

After Marriage, the girl will actually start looking like her mother, most of her married life, she'll look like her mother, so ask only for her mothers' picture.
לבן אמר "לא יעשה כן במקומנו, לתת הצורה לפני הבחורה"וכו'


  1. The guy sat next to me on the train pulled out a photo of his wife and said, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"
    I said, "If you think she's beautiful, you should see my missus, mate."
    He said, "Why? Is she a Stunner?
    I said, "No, she's an optician!"

  2. We can avoid sooooo much bitul toireh and aggravation by just sending pictures and the one that is 'noiseh chain' even in a picture is the "bashert" without any doubts.
    No sefaikus - maybe its not for me.,
    No pestering the Rosh Chaburah or Rosh Yeshivas to pump, pull ot all and every 'zog' on the date, meeting or pershow.
    No Bitul Taireh.
    No dressing up expenses.
    No car rentals.
    No tolls.
    No mixing with Goyim in mahattan.
    No hanging out in hotel or airports
    No need to pay all that money to propose.
    He or She are 'noisay Chain' in the picture - one look is more then enough and its MAZEL TOV.

  3. Then you'll send a shi'liach to Mek'adesh her.
    What's the Halacha if the Shi'liach is mekadesh her for himself, cause he liked the picture?

  4. As Rav Avigdor miller would say, אפיקורס-You could even say a chaburah on that -לועג על דברי חכמינו

  5. Just because by some the wife starts to look (and act) like the shvigeh does not mean that this is the norm.
    Also who says that a picture can’t do the “ Chain al Bah’lah” trick? Why? It does not fit the “no-picture” policy?
    Pictures are definitely a major dent into the Tznee’is scene as a yiddesheh female should not lower herself to being a commodity. But as far a chain? Maybe yes.

  6. If you can't comprehend the fact of chazal's "Chain", you have a serious problem.
    Even "Lovon" knew pictures of the girls is not proper in a Jewish atmosphere.

    It's simple math, after a short while the girl becomes overburdened with married life, and she starts looking like her mother for the rest of her life.

    So get a picture of her mother, as that's what you are going to see most of your married life, get used to it.

  7. So didn’t Laban send a picture of the Mother???

  8. Yudel. That was a great 'come back'.

    So we are following minhag Lavan HaRami by not sending Tzeeras (in order to fool the 'Meddobar').
