Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Update: Kiryas Joel (KJ) beef is not on the recommended list of acceptable sources.


  1. Please, please, please give us the reasons so we can make an intelligent decision. יישר כחך

  2. Why not? Just because they shecht in Iowa?

    First of all, they have been there for a while.

    Second of all, maybe they fixed the place up! Has Reb Yudel visited there any time in the past 10 years or so? Don't things change often on the Issue us world?

  3. Yudel shain has his reliable sources of information.
    Over the last 45+ years of him doing this service for Klal Yisroel, he was always proven to be correct.
    So don't be fooled by the "shmoneh bi'gadim", frum talk, etc.

    We should be looking for basic kashrus, not for chumras and hidurim only, As Rab Yosef Breuer, Z"L addressed the issue.

    BTW- If the plant's kashrus standards are not acceptable to Hebrew National provisions, why would want to add timtum to your diet?

  4. To 9:05
    What is your educated knowledge re: Shechitas, that you can make an intelligent decision, after knowing some facts?

    1. I am currently a shoichet and boidak; that is my educated knowledge!

  5. The Hebrew National story was many years ago. The Kashrus scene is constantly evolving.

    Do you know first hand nothing has changed?

    Its hard to believe his chicken is the best, but his beaf is treif.

    More info needed.

  6. Hey!, where did you get that about his chicken? who even uses it?
    A shoichet and bodek, so what does that make you?, a yid mit parnusah, so you are on the payroll-I understand.

  7. FYI- As of this past Monday, the Hebrew National's kashrus issues were still valid.

  8. I'm also a Shoichet and Bodek, I know many other shoichtim/Bidkim that are not qualified "at-all" in having the required depth of knowledge to realize kashrus issues in a shechita plant.

    Rav Shain's knowledge and experience over the past 45 years, does have that depth of knowledge, etc. Don't take it personal, it's just a fact of life.

  9. The Hebrew National issues was not that far back, We are addressing the more recent one.

  10. What are the issues??

    Just like we can't blindly trust Reb Ahron, Reb Getzel and the 'Ssachduss - so too we can't blindly trust Reb Yudel if he doesn't at least say what some of the issues are.

  11. Oh, that's great- you don't trust the KJ Rabbonim, so you aren't eating it anyways, I guess the poultry as well.
    Therefore, there is no need for the information from Rav Shain.

  12. Ah!, bist fin de Bnei Yoel'niks...
    So you just are looking for more salt to pour on them.
    מליחה מצד אחד, מספיק.
    דם שבישל דרבנן

  13. צער בעל חי, דאוריתא


  14. what beibg dais here is that no one accepts Kiryas Yoel. The beef part is just not to srise controversy
