Monday, July 12, 2021

Update: Notice to Bnei Torah

 Kashrus Notice: Due to the current shortage of kosher chicken cutlets, many Lakewood caterers and food takeout establishments currently provide chicken cutlets from poultry plants - with a kashrus standard not for Bnei Torah. 

This includes chicken cutlets from Agristar and Empire/Meal Mart poultry plants.


  1. Correction:

    Should read:

    ....Standard NOT for Yudel readers.

    The following:

    ...standard not for Bnei Torah....

    is flawed. Meal Mart is used by many MANY Bnei Torah.

  2. What is wrong with Meal Mart/Nirabator?!?

  3. They probably did not let the 'BOSS' in or they ignored his 'le'chol'ha'shitos - le'chol ha'Kehillos' changes the BOSS insisted on.

  4. Just a FYI with Birdsboro only killing twice a week , most of their shoctim , bodkim are now in empire. Who all claim the highest standards there I would revisit Birdsbiro as well if I were you.

  5. Fri Jul 16, 02:40:00 PM 2021

    Obviously they were not there under KAJ Hashgacha. Otherwise they would say its great standards but not the highest.

  6. Maybe we should just be Frim.
    Bnai Toirah is getting out of hand these days.
