Wednesday, September 29, 2021

All Bet-Yosef "SHAI'YISH" is a fraud. A big percentage of other Bet- yosef meat is not authenticly Bet-Yosef!

Confirmed also by Rav Machpud among others.


  1. ….is not authentic according to kevaud Kedishas Horav Hagoon Yudel Shlit”a.
    But according to most Rav hamachsirim, who most people rely on, it’s just fine.

  2. I'm sorry if I'm confusing you with the facts.
    In theory, you have a point.
    But in fact, I'm correct.
    I know what's going behind the scenes.

  3. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachFri Aug 27, 12:20:00 AM 2021

    The first comment mocking R' Yudel is the infamous OU mashgiach who after a gantz tog, yeden tog, of monitoring & often vandalizing the comments section of Yudelstake, falls asleep with the site on his cellphone screen.

    It doesn't matter what the facts are when the mashgiach has his agenda to run around framing R' Yudel as a lying crackpot - especially when there's an inyan with fleish or anything else sold by WEST SIDE KOSHER or other accounts of the OU & Queens Vaad.

  4. CooCooRiCoo.
    Leave some FLEISH for others. When you crash the Toiamaihoo BBQ you don’t have to grab all the FLEISH and leave the beans for the BBQ sponsors.
    I know you need lots of FLEISH fahr deh Mishpoocha (which you end up being zoilel yourself ) but not all fleish is a fraud. Some. Yes. Still not as bad in the old windy days.

  5. The baked beans are left over for the Beaner Rebbe, Chaim Schwartz, to give shirayim to his Bucharee crowd. Al sheim Boston, hanikra "Beantown". Billigeh preizen on beans at Rosenblum's, Schwartz's favorite shopping spot, because only where he shops doesn't have to pay protection money to the Queens Vaad to make it more expensive.

    When there is tzu feel vind is when Joey A. used to complain that Schwartz's groyseh peyos were flapping around uncontrolled. Ot azoy! Hurricane Ida kumt shoyn nuch New Orleans.

  6. Ah. So you do chap-n-fress all the fleish all by yourself.
    So why are you complaining about kveens Rabbonim?
    They are taking good care of you and you fress tayveh.

  7. Reb Yudel Shain wrote a few times to the Hungarian Butcher with the very erlicher menaker/mashgiach that he wants the contact information for their Mashgiach.

    They never answered him.
    Are they afraid to talk to him?

    Then, we have some serious issues,

    1. After you “fashmutz” him “b’rabim” without confirming all the facts, why would he want to talk to you? He tries to do what’s erlich, and then you throw him under the bus. Ask m’chilah first.

    2. Just because someone ignores yodels curiosity which usually leads to some no good and unprofessional reaction from the holy goon himself does NOT mean or indicate serious issues.
      This is in spite of the fact that Hagoon Reb Yudels has made many people aware of kashrus issues.
      Reb Yudel has created for himself a reputation that says: approach with great caution when coming in contact with him. You have more to lose then win.
      Most people find it easier and smarter to just ingnore him. He will then throw you under the locomotive for not responding to him. And even if he claims that there are issues - rightly or wrongly - most people will understand the underlying source of his anger.
      Most people also know that a good part of his information is from goyim he hires to go undercover. Then Yudel says it’s based on masiach lfee toomoy.
      However if he works for you and he is a goy he has no nemaunus but then Yidel will be out-a-business which is no good for his business

    3. You yourself said last week “What should the rosh hablog ask the butcher?”

  8. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachTue Aug 31, 03:43:00 PM 2021

    Mashgiach, did you take a 'pay attention pill' yesterday? Instead of your usual shreying without elaborating that R' Yudel is "WORSE THAN HITLER!", you tried last night at 9:43 pm to actually attempt to articulate a smear that some might find plausible. Or at least the some, who like you, have an irrational hatred of the man.

    Nice try omitting all the facts that would show how transparently fraudulent you are. You of course know just for starters, that over the years, R' Yudel has heard from many of your fellow mashgichim who came to him on the quiet with evidence. Had they gone public, your highness King Genack & other emperors without clothes would've given the OFF WITH HIS HEAD command to be carried out against any such mashgiach.

    Now don't you have something constructive to do, like watch a truck get loaded mit fleish in da Bronx? Or to episs learn something, instead of the all hock, all the time, in that supposed kollel in the Queens basement?

  9. …that over the years, R' Yudel has heard from many of your fellow mashgichim who came to him on the quiet with evidence….
    Only CooCooRiCoo could come up with stuff like that.
    Even mashgiach I’m who hate your “hand that feeds you” Horav Shvartz Shlit”a would never ever go to Hagoon Yudel. They know better then to go to Hagoon Shlit”a if they want their story out.
    Your twin CooCooBronxCoi tried it and he got nowhere and worse.
    Talking about going to Kollel for once in your life we can arrange with the Rosh Hakollel to teach you you Alef Bais. We’ll sponsor your Alef Bina.

  10. Bonfire of the VanitiesWed Sep 01, 04:00:00 PM 2021

    If you mean the Bronx mashgiach who exposed the OU covering up treif at Montefiore, which the OU lynched him for, he did not go to Yudel. He made the dumb mistake of going to the Failed Shmatta. What he should have done is go to someone like Rav Sternbuch. The OU would have had serious problems and would not be able to simply destroy the poor mashgiach.

  11. What's the name of this Bronx Mashgiach?

    I'm a Mohel, let me do the job right.


  13. It was not “A” mashgiach who molested the OU it was a Loony couple looking for some extra greenies under the table.

  14. Fri Oct 01, 4:01 PM is another hitman for the OU trying to destroy the couple's credibility.

    OU's Rabbi Lenny Steinberg also fired the wife from her mashgicha job as retaliation. He even admitted it.

    And the OU pressured YU to kick the couple out of YU's shul, the only shul in that Bronx neighborhood.

  15. So where is great great couple now?

    They were SOOO great why couldn't they a hashgacha job any of the anti OU hashgachas?
