Friday, September 24, 2021

Agudah and the Reform join forces!


  1. Based on Shain’s conclusions we can safely state that “Shain joins forces with Soloveitchik”.
    Something I’m sure Shain is quite proud of.

  2. Vos iz shlecht?

    We already had joined with the Vatican to protect child molesters & fight the NY State law that helps the victims.

    1. When “we already had joined blah blah blah” it was with the gedolium’s psak. However here we got the “Poisek Achron” deciding who and what. It’s like a 50/50 if he’ll be on target.

  3. There is different Soloveithik's.

    1. Seems that your starting to figure it out. BORUCH HASHEM.

  4. The one calling all the shots at Agudah & Torah ohn a Mesorah always seems to be on the "right" side of every issue: anti-vaxx, mamzerus, molesters, World Zionist Organizatzia, etc

    Reformers is shoin alter nayess and even a family affair. R' Shmuel's shvogger Brooks who went off the derech after Torah Vodaas & Telz held a Reform pulpit for 70 years out West. There was never any mention of the shvogger in Philly nor ober.

  5. Fri Sep 24, 03:54:00 PM 2021

    Can anyone explain what this Jew hater is saying?
    Or if it has anything to do with anything?

  6. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility ComplexSun Sep 26, 12:27:00 AM 2021

    "it was with the gedolium’s psak"

    You mean daas baal habatim at the org that overrides gedolim.

    The gedolei Eretz Yisroel condemned Agudah & Satmar joining with the Tiflus to protect a bunch of menuvolim destroying children.

    And despite the 'farentfering' of the OU mashgiach in Queens who has molesters in his mishpooche (Fri Sep 24, 6:11 PM), there was a huge anti-Agudah backlash from the American frumma oylam.

    The NY State Child Victim Act passed in the end because the Agudah bugged out after the backlash and because NY State Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver went to jail. Silver's zoyna on the side was an Irish woman who was the Vatican lobbyist to Albany. Prosecutors exposed Silver during the trial as a "frumma" faker going behind his wife's back mit a shiksa. Throwing kinderlach under the bus was the esnan zoyna.

    1. It’s quite strange to always see the “ frimmer then you “ CooCooRiCoo - Pope Paulie’s number one Talmid moovhauk - know and post everyone’s zoinneh and everyone’s molester.
      One must conclude that he knows all this from “pezenlacheh” experience.
      Nu.Nu. He had a good good Pope teaching him the business. Just pull a geyores card or the court case number card and you’ll go straight to Heaven and meet Peter AKA Paulie to lead you to your dream Raisonette right through the back door.

  7. Agudah imitates Open Orthodox

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Someone asked "Can anyone explain"

    The one (RSK) calling all the shots at Agudah & Torah ohn a Mesorah always seems to be on the "right" side of every issue: anti-vaxx (RSK's rebbitzen did much internet "research" on websites of both neo-Nazis & anarchist Leftist anti-Semites who shrey that vaccines are evil which is why she refers to Pharma giants as "Amalek"), mamzerus (Philly took a sach gelt to "kasher" a zoyna who has 2 husbands), molesters (RSK said Kolko did "teshuva" when no such thing happened and then fought NYS CVA), World Zionist Organizatzia (which the talmidim of Brisk & R' Aron Kotler signed against him), etc

    Reformers is shoin alter nayess (all the gedolim got together a few years ago to put RSK in cherem for kashering mamzerim which only didn't happen at the last minute because they were lied to that RSK is "backing down") and even a family affair. R' Shmuel's shvogger Brooks who went off the derech after Torah Vodaas & Telz held a Reform pulpit for 70 years out West. There was never any mention of the shvogger in Philly nor ober.

    son of Cantor Mordecai Brooks of the Clymer St Shul in Williamsburg, Rabbi Brooks was educated in yeshivot. He was ordained Yoreh Yoreh Yadin Yadin in 1951. At age 21, Rabbi Brooks was the youngest man to be ordained from Torah Vodaath. He also received Smicha from Rav Moshe Feinstein of Tifereth Yerushalayim & Rav "Yisroel" Hutner of Chaim Berlin. He was admitted to the (Conservative) Rabbinical Assembly in 1965. In 1961, he married Alma Pachino of Baltimore when he was rabbi of Temple Zamora in Coral Gables, FL. He served as rabbi in Coral Gables before becoming rabbi in 1965 of Agudath Achim in Savannah. From 1968-1971, he served Beth David in Greensboro, NC. While in Greensboro, he was instrumental in founding Solomon Schechter Day School there. In 1972, he became rabbi of Temple Beth Emeth in Northeast Philly & 5 years later became rabbi of Temple Beth Emet in Anaheim, CA. After 3 years in Anaheim he became spiritual leader of Temple Sholom in Ontario, CA, for 13 years before he retired to Las Vegas, NV. In recognition of his years of service, Jewish Theological Cemetery / Seminary awarded him Doctor of Divinity in 1984. In 1996 Rabbi Brooks became part-time rabbi of (Reform) Bet Knesset Bamidbar for 15 years until 2011. He's survived by his children, Dr. Sharna (Yakov Levy) Shachar, Zev (Yvette) Brooks, David Brooks & Sasha Brooks. Grandchildren: Ziva Shachar, Micah Shachar, Noah Shachar, Jacqueline Brooks, Danielle Brooks, Brooke Neubauer & step grandchildren Aviv Levy & Elan Levy. He is also survived by his siblings, Temi Kamenetsky, wife of ROSH YESHIVA SHMUEL KAMENETSKY in PHILADELPHIA, Moishe Brooks & Hendel Nadoff.

  10. Instead of following some accepted Rosh HaYeshivah it is more politically correct to follow some bum with a Zaideh shopping for women in restaurants.

  11. Fri Oct 01, 4:04 PM is a koifer against the Gemara on Tu b'Av

  12. Tu Bav the Shopping took place in tznious fashion - not in public restaurants etc. They borrowed clothing , they had what to offer not some dried grapes.
    And talking about a koifer - did you ever meet the Koifer with a Zaideh card?

  13. Shoyteh Wed Oct 06, 12:37 PM,

    There is no issur for mature adults to pursue a possible shidduch who stopped by a restaurant. Rav Gifter said on such opportunities: nit not tziz mutter ober tze doch a chiyuv.
