Saturday, October 09, 2021

Re: Vaccines for Covid! Pfizer Scientists in Undercover Videos Say Natural Immunity Likely Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination!

Do not trust the latest video from Reb Chaim Re: vaccines, It's all Yankie Kanievsky videos not Reb Chaim.

A Rosh Yeshiva recently wanted to go into Reb Chaim with some of his Talmidim, as usual. He was made to pay $500.00 USD Baksish.

It's all Yankie- Reb Chaim and the Shulchan Oruch say "it's ossur to vaccinate".



  1. As opposed to Rav Chaim’s psak??

  2. Isn't it a shame that the Philly anti-vaxx spell can even induce Lakewood poskim to go completely against the daas Torah of R' Aron Kotler ztl alein who was from the first in line to get the polio vaccine, from Rav Elyashev ztl who poskened vaccines are a chiyuv despite the tiny miut reacting badly to them, and from the vast majority of other like-minded gedolim?

  3. Too many are confusing Yanky" with Reb Chaim.

    As long as Yanky is in charge, Lieberman can write an Ois in the sefer Torah and Reb Chaim said does not exist.

  4. First it was Mordy then it was some else now its Yanky as long as you can do what you want and brush off gedolim with mordies, Yankies and othe names.
    Hefkairus at its best - not to listen to daas Torah that Won't fit into one's agendah

  5. The undercover videos - like the vast majority of the work Veritas does - are meaningless nonsense. No one argues that there is immunity following a Covid illness, and that it can be quite strong. No one. Not getting Covid in the first place - and not dying - is what the vaccine can do - and does. I’m surprised at your credulousness in posting this video.

  6. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Tue Oct 12, 12:03:00 PM 2021

    Mon Oct 11, 1:31 PM is you guessed it: the OU mashgiach from Queens who never tires of trying to belittle anything R' Yudel says. The mashgiach has another agenda for sure, which he is CRAZED about: the hard core shita shared by both the Agudah AND the Vatican to cover up anything that might make the establishment look bad.

    Any fool knows that Yanky is manipulating & being mevazeh the zayde R' Chaim. Even the clueless Chilonim figured it out.

    One perfect example: the Chol Hamoed that R' Chaim had covid, which Yanky was trying to play down as nothing, he propped the zayde up on a shtender mit a Gemara - despite that the zayde had such a high fever that he was unconscious! The zayde slipped off the shtender, collapsing on the floor. Yanky forgot to set a delay in the live feed camera so the ugly scene was captured. The Charedi media went along with Yanky to censor the video clip. But Modern Orthodox Arutz Sheva broadcast it.

  7. Think CooCooRiCoo is getting confused - just another day for him - with the Lubavicheh Rebbe some years before his Petirah.....

  8. The Shulchan Oruch say "it's ossur to vaccinate". ???

    As usual on this blog, you try to say it's shulchan oruch when it's just your personal opinion.
