Thursday, December 09, 2021

UPDATE: Lkwd CourtYard's lack of acceptable kashrus is in dire need for some serious change in their Hashgocha.


  1. Is this the kimpturin that used to be right off the Route 9 circle in Freehold? Back then it was under both Star K & Lakewood Satmar Dayan.

  2. It's one on Hope Chapel & Miller Road in Lakewood.

  3. Which hashgocho is at Hope Chapel Rd? The political org KCL?

  4. When an investigating rosh yeshiva caught the Hivnover in 2006 with basar bcholov ben yomo in that the Maimonides Hospital kitchen only had a single dishwasher for both, he farentfered with a straight face that his "mehadrin min hamehadrin" shgoocha is doing just great thank you because a yoledes can eat treif altz choyla mesukan. Never mind that staff & visitors eat at the cafeteria sharing the kitchen. Friedlander's buddy at NY State Kashrus "Enforcement" at the time covered up with no criminal charges but claimed he forced them to spend over $10,000 in upgrades. No one knows if the upgrades were actually carried out. The Hivnover was whining in the meantime that why didn't the rosh yeshiva come to him when he found a problem.

  5. For the past 25+ years, The Hashgocha is R' Yosef Abecasis, Shlita bishaim Rav Gissinger.
    We understand that Rav Gissinger left it completely at auto-pilot with Abecasis.

  6. Would kcl be an upgrade? I highly doubt it. So what's the issue?, they both "toigen-oif-kaporos".

  7. There are nebech people living there that were very careful about their kashrus, now in retirement, they have to give up everything, what a shame.

  8. Oh, so it's being run like the Maimonides Hospital kitchen when they had all of their kashrus problems, so what's so geferlich?

  9. If you are familiar with the slimy rabbi who was kicked out as NYPD chaplain for stealing police cash, farkoyfs himself as a weapons consultant for shul security, and who is constantly switching between Orthodox & Conservative depending on where he can make a buck, there is someone even worse than him in kashrus. The worse one was imported from out of State by the son of Moshe Tuvya Lieff to give hashgocho in Brooklyn.

    It's one thing when the worse one protects molesters & crooks which is also a Lieff habit. And a second thing when he helps manufacture mamzerus which is also the forte of such 'luminaries' as rabbis Mendel Epstein, Gimpel Wolmark, Yisroel Belsky, Hershel Schechter, Nota Greenblatt, the Kaminetzkys, etc, etc, etc. But it's another thing that he & his father are frauds who both hide the many years they were in Conservative shtellers.

    This rav hamachshir has been Conservative for much more of his life than he's acted the Orthodox part. That doesn't stop him from operating a Vaad Hakashrus & from lately at age 83 also being a regional chief for the Star K. None of his children from 3 wives are frum. They are Reform.

    He was an actor in a disgustingly prusta movie released in 2006 about someone bringing home a zoyna to his mishpocho's Pesach Seder !!!

    He has a bizarre history. His father, an Ingrisher named Jeno, was Chazan in Croatia, Czechoslavakia, Denmark, Sweden (the son works for Star K under his Swedish name), Newfoundland & Montreal.

    The son left Montreal for cantor roles through the 1960s, including at Temple Ramat Zion in Northridge (1967) & Temple Judea in Tarzana, Calif. (1969). He was still cantor in freya places as recent as at least 1987, if not later!

    Before or during marriage to 3rd wife named "Giborah", he, according to his own description, ended an off the derech phase to become a BT. At that point he started a Jewish orchestra. His older completely unfrum brother is a famous NYU professer.

    The zeyde was Chazan in Nitra but it's sketchy how frum even the father Cantor Jeno was because he went to a fishy sounding cantorial school in Vienna & he came back from Israel at the end of his life to be Conservative cantor in a San Diego temple.

  10. Maimonides Hospital Horror ShowFri Oct 01, 11:11:00 AM 2021

    2006 was also the height of Maimo nurses & staff in their vicious anti-Semitic persecution of the patients. It was so bad that a NY Daily News reporter wrote a book about it. Then askonim got involved and the anti-Semitism was toned down because they knew they're being watched. The anti-Semitism was from a combination of kinah that the Yidden were able to pull strings from protekzia and because some heimishe were acting like rude ferds so the staff also retaliated against innocent victims.


    Chaim (or Scandinavian name Erik) is takka now head of Star K in California.

    He really does wear many different hats. The clueless Chabadskers even made him maggid shiur at their online semicha institute.

  12. So much “Nay’is” from Chelem for after Yom Kippur
    I’m now ready to enter the first regular Shabbos Koidesh with my head overstuffed with all types of Loshon Horah.
    They a

    There is not this many types of herrings in any store anywhere so I had to seller for this class A poison.

  13. Fri Oct 01, 3:59 PM would rather fress from an undercover Reformer rabbiner that Agudah Fressers like Lieff are covering up for.

    Just like the Italian mafia has their Omerta code of silence, the Agudah Fressers believe that covering up scandal which is really a toyeless to be mefarsem, has replaced the Aseres Hadibros, kaviyochel.

  14. Amazing how this is the one and only place the Agudah despiser / fresser addicted farflecteh neshoomeh can post his Chidishay Shtusim.
    Abee he has some outlet otherwise he would looking for a tall bridge to…..

  15. Tue Oct 05, 8:15 PM otherwise known as the busybody OU mashgiach from Queens who is always in everyone else's business & critiques, gets so touchy about the Agudah being the butt of jokes.

    To each his own. There are British subjects who argue to their last breath to defend the world's wealthiest person on welfare, Queen Elizabeth. And there is the OU mashgiach from Queens, who despite that his brother was only star of the show at a single Agudah Fresser food party, also fights to his last breath to defend his dearest gourmet food org, the Agudah.

  16. If the Agudah is not defended then the fress and Zauff party is over for Kuckoo Garden.
    So just say thank you and keep on pouring it down like dehr Roiteh Hoikeh in Toldos.

  17. Would the KCL be any better?, definitely not, so what's the choices?

    The OU Glatt, cholov Yisroel, would be much better, Freehold kosher re-hab home did it.

  18. Bottom line, this is not a hashgocha, the owners want it because they could get away with everything.

    Maybe it's time for another one to open up with a good hashgocha?


    Which fleish are they using under KCL?

  20. Who really cares.
    Jerky is not exactly a yeshivah guys food.
    The others REALLY REALLY don't care.
    Whats your havah aminah here???

  21. Believe it or not, a talmid of Belsky has exposed a menuvol (a Barry Freundel type) a week ago, but it was published in the Low Klass Jewish Press who then caved to protekzia & removed the expose from their website.

    In 2019, National Council of Young Israel finally forced Ari Mandel out of YI Phoenix after pressure from a whistleblower. Most of Mandel's scandals emerged at that time. Belsky's talmid has now revealed 2 more, that Mandel was chief enabler of the undercover missionaries who were recently outed and that part of his shtick with improper gerus was ordering the women to imitate Chava koidem hachait in front of him. Mandel's father had a shul on East 7th in Kensington. They are close relatives of Shlomo Mandel (YOB). Mandel is grandson of Staten Island rosh yeshiva Rav Green & nephew of molester-enabler Moshe Green & fugitive Pinky Green.

  22. Sounds like the molester historian is doing his thesis on becoming molester numero uno in Doctorate form. Thus his title will stretch a bit to herr doktur heil ……


  23. אורה'ח: קצתי בחיי וגו'. לא רצתה לגלות הדבר ליצחק משום איסור רכילות ואמרה סיבה אחרת, אבל מה שגילתה ליעקב אדרבה קיימה מצות (ויקרא יט) לא תעמוד על דם רעך:

    Seems like Rivka Imaynee did not go to the Yudel Bais Yaakov since she did NOT violate רכילות even in special circumstances כל שכן that she ignored the Yudel version of גדלי׳ בן אחיקם. For she was חושש for was she suspected but did not talk and publicize it as is the correct and halachic interpretation of אחיקם.

  24. La Isha says the Rav hamachsir I R Pesach Grossman, Lakewood and under the CRC hisachdus. Any confirmation?

  25. According to this site, hisachdus is just as bad as kcl.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. What kind of narrow minded comment is that about jerky? A ben Torah can be a guest where he is served off a deli platter. If you are served it would hurt the baal habusta's feelings to refuse to eat it. You can be sure that R' Aron Kotler ztl would even taste a mashehu of jerky in such a circumstance.

    1. Why only a mashehu??
      If Reb Aron would not want to “hurt” the Baal habusta he would finish his plate.

  28. Don't say there's no supervision or its on auto-pilot speak to R' Grossman if you have a shaila

  29. Was wondering why did this blog pick a kimpturin place to give his drashahs.
    Then it finally clicked it’s an exclusive veiber place - one place where CCRC can’t get in so he got Reb Yudel some Loshon hora hock and hasn’t let go yet.
    Under normal circumstances Yudel wouldn’t do it bechinam, but being the great Baal Chesed he is (water station etc) he couldn’t say no even to CCRC. [ possibly Reb Yudel sponsors a few dresses for CCRC]

  30. TSC are the sons of Rabbi Mayer Beller, Menahel under Margo at Torah Temimah, and now Menahel at Yeshiva of Spring Valley.

    Let's see how long it takes for Eckstein to be ordered to remove this report from Yeshiva World.

    A Bergen County, New Jersey, company today admitted its role in price gouging a chain of New Jersey grocery stores in connection with the sale of KN95 masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, Acting U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced.

    TSC Agency LLC (TSC), a logistics and freight forwarding company based in Mahwah, New Jersey, pleaded guilty by videoconference before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen to an information charging it with price gouging in violation of the Defense Production Act.

    According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

    In March 2020, TSC and two partners purchased 250,000 KN95 filtering facepiece respirators from a foreign manufacturer. TSC and one of those partners then sold 100,000 masks to a chain of New Jersey grocery stores at prices in excess of prevailing market prices. TSC sold the masks at a price of $5.25 per mask, which amounted to a markup of more than 400 percent from its acquisition cost. Prior to the spread of COVID-19, TSC had no history of selling personal protective equipment.

    A violation of the Defense Production Act carries a maximum fine of $200,000, or twice the gross pecuniary gain derived from the offense, or twice the gross pecuniary loss sustained by any victims of the offense, whichever is greatest. Sentencing for TSC Agency is scheduled for April 13, 2022.

    Acting U.S. Attorney Honig credited special agents of the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Peter Fitzhugh in New York, with the investigation.

  31. Talking about the root of ALL evil….

    What’s worse that he MAYBE gouged - he may of pleaded out because it was cheaper or some other reason
    Posting it here or anywhere else without ANY Toeles whatsoever???

  32. The Bellers never previously bought or sold medical respirator masks but saw a money making opportunity & JUMPED on it. It's a huge chilul Hashem for several reasons. there is the Federal Defense Production Act prohibiting price gorging on items that are needed in a national emergency. The Bellers marked them up more than 400% at a time that they were in short supply for hospital staffs & first responders. Violating the Act is considered highly unpatriotic in addition to being greedy. And because YSV is the most anti-vaxx & dismissive of covid danger, more so than all other Monsey yeshivos, this stunt is really cynical. The rabbi's home is listed in the incorporation papers as the company's head office.

  33. "JUMPED on it ... highly unpatriotic in addition to being greedy ... the most anti-vaxx & dismissive of covid danger ... really cynical"

    Yeshiva of SHPRING Valley

  34. It’s even a bigger chillul HaShem to post these news bits here. We are not even talking of the chillul HaShem of being liver many issur d’oiraysahs this non juicy piece if either Loshon Horah or moitzee Shain Rah.

  35. The otd rejected YSV application is back at it.

  36. The OU mashgiach of Queens sticking his snout in Monsey again? He must think he owns that town too despite that he's out of Beis Shraga for so many years.

    It's stale already how he attacks any critic of any place without knowing who they are as an "OTD" who "couldn't get in". The hypocrite mashgiach needs to get a clue. If his mishpooche didn't have control over his local moisdos, the kids in his clan would be lucky if they could even get into the bottom rung Bucharee school. As far as his shvugger with the addiction to mesachek bakuvya in Atlantic City & who can 'brag' about his lineage of doros of molesters, he's lucky that the schools there are bleeding hearts who take anyone.

  37. Schools have no right to reject anyone unless they are 100% private and collect no funds from outside the parent body.
    However they have a right to tell the insistent parent that they must apply to other schools as well.
    If a insistent parent only applies to one school, which is not fitting for their zaddikel ie if they are the way out - otd then the school may reject them. Monsey, Lakewood or anywhere else that has more then one yeshivah.
    The fact that there is guy on this blog who keeps on posting half-truths and non-truths here about issues that have nothing to do with this blog, does not justify anything he says.

  38. One major problem in Monsey is let's say you put your first child in yeshiva A. If you cannot put your next child also in A, yeshivos B,C,D,E,F,G & on will not take that next child due to petty competition meshugassen which the gedolim have told them is completely unacceptable, but they are a bunch of grubbah baal habatim in rabbonishe levush who don't give a hoot about daas Torah or the neshomos they end up harming. The same thing happens even with crossover of which yeshiva is affiliated with which girls school.

    It gets much worse than this. There have been 100s of kids with nowhere to go period because of the next sheker up the yeshivos' sleeves that, supposedly, there is "no room". While this may be true in SOME yeshivos, it is sheker in others. One year alone there were over 200 kids with no place between all the different kehillos that there is not even a vaad to keep track of.

    I have looked into this by conferring with several rabbonim & askonim to learn that the allegations here & elsewhere that YSV are the most cruel in Monsey is true. YSV had the gall to feif on the gedolim telling them they have no recht to refuse kids by falsely claiming they are a "private" moysad which the nudnik at 11:09 this morning seems to be parrotting from them. Ershtens, YSV does get money from outside the parent body, and tzvaitens, YSV is ignoring in their collossal arrogance the entire crux of what the gedolim said, that there is no such thing as a private yeshiva. Yeshivos have a din of public mosdos, period. So they can hock fun heint biz morgen that they are "private" but it does nothing to lessen the rishus they are doing, both in kammus because they sit on the most empty, unused space of any yeshiva, and in eichus of many disgusting, ugly displays of indifference & achzoriyus to the victims. Someone in YSV alein went to complain to the gedolim that when rabbonim came running down to YSV for emergency meetings regarding the crisis, the shpiel of Frankel, Orzel, etc, was to act sympathetic but start laughing the moment the rabbonim left, how they will do absolutely nothing to help. A real caring fellow that Frankel. He sold his house for $1 million in the middle of last year to a Chassidishe & thought he would get away with immediately absconding with zero responsibilities. They put big pressure on him to force him to stay until at least the middle of the year. And ask around by the gedolim how many of them were given promises by Orzel who never takes another phone call from them. And Frankel? He usually doesn't even bother bluffing them on a first phone call. Here's a little secret, he was already known as an achzar decades ago in Mirrer yeshiva ketana.

    The parrotter of pro-Monsey mosdos proaganda, bifrat pro-YSV propaganda, is easily proven a shakran as many can attest to the dire tzorus they have been put through. A realization of Chazal warning that in these times many of the mosdos will be run by Erev Ravniks, as brought by the Gr"a, the Toldos Yaakov Yosef & the Divrei Chaim of Sanz (in the hamottos al Hatorah).
