Wednesday, December 08, 2021

מזל-טוב, מזל-טוב Greenwald Caterers has finally released themselves from the BMG's "KCL" Mafia

NOTE: Greenwald's Bais Faiga still has KCL, evidently Greenwald dropped KCL, not the other way around. "Check-mate".
מודעה למדקדקים בכשרות
Greenwald Caterers has finally been able to get rid of  BMG's   KCL.



  1. To the Bmg's KCL- Let's go Brandon.

  2. Which hasgocah did they get? Schneeblag? Lol

  3. Allah, alleh essen!

  4. That got vaad mehadrin kashrus of Philadelphia Rav Tzvi altusky however kcl clarified that Ateres Chana (bais faiga) is still under kcl

  5. Lake Terrace and Itcheh Meyer just committed suicide.


    Rav Altusky is careful on so many things that the Queens Vaad is nichshol in that they are too many to list.

    More in line with a real mehadrin standard, unlike fake "mehadrin" standard from Chaim Schwartz's clown act at the AKO conference when it was held in Dallas.

  7. Let me guess, Rabbi Altusky is better than KCL, because among other things he won't leave Shvartza arbetters unsupervised during the graveyard shift so they can switch salamis.


    Salami; sausage

    German-speaking countries are famous for their wide variety of Wurst. Some, such as Zervelatwurst, are salami-type sausages.

  8. The OU mashgiach in Queens is itching to badmouth Vaad Mehadrin as R' Yudel seemingly approves of them. But he has to be vewwy vewwy careful due to who is on Vaad Mehadrin's rabbinical Board: Oelbaum from KGH, shvugger of the mashgiach's financial benefactor. That's some cozy arrangement there. They take gelt from clueless Modern Orthodox who they despise as only good enough for their money, and this in turn enables the mashgiach to blog his destructive nonsense like a loose cannon, instead of working for a living. Adding to the equation is his afternoon OU shift that he treats like a no show job because he's 'supervising' Yudelstake instead of the fleish & the trucks leaving the Bronx.

  9. Wed Dec 08, 10:11:00 PM 2021

    Mamesh a Queens vaad buki as in alteh buck.
    Where do you think this partial list of all thses hailigah standards cane from?
    Yeh. and that ban on overnight onions etc even if salt and/or juice?? is put in.
    WoeWee. That makes them REAL Kosher.
    How often does this Al guy come in to check the place? does cut kollel or his teaching job?
    does the driving to driving to Lakewood round trio enhance his concentration for next day??
    Does he still go to Waterbury to check things out there?

    Please give him Shvartz's number so he at least can play Mehadrin.

    How come Lake Terrace has no business latly - check out the infamous intrusive simcha list on hefkervelt for the last while?

    1. No party there last night either according to the intrusive hefkervelt.

  10. Yudel, maybe they should get that Mashgiach / Menaker from Chicago. He seems to be the only one that people trust

  11. If KCL dropped Greenwald, why does he have them at Bais Faiga?

    Greenwald got rid of KCL, but Bais Faiga didn't allow Greenwald to dump BMG's KCL.
