Sunday, January 09, 2022

Hope that they will put on the name of the chosson's aufruf- some are improving their invitations



  1. Hope you also got a invitation to at least part of the wedding so the Chosson’s name is usually there.
    Never saw or heard of someone getting invited only to the Aufruf. Unless your trying to start a new trend and thus saving people $$$$ for the wedding itself???

  2. No one keeps it attached to the invitation, so you never know who's aufruf it is.

    Is that hard to put on the name of the chosson and family name?

  3. Most people put it in their colander as sooon as they get invitation.

  4. Is it true that Ingrisher-Romanisher Chassidishe do not put a reply card in the envelope for anyone?

    We've had awkward situations from getting such invitations.

    If true, what's pshat? And how do they plan without knowing anyone's intention?

    1. It's not a matter of the stereotype infringer-Romanisher.
      It is the more heimishe crowd which doesn't look to waste money or effort.
      They order the minimum let's say 100 couples and let's all you guys knock yourself out being busy with return cards, placement maps seating, seating cards. Good luck in complicating stuff!

  5. By a chasidishe chasunah, when you are in the midst of eating and step away for a moment from your seat, another fellow is sitting in your seat and eating your main dish.
    So they don't need return cards.

    By a litvish chasunah, you get for a moment, the waiter takes away your portion.

  6. Meh shteit nisht pig inn mitten Essen.
    So the waiters and the other fellow are right.

  7. It's usually the shnorrers & homeless who when they jump into your seat at a Chassidishe simcha they are using your cutlery you just ate from to finish your soup or main dish. The Chassidishe who have any self-respect will at least try to get a new set of cutlery.

  8. I was once invited, under strange circumstances, to what turned out to be only the chuppah. The weirdo father of the kallah was making such a huge deal in wanting to know if I was coming that I assumed he must have mistakenly left the reply card out of the envelope. I told him I'm coming & showed up thinking I could sit down & eat. I immediately became uneasy on the way in when checking the place cards to see I wasn't included in the zitzen. Then the weirdo acted like he was majorly surprised to see me show up at all. How odd is that when he called a bunch of times & I directly told him I'm coming?

    The explanation is that he's such a weird AND karg Poilisher that he was having anxiety attacks while trying to figure out how much sponge cake & seltzer he might need by the kabolas ponim. Talk about taking the cake!

    1. To lighten things up:
      Reb Avrum Mordche Malach had a serious on kargkeit last week mosuk kiddush.
      A plates falls down and breaks in the house and the wife says we need to make a shidduch tonight so the broken plate is not wasted.
      Then the husband reminds himself I just swallowed a Tylenol I better get a headache so the pill goes to good use.
      The best one is when the guy takes a look at his clock and sees something is off. His friend then tells him that it is not plugged in and that is why the clock stopped.
      He tells his friend "sure I pulled the plug on the clock once I was finished looking at the time and didn't need it anymore.

  9. Interlander Lives MatterFri Nov 26, 03:17:00 AM 2021

    If you turn your back on your plate by a heimishe chassuneh it has a din of davar she'nisalaym min ha'ayin, you have to assume someone slobbered on it or episs nuch erger.

    This gets me thinking that Belsky was a Progressive. When he let the OU (plus most Amerikanner hashgochos hiding behind the OU) do away with the whole concept of bussar she'nisalaym, this benefits heimishe to no longer be automatically suspected of being slobberers & simcha hall portion pilferers. Even though inzerreh heimishe are the culprits al pi roiv, it's racist to say it.

  10. I think hefkervelt should start the Aufruf location, name and address please, on every Erev Shabbos just as they with the Weddings.

  11. Hefkervelt can also collaborate with Yankel Pfefferkorn to publish all the Brissen.

    Yankel's proprietary database of Bris times & places is more accurate than "Yuk Yuk's" Boro Park real estate yedios.

  12. The baalei simcha in the invitation dugmah are the extended mishpooche of "Gary Barnett" of Kew Gardens.

    Has he gotten on the bad side yet of the OU mashgiach?

  13. Is Gary from Queens who is not yet on UO Mashgiach’s bad side related to the “Barneys” the old timers from Lakewood??

  14. Garry Barnett is not his real name, It's his name used in Business, so he's not related to anyone.

  15. The name on the sample invitation is "Gary's" real last name. Do you think he was hatched from an egg?

  16. Garys sister married m genachavskys brother

  17. Quack Quack Menachem GenackTue Jan 18, 03:14:00 PM 2022

    Do you mean the distantly related Eretz Yisroeldik rosh yeshiva Genachovsky & his more immediate mishpocho?

    Or are you pointing out that Genack shortened his name?

    Some have grada raised the question that Genack afraid of Belsky dragging him through beis din + arkoyos was only the excuse to not fire Belsky from the OU when the OU Board was furious with Belsky fighting on behalf of 2 different Kolko molesters ad kdai prosecutors threatening to arrest Belsky for witness tampering & intimidation. It's been wondered aloud that ken zein Genack didn't mind Belsky's terrorist tactics on behalf of the Kolkos as the Kolko & the Genack(chovsky) clans are landsmen who both shtam from the town of Grajewo!

  18. Some more love here.
