Monday, January 10, 2022

Re: peeled onion, etc. overnight



  1. It like saying pig is assur because its a dirty animal...

  2. Does salt scare the virus away

  3. Oy vey!

    Im ain Fressing, ain Agudah Convention!

  4. Rockland County Clerk website, when searching for yeshiva, it is the 2nd case on page 4 that Braun is plaintiff.

    (sign in as guest)

    Rabbi Avrohom Braun, who is accused of protecting rapist-molester alumni, has been thrown out of Ohr Somayach Monsey after he demanded partial ownership of the yeshiva. A beis din poskened he doesn't have a leg to stand on but that he is owed $800,000. The comes next seems to be the case from the posted documents. The yeshiva halted his installment payments because he violated his end of the agreement which is to stop pretending he is still on the Hanhala & to stop interfering with the Rokowskys administration of the place. The Court sides with the beis din against Braun & told some rich dudes who tried intervening on Braun's behalf to take a hike. It gets childish at times like when Braun's lawyer Jeremy Rosenberg publicly posts a letter that Rokowsky's lawyer is "pestering" him. Braun / his cronies are trying to appeal his defeat.

    1. Let’s make this a Toeles Loshon Horah.
      Who is Braun?
      Who is Ohr Samaria h?
      Who is the Rockland County Cleark?
      Who are the lawyers on both sides?
      Are frum?
      Are they Heimish?
      Why 800,00.00?
      Plus any other juicy Loshon Horah please.
      Well kasher it for you.

  5. Oy vay.
    Our CCRC won't have his annual turkey fress party this year.
    We are starting a collection right now to make sure our Krankeh Friend can fress all he wants as he did for centuries at the Fress Convention.
    $$$ can be sent either to Bloomies or to Reb Yudel who with his infamous chesed will forward the $ to bloomies.
    Please write on check that it is for CCRC/Kranke neshoomeh Fress feasts.


  7. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachWed Jan 12, 02:43:00 PM 2022

    The OU mashgiach in Queens is vewwy, vewwy bothered that Braun is mentioned on the blog despite that he went to arkoyos when he didn't like losing in beis din and that he is anyway publicizing his own shmutz to a huge multiplier of apei telassa because anything submitted to the Court has to be uploaded through the public website of the Clerk.

    If Jacob the mashgiach has any further dumb questions, rest assured he will hastily post them on Yudelstake no matter what 'vichtig arbet' he is being to do at the fake "kollel" and "supervising" for the OU during his leisurely Bronx afternoons.

  8. Ohr Somayach ownership is also relevant to kashrus. Since there are no hotels that are walking distance to the heart of 'Old' Monsey (except 1 owned by a tiflus), both Ohr Somayach & Vizhnitz operate small hotels that provide food for those without a place if they need to come for a simcha or some other reason. In the case of Ohr Somayach that of course includes having kiruv candidate families see what an 'Old' Monsey Shabbos is like.

  9. Vizhnitz Monsey also turns Vilchovitzer Hall into a mega-restaurant during the weeks before Pesach for those who already kashered the house. To their credit, the essen is basically at cost.

  10. The food is under Rabbi Steinmetz, an unreliable Hashgocha.

  11. Wed Jan 12, 02:43:00 PM 2022

    You gotto love his 'apei telassa' heter when the same Chafetz Chayim who " ALLOWS LOSHON HORAH ON THE PEOPLE WHO WERE "TALKED" TO BUT Nebach DIDNT LISTEN - (Yeh, Right, I have a bridge to sell you...) heter (if he ever meant that in Reb Yudel passionate LH mode) says that one can NOT rely on this heter.

    Keep burning the candle on both sides....

    Best regards,

    UO Mashgiach ON COMPANY TIME.

  12. Wed Jan 12, 05:41:00 PM 2022
    If the food is not yudel standards then their making lots and lots of money.
