Monday, January 10, 2022

Suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

The conservative watchdog group Project Veritas claims to have obtained a damning report written by a U.S. Marine who formerly worked with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as the Commandant of the Marines Corps Fellow, on behalf of DARPA last year, 

U.S. Marine Maj. Joseph Murphy allegedly penned a letter to the Department of Defense Inspector General in which he expressed “great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines,” according to Project Veritas.

The report is one of two DARPA documents that Project Veritas claims “were hidden in a top-secret shared drive.”

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