Sunday, December 26, 2021

Who is checking up on the books in our schools for compliance with a Torahadik sprit?

 We have received numerous communications re: above issues, it seems that some schools are falling between the cracks. In at least one Girls school on Oak St, the Principal tells the teachers "you can leave, but we will not change the "Goyish hashkofah books".


  1. Who is assuring that the owners/operators have proper hashkofos?

  2. There is a Yekkish woman on the Hanhala of Passaic girls elementary with a G-d complex who talks as if she founded the school instead of R' Heshie Hirth zl. She has a shortlist of destinations for the 8th graduation trip and has taken the girls to Amish Country where the particular destination is one big tiflus to teach the public about that bezunder branch of Xtianity. She also mandates a certain book & akshens to keep it despite the morahs fighting over the years to eliminate it. The book is a subtle attempt at shmad & is full of subliminal plus more overt messaging of devorim assurim in the realm of znus. Rebbitzen Weissman is supposed to be her superior but whenever the Rebbitzen gets wind of something not kosher, that tyrant & bully of a woman intimidates her to not interfere.

    1. And they lived happily ever after.
      Laila Tov.

  3. Ultimate Hypocrisy of an OU mashgiachSun Dec 26, 11:28:00 AM 2021

    Whenever on this blog there is a problem mentioned in a bais hachinuch, the OU mashgiach in Queens comes charging in to attack the messengers with all kinds of slander & insults, that they are "rejects", etc. So it's just a matter of time before he pollutes this page too with his hideous sheker vechozov.

    The mashgiach happens to be in a unique situation. Despite all the lowest of the low menuvolim & criminals in his gantze mishpooche, the kids go to a handful of mosdos that aren't makpid, including, of course, his local area Bais Yaakov where his mishpooche have weaseled their way into the staff & executive branches. Despite that mechuton Bryks is wanted for questioning by Canadian police regarding several victims & a young boy who by all indications was raped by Bryks, was meabed atzmoi al hadaas, Mrs. Bryks is allowed to bring home her young students without special supervision. (Note that the mashgiach, who refers to victim advocates as "terrorists", once grunted on this blog that molesters are not avaryonim, only "extremely rare" child rapists. This was an attempt to protect Bryks while the mashgiach pretends that Bryks only molested, didn't rape. And the halacha, denied by the koifer mashgiach, is that molesters are not only avaryonim but already considered roidfim).

    The mashgiach is an exceedingly cruel person who in his many episodes of calling countless Yidden "rejects" and/or being moitzee the most horrendous types of false laaz on them, sits there visibly deriving tremendous geschmak. What a perverse existence. But this is what floats the boat of yener OU mashgiach in Queens. The suffering of Yiddishe kinder & their parents at the hands of corrupt people who should be removed from chinuch is just more fodder for the OU mashgiach to thoroughly enjoy himself.

    1. Maybe the OU Masgiach is good Shiffy h for that Yekki lady. This way we can them both busy with each other and two stones out of hypocrisy expert’s life.
      But what he hock on after this unique wedding? Maybe they have to get married at all. That will keep him plenty. Busy.

  4. The Yated, which has lately gone completely off the rails as a tool of Philly-Agudah anti-vaxx propaganda, is reporting in it's latest edition (not linked) that Lakewood doctor offices have line ups to get in unannounced of over 100 people each. These are obviously all desperate covid patients, but following the Philly-Agudah diktat that it's verboten to say so, Lipschutz is attempting to cover it up with the remarkable claim that they are pashtus mostly flu patients with a small smattering of covid patients. The article mentions they are all suffering greatly from burning eyes which is a symptom of covid, not a flu symptom! A recent study by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infection found that of covid patients with eye problems, the most common is burning eyes. How severe is the flu currently? Hardly! The NJ Health Dept is reporting that Statewide in the entire 2021 there have been 0 flu deaths & only 2 pediatric cases that are ranked severe compared to 2019 with some deaths & 57 severe pediatric cases. (2020 did not have consistent record taking)

    Virus in the stomach in the article below is a known symptom of covid's omicron strain which did not happen with the delta strain. It could also be a covid poel yotze as part of the inflammation syndrome that covid often causes in juveniles.

    Thousands of yeshivah bochurim throughout Israel have fallen ill in recent weeks with a mysterious virus with symptoms of high fever, stomach pain, cold symptoms and especially severe weakness.

    The virus, which began before Chanukah in some yeshivos and others more recently, has hit yeshivos in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Elad as well as in Kfar Chabad and other yishuvim. The virus has hit all types of yeshivos – Litvak, Sefardi, and Chassidish as well as Dati Leumi yeshivos on yishuvim and in towns and cities. As could be expected, most of the ill bochurim got tested for COVID when they became ill but they tested negative.

    The yeshivah that seems to have been hit the worse is Yeshivas Torah B’Tifarta in Elad, where over 240 bochurim have fallen ill, with many suffering from high fever. About 150 bochurim in Yeshivas Be’er HaTalmud caught the virus and another 150 in Yeshivas Orchos HaTorah. Dati Leumi Yeshivos throughout Israel have been affected including yeshivos in Nahariya, Mitzpeh Ramon, Yerucham, Nir, Mitzpeh, and others.

    According to a B’Chadrei Charedim report, hundreds of bochurim in the US in Satmar and Belz yeshivos have also fallen ill with the virus as well as students in Talmudei Torah in Williamsburg, Kiryas Yoel and Monroe.

    (This article on the stomach virus first appeared 11 days ago in YWN which reported stale news from weeks earlier. This is significant because most covid tests in circulation at that time were not able to detect the omicron strain as covid, so that article is another facetious attempt to fall in line with Philly-Agudah propaganda. Infllammation syndrome also would not typically trigger a positive covid result because it most often erupts after covid itself has waned.)

  5. A Brisker yungerman once caught a krumma hashkofa being taught in one of the Lakewood mosdos. It was inadvertant, but because the Menahel didn't like his place being caught on a mistake, he screamed at & threatened the yungerman to not open his mouth again if he'd like his kids to remain.

    1. That the normal way to keep briskers in line when their out of brisk and think that every one DID Brisk.

  6. Shoin, the mashgiach 2:47 pm still can't get over his rejection that he couldn't get into Brisk

  7. OU guy knows how to Handel Briskers from the inside. Been there. Done that.

  8. OU baal hachaloimos guy veisst gurnisht fin gurnisht

  9. The latest "tzaddik" to crow about to the Oylem Goylem masses.

    Tzfas beis din heard from 22 child victims of Feldheim publishing author Chaim Walder. Much of the edus was verified by their psychologists who heard the same thing going back as far as 25 years ago. The beis din also heard Walder tape recorded by a veibela about his neeoof. He tried to convince her to lie & not cooperate with the dayanim no matter how much evidence they have, he says even if they come with pictures he will argue they were photoshopped. He threatens her that if she goes ahead with her edus he will put a bullet in his own kop. Kach hava & now the "mainstream" Charedi media is covering up the story while singing Walder shvochim in the obituaries.

  10. Mon Dec 27, 10:42:00 AM 2021

    See its working pretty well. The Kranke Neshoomeh Fin Brisk Fahrshteit shoin gohrnisht. No way he did Brisk - or anyplace else.

  11. Ridiculous how the Walder parsha was secretly handled. Half a year before his child molesting hit the newspapers, the Badatz of Edah Charedis assered his books without saying why. The unspoken reason was they had proof about his affairs with veiber.

    Meanwhile I am out the hundreds of dollars of his books bought for my kids which it's now revealed are assur to read. Is Feldheim mechuyev to refund me?

  12. Shooting the MessengerMon Dec 27, 01:01:00 PM 2021

    In that Rubashkin propaganda book (cheerleading by Pinny Lipschutz), Sholom Mordechai blames the bloggers as responsible for tremendous harm to Agri long before he was shut down. They are included among the "Moysrim" to Goyish officials who executed his shutdown & imprisonment, he contends.

  13. When is Pinny going to declare the new Lubavitch Rebbeh?
    Mordechai Rubashkin, Yechi!!!!

    He could say Toirah that no one understands, he could give advise, he knows the whole shpiel, well re-hearsed.

    Nu Pinny, you'll be his Secretary.

  14. Mon Dec 27, 12:38:00 PM 2021

    You can now file a claim with his estate.

  15. Sholom Mordechai blames the bloggers ... They are included among the "Moysrim"

    Sounds like the OU mashgiach in Queens was huddling with Rubashkin for a coordinated smear of R' Yudel

  16. Following the news of his death, Tzfas Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who had been presiding over a beis din regarding the sexual abuse suffered by victims at the hands of Walder, released this statement: “It is too bad he chose this path. We had offered him the option to fix what he had broken, to apologize to his victims, to change his ways, to ensure that no more women or little boys & girls would be harmed. We send strength to the many victims in these difficult times. Their lives precede his life.”

    The beis din heard testimonies from the victims themselves and reviewed relevant documents and recordings of Walder, all of which corroborate the allegations of those testifying.

    “We are not judging Walder based on a newspaper article,” Eliyahu clarified. “We have received a lot of evidence. All of those involved in this matter have been in contact with therapists and professionals who have testified before us that over the years many people who had been hurt by Walder came to them. I know these people well. They are completely credible, and their testimonies match what was published in Haaretz.”

    The earliest testimony against Walder dates back 25 years, and the most recent is from 6 months ago. All allege that Walder’s attacks on his victims would take place in his bookstore in Bnei Brak, his office, his car or in various hotels.

  17. Which books is this about, and what content did which person object to?

  18. The books that the students are required to read, and write about, it's for goyim, not Jewish kids.

  19. “There is no doubt at all that these incidents brought before the beis din are only a small part of the evil that was done by Walder,” Rav Eliyahu wrote. “The Torah teaches us to treat actions like Walder’s with abhorrence and severity, as if they were murder. If we don’t warn the public about his actions he will persist in them, and the blame will be on us.”

  20. Mon Dec 27, 07:45:00 PM 2021 = Daas Taireh.

  21. That's the problem, Lakewood's Daas Tairah is Daiois kozvois.

    They play the game of Takonos, Chumrois, etc. so they could have all of the Moisrois and of course corruption, otherwise who needs it all?-Right?

    1. Guys like this are never happy where ever they are.
      If you don’t like the the schools or a school you can do home teaching and use any mayses beechil you feel no one will comment on.

  22. Many of these involved askonim, are just using askonis as a diaper to cover up all of their....
    Good try, askonim, but it reeks.

    It doesn't pass the smell test. unless you are testing for Covid, and can't smell.

  23. They could get the walder books cheap.
    Let's go Brandon.
