Monday, December 20, 2021

From numerous emails by educated kosher consumers

 It has become pretty standard that many food items, i.e meat, fish, pre-checked vegies, etc are packaged in not completely transparent packaging.

The side that looks great is on top and does not look good is on the bottom in a colored tray.

The partially shriveled or brownish lettuce is packaged in a colorful bag, till one opens it and discovers the ........

Time to use clear plastic trays, clear plastic for packaged fruits and vegetables.

Most Lakewood food establishments are using eggs from the Amish in Pennsylvania that have roosters, and the food establishments are permitted to have the Goyim check the eggs, which it not in accordance with Halachah.


  1. When you order online instead of picking the items yourself in store, many supermarkets are dumping the expired garbage on you. The worst offender is Rockland Kosher. They even give you all the rotting chometz dreck in your Pesach order & hope you don't realize. What kind of Yidden would be machshil in chometz Bapesach to make a few extra bucks? And where are the so called "oversight", Mevakshei Bakshish, sometimes known as Mevakshei Kashrus?

  2. Perhaps R' Yudel can find out the rest of the story.

    Newday was sold by Evergreen at the beginning of 2021. The upmach remained in place for a while to continue getting all the Tarnopol & Shteinmetz stuff from Evergreen, but that is coming to an end now. I am trying to find out who the new owner is but he has gone to great lengths to hide his identity and the know it all chevra are protecting him. The most I could squeeze out of them is that it's a pair of investor brothers & they already owned a large TREIF supermarket.

    Do the bruders have any yiras Shomayim? Despite Rubashkin being fashioned as the Patron "Saint" of Philly & the Agudah, we know what temptations he succumbed to in the conflict of interest that 80% of Agri was selling treif to Walmart, Shoprite, etc!

  3. Mon Dec 20, 07:55:00 PM 2021 = Buubeh mayseh Number 1.
    Tue Dec 21, 11:11:00 AM 2021 = Bubbeh mayseh Number 2.

  4. The neya baal habus created several corporations for the same Newday: Newday Glatt, Newday SPRMRKT, etc. I can think of a few reasons why someone would do that, none of which are flattering. He's hiding behind a registration agent using a mail drop in downtown Spring Valley. The agent works for many other companies, some of which I checked out - they look shady.

  5. Tue Dec 21, 12:30 PM = the Numero Uno drey kop of Queens, aka the OU mashgiach

    And he just loves the Bubbeh maysehs of Paysach Krohn, a member of his extended mishpooche

  6. Chaim Schwartz couldn't be prouder, as he wrote himself in the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine, that "everything he knows in kashrus" is compliments of KVH!

    We hate to confuse Schwartzie with the facts but it was previously reported in the Yated & excerpted on Yudelstake that R' Moshe, R' Aron & Suvalker Rov signed that KVH are machshil the rabim in maacholos assuros.

    More recently the Yated reported another KVH whopper that the 1st Bostoner Rebbe, R' Pinches Duvid, used to say over. One of the biggest sausage-salami factories in America was in New England. One day the mashgiach forgot his coat at the factory. When he went back to retrieve it, he saw a large scale delivery of treif meat being unloaded. The mashgiach ran to the local KVH pulpit rabbi who tells him "if you know what's good for you, you didn't see it".

    Despite Schwartzie being able to weasel his shiur on to Rav Teitelbaum's robocalls, the current Bostoner didn't like the idea of a za KVH chussid giving a shiur by him.

  7. Reb Moshe, Reb Aron, Reb Dovid and many others all signed on some PRIVATE hashgachas coming out of Boston (And Chicago).
    NEVER NEVER on the KVH.
    I know that Yated, Pinny and others on the net are your heros (without paying for full page ads) but if your gonna post stuf based on your 24/7 surfing the least you can do is get it true, right and correct.

  8. Someone trying to protect KVH or Queens Vaad or Chaim Schwartz, is not telling the truth to cover up the facts!

    I know the Krasnow mishpoche who gave this information to the Yated.

    Yated parshas Breishis of a year ago, page 30: "The battle of the butcher shop"

    When Rav Krasnow was rov in the Boston suburb, Lowell, he gave hashgocho on fleish there. The next town over Lawrence had a greedy butcher in cahoots with KVH that ran a monopoly driving the price sky high & many Yidden to start buying treif. When Rav Krasnow helped bring a competing butcher to normalize prices, KVH did not like it whatsoever. KVH argued it's hasogas gvul because they have a rep rabbi in Lawrence on the greedy butcher & it doesn't matter how much money they extort. Rav Krasnow laughed them off that how could the Lawrence rabbi be a member of KVH when he davens Shabbos into a microphone & without a mechitzah?

    KVH was mazmin Rav Krasnow. First question: what is your "price" to walk away from the new butcher? They couldn't believe it when Rav Krasnow insisted he's not for sale. They tell him "everyone has a price". He said not me. They said then we are going to zabla & Rabbi J.B. is our pick. They assumed Rav Krasnow would pick someone local who they could belittle. They freaked out when he picked Torah Vodaas rosh yeshiva Rav Kahanow, knowing that would make it national news and that the rosh yeshiva will make both KVH & YU look like lowlives. So they immediately dropped the din Torah to instead issue a fake cherem against Rav Krasnow! (The halacha is those issuing fake cherem are themselves put in cherem even without a beis din making it official)

    R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Aron Kotler & the Suvalker Rov signed together that the KVH "cherem" on Rav Krasnow is fake, has no standing. KVH must have been fuming that even a maggid shiur in YU signed.

    Additionally, an item not in the Yated - the alter Radiner Rav Savitsky of Boston has a son in Queens, non-Vaad, who offers to show everyone another R' Moshe teshuva to stay away from KVH because of it's affiliating with non-Orthodox rabbis. (He does suddenly become quiet & in denial however when Queens Vaad angrily asks him about things he says that irks them)


  9. Bubbeh Mayseh Number 6

  10. A guilty party KVH rabbi who was attacked for feeding what's forbidden all the way back then by harabbonim hageonim Kotler-Feinstein-Lifshitz, is currently in some kind of not run of the mill shteller in Passaic. He's a tip who is Modern Orthodox but can handel yeshivish because when he was growing up ages ago in YU he hung out night seder in Chofetz Chaim. He is very likely still working for KVH because they are on supermarket bakeries all over NJ.

    His daughter in law & granddaughter teach in the Bais Yaakov. And what horribly nasty women they are! Not clear if they hate bnei Torah mishpochos or are stam sick in their heads.

    The mother badly punishes girls for the slightest "infraction" which includes when girls do chasodim for other girls to be able to follow the class. Once because she was giving short shrift to a girl that caused an adult to intervene, she completely shunned the girl & tried to make her fail the year out of spite. The Hanhala was aware & uncomfortable with her achzoriyus but lemayseh were afraid to rock the boat altz her tenure, especially because many Passaic moros (morons is more apt for them) have been rebelling for the last few years not doing their jobs, and they can't fire them all, which is a shmuz for another time.

    The granddaughter is an elterra bochurette. It's easy to see how this cruel one scares bochurim into not wanting to marry her. She seems to be vindictive for reasons unknown and maliciously knocks down grades for no reason. She has even argued that items she already marked have to be remarked, and forcibly goes ahead with it, in order to accomplish her rishus.

    What do you expect when the patriarch of that family was on the bad list of the gedolei hador?

    1. ….And they lived happily ever after.
      Good night.
      (Hug and kiss)
      Don’t forget shema…..

  11. Some yeshivish morahs in Passaic are also nasty. Seems to boil down to who ate the Chinese treif timtum when Auerbach was responsible for PCK vaad kashrus. And it's easier for them to get away with being nasty in the elementary grades where the principals are in a farfrumt dreamworld that everyone working for them is a tzadeikis.

    1. And in Monsey every rebbe and morah are as nasty as one can get. Worse then in public school. They got eight years worth of timtum. Oy meh haysh lanu.
      In Cleavland there is also plent timtum.
      And in LA.
      And in Lakewood everyone is nice and polite since everyone is a Rosh hayeshivah ( Rebbitzen) without a yeshiva (yet).

  12. Moreshes Bais Yaakov on Oak St, should not call themselves a Bais-Yaakov due to the books they use for teaching Yiddishe kinder, It's a real shandah to put it mildly.

    If a teacher dare complains, the big shot Principal says "go find your-self a different job".

    None of the parents notice this?

    Look over the goiyshe books that your dear children are learning from, good Hasj=hkafahs they will not get from them.

  13. Another rejected parent here.

    You surly meant a rejected rosh haYeshivah without a yeshivah.

  14. מה זה תורה וגדולה במקום אחד?
    זה,ראש ישיבה שהוא באמת תלמוד חכם שיכול ללמודו כו'
