Saturday, December 18, 2021

Ninety years, yet I never

 After the 93-year-old man in Italy got better in the hospital he was told to pay for the ventilator for one day and the old man started to cry.

The doctor advised him not to cry over the bill, what the old man said made all the doctors cry, the old man said I don't cry because of the money I have to pay I can pay all the money, I cried because I've been breathing God's air for 90 some years but I never have to pay anything for it,

But for using the ventilating the hospital for just one day I have to pay $5000.00, I realize now how much I owe God I never Thanked God for that before.



    Thousands of yeshivah bochurim throughout Israel have fallen ill in recent weeks with a mysterious virus with symptoms of high fever, stomach pain, cold symptoms and especially severe weakness.

    The virus, which began before Chanukah in some yeshivos and others more recently, has hit yeshivos in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Elad as well as in Kfar Chabad and other yishuvim. The virus has hit all types of yeshivos – Litvak, Sefardi, and Chassidish as well as Dati Leumi yeshivos on yishuvim and in towns and cities. As could be expected, most of the ill bochurim got tested for COVID when they became ill but they tested negative.

    The yeshivah that seems to have been hit the worse is Yeshivas Torah B’Tifarta in Elad, where over 240 bochurim have fallen ill, with many suffering from high fever. About 150 bochurim in Yeshivas Be’er HaTalmud caught the virus and another 150 in Yeshivas Orchos HaTorah. Dati Leumi Yeshivos throughout Israel have been affected including yeshivos in Nahariya, Mitzpeh Ramon, Yerucham, Nir, Mitzpeh, and others.

    According to a B’Chadrei Charedim report, hundreds of bochurim in the US in Satmar and Belz yeshivos have also fallen ill with the virus as well as students in Talmudei Torah in Williamsburg, Kiryas Yoel and Monroe.

    1. Guess here Philly had ZERO results.
      Maybe the Rebbitzen is right…


  3. The weird virus is believed to be either the Omicron strain that most test kits do not detect, or a poel yotze of covid. Besides that it quickly spreads in yeshivos which should currently be learning remotely until Omicron blows over, hence Philly influence to keep everything open because leshitasam, the more infected (without being vaccinated) the merrier.

  4. Sun Dec 19, 06:16:00 PM 2021

    Why does this host allow shtusim her ? We are not talking about the computer or .... messing up the english..
