Thursday, December 16, 2021

Updated: AKO Tried implementing, Star-k objected.

 Ako tried implementing that;

When a Hashgocha is removed because of kashrus violations, another Hashgocha should not certify.


  1. Inside Info said...
    Thanks to non-stop scandals with Babad sniffing around for "opportunitie$" dumped by other hashgochos, KIC ganged up on those worst offender clowns years ago & forced them to sign they will not take such accounts unless the previous hashgocho tells them there weren't any egregious kashrus violations.

    Not that KIC are malochim, as they covered up plenty of other things as long as the rav hamachshir was a yeshivishe or heimishe - including turning a blind eye to when kashrus violations were actually under Babad without a handoff.

    But if the rav hamachshir is Modern Orthodox or a Sfardi with no protekzia like Navarro? Forget it! They hammer those hashgochos & warn the oylam not to eat. This sick attitude is mostly due to Hissiger, which KIC is his baby, had plenty of shimush covering up scandals in his decades of working under Margulies. And don't even get started with his mentally imbalanced eidim, that if you ever reported a violation under KIC purview, bifrat by Kehilla Ca$h R U$, he attacks you with obscene hoitzoas laaz, that "vos hott men taynos when your wife's kitchen at home is pashtus treif?" A good defense is a shtarka offense as they say.

    Thu Dec 16, 05:41:00 PM 2021

    1. … with obscene hoitzoas laaz…

      A yudelstake specialty.
      Where do you think magnolia picked it up to begin with if not at yudelstake ?

  2. The Many Saints of Agudah Fresserville said...
    Why does Breadsmith Ave M sound so familiar?

    Oh yes, the baal habos is son of MOSHE TUVYA LIEFF at AGUDAH OF AVE L, home of Leon Goldenberg's coffee room!

    Thu Dec 16, 05:25:00 PM 2021

      The Chofetz Chayim, the Ramban, the zaideh, Reb Aron would ALL AGREE That this is (the last two comments) are going to stop intermarriage in flatbush and in the whole wide wide world.who are they fooling if not themselves.

    2. What does make difference who is the owner?
      If not to be mekayem the Ramban and the Zaideh And the Rosh Hayeshiva - Reb Aron.
      Yeh over here we extend it a bit - we don’t have to talk to them first. That part is just a Sefaridi ( Ramban) chumrah.

  3. It wasn't enough that the Lieffs were covering up for molesters in Minnesota, they had to import a wacky rabbi from there to give hashgocho on Flatbush Breadsmith. He was the hashgocho for years before they signed up Babad-Sachdis.

    Chaim (or Scandinavian name Erik) wears many different hats. The clueless Chabadskers even made him maggid shiur at their online semicha institute.

    Chaim-Erik has been officially Conservative for much more of his life than he's acted the Orthodox part. That doesn't stop him from operating a Vaad Hakashrus & from lately at age 83 also being a regional chief way out West for the Star K. None of his children from 3 wives are frum. They are Reform.

    He was an actor in a disgustingly prusta movie released in 2006 about someone bringing home a zoyna to his mishpocho's Pesach Seder !!!

    He has a bizarre history. His father, an Ingrisher named Jeno, was Chazan in Croatia, Czechoslavakia, Denmark, Sweden (the son works for Star K under his Swedish name), Newfoundland & Montreal.

    The son left Montreal for cantor roles through the 1960s, including at Temple Ramat Zion in Northridge (1967) & Temple Judea in Tarzana, Calif. (1969). He was still cantor in freya places as recent as at least 1987, if not later!

    Before or during marriage to the 3rd wife named "Giborah", he, according to his own description, ended an off the derech phase to become a BT. At that point he started a Jewish orchestra. His older completely unfrum brother is a famous NYU professer.

    The zeyde was Chazan in Nitra but it's sketchy how frum even the father Cantor Jeno was because he went to a fishy sounding cantorial school in Vienna & he came back from Israel at the end of his life to be Conservative cantor in a San Diego temple.

  4. Why shouldn't they disclose what the violation was? It shouldn't be so easy for a hashgacha to ruin someone financially.

  5. By Sachdus, is not paying deh rav machshir a kashrus issue?

  6. Flatbush Fressers IncThu Dec 16, 09:30:00 PM 2021

    I hope "Uncle Leon" Goldberger wasn't giving out Breadsmith challos with the Tomchei Shabbos peklach.

    But he's busy with anderreh asokim lately as town crier for Agudah propaganda in demographics. He's pushing for everyone to get out of NY-NJ & move to Florida-Texas and whoever stays in NY much register as a Democrat. The Agudah has been losing a lot of clout in Washington so they want their human chess pieces where they can maximize their votes. It's unfortunate that they are cheerleading that everyone should move to Houston, a city like a New Orleans, they are soup bowls below sea level, that everytime there is a little rainstorm, a trillion gallons of vasser from the Gulf of Mexico comes crashing down to flood them. Florida has no shortage of problemmen either. Alligators, hurricanes, giant sink holes, population explosion of iguanas & 30 foot pythons, zika & other deadly viruses, hepatitis-infected monkeys that bite. In much of south Florida almost no one can afford a single family home. The diros there are more compacted than Boro Park cheese boxes - even the ones that don't nebich collapse into a pancake like in Surfside that claimed dozens of shomer Shabbos victims, aleihem Hashulem.

    1. S they should stay in North and get killed , robbed and raped by the CCRC idiots and their gang. It like NY an NJ are safer then the South.

  7. Association of Krumma Outliers?Thu Dec 16, 09:44:00 PM 2021

    What else is new? A fellow who is perhaps the biggest zero in AKO was in Lieff's kollel in Minneapolis.

  8. They sell the frozen pizzas from Lieff in Rockland Kosher

  9. I hope the Bubbeh meissos in Leon's coffee room are just as imaginative as by us. That's Elly Kleinman's neck of the woods grada (nisht veit fun Bedford Ave). Is he a regular there? Knowing Leon's standards, instant coffee is apikorsis. They must have the good stuff, freshly roasted in Italianishe brewing machines.

    1. With conservative hashgacha only.

  10. Kings Supreme Court
    Index Number: 514238/2020
    Case Name: 4801-13 HOLDINGS LLC vs. CHAIM LIEFF

    He also owns the "Spring Grab & Go Bakery" at 13th Ave & 48th. But he hasn't paid rent & ignored the landlord's lawsuit, so there is a default judgement against him & the Court is holding an inquest against him next month for damages.

  11. Here's an interesting one. Which shechita was this?

    Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-018574-13/KI

  12. I don't know how well Chaim Lieff is doing in gesheft there because he moved & not stam but to really far out in Jackson, like around Interstate 195 & Harmony Rd.

    1. Need the exact address to fulfill my TOELES curiousity. Please disclose that mitzvah.

  13. Thu Dec 16, 8:52:00 PM is the OU mashgiach in Queens having a fit because some more high flyin' Agudah knacker mishpoochos have been exposed as not so righteous. That's an issue that's 'close to home' for the mashgiach.

    1. I’m sorry that my membership in the fress club was not accepted. There is no room or food since it all goes to Qveens numero uno fresser: CCRC.
      Yours truly,
      OU Mashgiach

  14. Rest assured my fellow people here that there was NO kashrus issue with Breadsmith!!!
    just get to know who hisachdis crc is!!!
    just non-stop politics!!!
    check them out.
    it's way overdue that the public should shake loose from them and their certified products!

  15. Rav Shternbuch letter (To Yudel we assume) says nothing about intermarriage.

    Also, I as THE ONE AND ONLY mashgiach CCRC knows am thinking of joining the agudah so aybe alleh chalomois and mayselach will have some legitimacy. Since only agudistin are fraudsters and molesters.

  16. Neurosis of an OU MashgiachSun Dec 19, 08:10:00 AM 2021

    This is a record for the OU mashgiach from his perch in Queens, who is on a roll to deface this page because the sum of all his fears is Agudah machers in a bad light.

    2 outbursts erev Shabbos 1:22 pm & 1:37 pm.

    He's on a rampage motzaei Shabbos with 5 in a row starting at 6:31 pm, kurtz & nisht bichlal sharf.

    In another fit early this Sunday morning, we see him koching some more at 5:28 am & 5:30 am. West Side Kosher must have just gotten some back orders coming in & the mashgiach wants to make sure he's in attendance so if R' Yudel finds out there was any monkey business on the trucks, the mashgiach will wave his time punch card & deny there were any kashrus issues. Violations a heen, violations a herr, as denial is the ikker!

    1. This narisheh comment is fahr deh private mikvah or after the mikvah.
      These creatures are afraid of going to the mikvah since every one is a molester or could be one just by looking the other way.

  17. And the Ribowski virus is a temporary antidote to what afflicts him.

  18. "NO kashrus issue with Breadsmith!!! ... just get to know who hisachdis crc is!!! ... just non-stop politics!!!"

    We know the OU mashgiach in Queens has long had an axe to grind against Satmar. They don't hold of the Agudah. They cornered & intimidated in zein extended mishpooche, Paysach Krohn regarding his brutal Gomco clamp. And the mashgiach has previously announced that special production runs mit heimishe shgooche are a scam in his opinion.

    So is there even one kernel of truth to the OU mashgiach's accusation against Satmar that they're slandering Lieff-Breadsmith?

    Does anyone ever remember a time that Satmar made a public shtink that they're dropping an account due to kashrus violations - when it was absolutely not true? I don't. Satmar might be a lot of things, but falsifying such serious charges is apparently not one of them. The OU mashgiach in Queens on the other hand is capable of just about anything. And the mashgiach has in fact done many extremely dirty things to people.

    1. Another closet molester who knows everything.
      The biggest prooof that he knows everything are ‘its’ comments right here on Yudels

  19. "Bajaberry" frisha frucht smoothie at Lieff's place on 13th Ave in Boro Park. Sounds like protein fortified with thrips, maggots & scales.

    Strawberry, blueberry, cherry, orange, and lime zest - zest means the peel (which is infested with scale insects)

  20. "afraid of going to the mikvah"

    You've got it wrong about sfek sfaikos to the umpteenth degree, Mr. OU mashgiach.

    But your mechuton Bryks actually is a molester & worse. So the Queens Vaad should be ashamed of themselves for putting him in charge of the Kew Gardens mikvah!

  21. You forgot the blackberries and raspberries.

  22. Queens County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-031386-19/QU

    Looks like Lieff's blueberries (that he didn't even pay for) were sourced in Mexico which are pashtus even more infested than the domestic ones.

    The Agudah pays Mordy Mehlman or some other publicist to come up with catchphrase slogans for the Convention. But the way this chevra behave in gesheft, they can use a simple 3-letter motto of "I.O.U."

  23. Sun Dec 19, 04:50:00 PM 2021

    Just because Paulie and his chasidim at JBAC think of something does not mean its valid.
    Not their accusations and not their theories and not anything they say or don't say.

    They did absolutely nothing in the Jewish world only in secular courts. No Rabbonim have agreed with them Lemayseh only the ones the terrorized or paid. Nothing changed anywhere due to halacha only due to Secular pressure.
    When it comes to anything else Halacha or Jewishness is the last thing they consider if at all.
    Including shopping for females and who knows what for consenting males.
    Enough said even though there is plenty more. For some the is Halacha in this world.

  24. Sun Dec 19, 04:50:00 PM 2021

    Some more really Letoeles non-news bits.
    The yenttahs must feel great for some more issurim they keep on practicing and yet think or KNOW they going straight to Peter when they down there.
    He will will be very proud of them since he needs some permanent compan.

  25. Chaim Lieff knows his essen! And it's not limited to broit & salads with creepy crawlies. He enjoys a good, mouth watering steak. When it's on the rare side, he says you can still hear the cow mooing. Has the Agudah signed him up yet as consultant for the Convention fleish carving station? R' Avrohom Yehoshua hit the nail on the head when he teitched up the Convention that Torah is tofel to the fressing!

    1. He just wished he would get invited.

  26. I feel 'so bad' for the 4 sad cases who are all alone in this world in INSISTING that no one is goress R' Feivy M., who after haskomma of gedolei Eretz Yisroel, flipped over corrupt, molester-coddling establishments in America with their bloated bellies facing up.

    Lipa Margulies
    Avi Shafran
    An OU mashgiach in Queens, Jacob "the chuchem mikol adam"
    & Belsky's shlock shammass Neuhoff who actually ran around Catskills bungalow colonies conducting tainted "surveys" of who reads R' Feivy's website

    The OU mashgiach, whose family was meshadech with the Bryks-Brenner molester clan, is the most active of the four, who for the last 15 years hasn't stopped banging on against R' Feivy, when he is isn't attacking R' Yudel & other targets.

    It's easy to pick apart all of the OU mashgiach's lies.

    Long before JBAC even existed, the Mashgiach Ruchni of YU issued a public letter warning women & girls to stay away from Bryks.

    The OU's RCA very publicly banned Bryks from chinuch as the OU mashgiach's lowlife buddies at Queens Vaad continued to protect Bryks.

    The Rabbinical Board of JCW, who include Dayan Tauber of LA & other rabbonim, have Bryks with his picture on their warning Wall of Shame.

    The rabbonim of Winnepeg poskened to take down plaques with shevach of Bryks.

    While it's true that R' Feivy & JBAC were the ones who made sure that Bryks couldn't be taken to Shabbatons full of potential victims anymore by Bryks's shvogger Paysach Krohn, this is not "secular" pressure. When Shabbaton organizers found out how many rabbonim are against Bryks and that Bryks has a din ROIDEF from the anan sahadee of kala delo passik, "Gomco Man" Krohn was terrified that orgs would not continue his $$ lucrative $$ gigs to blabber his mayselach.

  27. Why does someone make a yeshiva, a kolel, etc.

    For the Money-period

    He has gelt to buy an eidim, he has jobs for his family, he can go on trips mit de mishpucha, etc.

    Very rarely is it because he happens to be a tremendous תלמוד חכם, and must impart his דרך הלימוד.

    How to define תורה וגדולה במקום אחד?
    A Rosh Yeshiva, that is תלמוד חכם,באמת

  28. Not just molesters in Minnesota. Breadsmith Lieff has an uncle who is usually at the meetings in Monsey where they decide to sweep things under the carpet. Another character involved in many such Monsey meetings is the anti-vaxx guru of Philadelphia despite the distance

  29. As Horav Mendlowitz says, "he keeps stealing & stealing"

    When Leib Pinter of 'kosher' treif sandwich infamy decided he wanted his oldest son to become maggid shiur in Mirrer Mesivta, he had barely stepped foot in the place from a few doors away for the last 30 years but suddenly started hanging out there yomam valayla to fundraise unasked. He even weaseled his way into a corner of the office. When R' Shmuel Berenbaum ztl found out about his shenanigans including the newly developing one with the mortgage scam fleecing banks & homeowners out of $100s of millions laundered through Pinter's Bikovsker Kollel, the rosh yeshiva kicked him out of the office. But younger elements in the Hanhala still let him get away with the shteller scheme which they couldn't retract so easily when Pinter landed in jail again.

  30. Megalomania in Anti-VaxxlandiaTue Dec 21, 12:24:00 AM 2021

    "Philadelphia despite the distance"

    Sholom K is being groomed to take over tatty's job of being on every rabbinical board from Kalamazoo to Timbuktu.

    How does R' Shmuel even find time to learn? I don't know if he's coming in person to cities within 2 hours of Philly for instance but he does participate, maybe by video or phone hook up.

    And the whole thing is a farce. Except for kicking away any shemiros in the pandemic, many of these mosdos don't listen to the Kaminetzkys or any rabbonim for that matter. Forming a rabbinical board is a PR stunt to make the parents think they shtell tzu to daas Tayreh. If the Kaminetzkys and some others had any self-respect, they would resign.

    People were rolling their eyes & shaking their heads about Sholom K supposedly becoming the poisek acharon for Clifton Cheder & Clifton Bais Yaakov. For sure when Lazar, eidim of maniac Bloom (tossed out of the Agudah) was there, he doesn't listen to anyone except maybe the Russki BT who basically owns the places. Then again, maybe the Kaminetzkys takka have no problem with Clifton hiring Left Wing Modern Ortho staff, including in limudei "Koidesh" of impressionable tinokos, and all the other sacrilege in that G-d forsaken ort.

  31. Regarding the Bikovsker money laundering, American Banker Magazine quoted an FBI forensic expert that Pinter created so many layers & shells to obscure his crimes that it's assumed he stole additional hundreds of millions that will never be proven. But the banks have filed suit to claw back the money that Pinter's kids & extended family have been sponging off. It was sickening to read the ad Pinter's kids put in the Mirrer dinner journal to announce to everyone that everything Pinter does is "for Torah".

    It's a pelleh how the living machine of chilul Hashem, Pinter, is able to show his arrogant face in any makom Torah.

    Before he was caught the first time, R' Shneur knew someone was up to no good when a Federal official told him "wow, so Lakewood is the 2nd biggest yeshiva in America!" That later emerged to mean that Pinter's so called yeshiva Bnei Torah had more fictitious students than BMG had real ones! Among others, Pinter had bribed Senator Dan Flood, who when he was caught, shot himself in the head on live television.

    Pinter was banned by a Federal Judge from owning Camp Horim so he put it in Donner's name. They later were at each other's throats in arkoyseihem.

    Pinter had a like-minded shutef in a fake gold "heist" that you can steal vos me vilt as long as you send your boys to YTT & Brisk. The "kidnap victim" shutef was dropped off 3 days later 2 doors away from Pinter's house. The insurance company told them we weren't born yesterday so you're not getting any money. When the shutef benched Hagomel, the oylam started booing & hissing that he would dare make brochah levotolah. When he tried to chanfah R' Malkiel by offering his house for the BMG parlor meeting in Flatbush - only 3 people showed up!

    When Congresswoman Holtzmann personally called Pinter to ask the mechutzef how he had the gall to sell basar bechalav to the Jewish kids in the public schools that he labeled "kosher", he tells her if the meat is kosher & the cheese is kosher, then vos vilt men, as all the ingredients are kosher.

  32. Yudel is afraid to post the shtiklach of outragous Nivul peh uttered by the West coat Zaddikel againt present and past Gedolim, it seems.

  33. pinter mechutonim are a rogue's gallery if there ever was while they put on their chasheevis act

    the convicted criminal shutef of hamenuvol tropper

    out of town rabbonim like the one thrown out of his shul when he was caught going to a movie with a married woman member as part of his moves on her (reported in a jewish newspaper there without his name)

    and another "rabbi" (allegedly, his telzer semicha doesn't exist) with every kind of shady association like the moonies cult & jack "plead the 5th" abramoff, who was perp walked in his black borsalino

  34. Yudel is afraid to post the shtiklach of outragous Nivul peh uttered by the West coat Zaddikel againt present and past Gedolim, it seems.

    He is also afraid to publish the NIVUL PEH uttered against Gemarah AND Tosfos.
    Yea. The EINIKEL himself. Its public knowledge.
    And he is the shaigetz-bum who claims he is following some gedolim of unheard holes in Israel or wherever.

  35. Nebach. Delicious breads are still Kosher. Nebach.
