Sunday, January 30, 2022

An American Attorney / Toen Rabani wife asked him how can you advise a Yid to go to Court, not to Bais-Din?

 He responded, after 120 years the Bais Din Shel Maalah, will ask me that same question;

I would respond to them, tell me which Bais-Din"

 THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT, I have represented clients by all of them.

They don't even have the basic Appeal process by another independent Bais-Din that only does Appeals.


  1. It’s not leMayseh in America.

  2. It says it's for money matters. Seems like they agree that for other matters not

  3. The more Yeshivah the more courts.
    The more frum - genuine frum - the more Bais Din.

  4. ALL Doctors encouraging that children should get vaccinated are what are defined by חז"ל
    as טוב שברופאים וכו', וד"ל

    1. All the doctors that don’t encourage vaxxing children are also included in the same Chazal. And your maivinim just don’t get the Chazal in spite of your agenda.

  5. Those doctors will have great company, Askonim!

  6. Together with the Administrators of schools that turn down kids......

  7. All of the Doctors are part of "Pharma", therefore they have no נאמנות at all, and all of the Rabbonim, Askonim, etc. are all משוחד.

  8. The lack of a viable alternative in no way lessens the severity of the isur H'torah to litigate in arkois and the chillul shem shmayim in so doing!

  9. AH!, That's why the Abyss (Gehinim) is sixty times larger that Paradise (Gan-Eden).

    Also for the extra large מזרח וואנט needed for the.....


  10. אסור לדון בפני דייני עכו"ם ובערכאות שלהם (פי' מושב קבוע לשרים לדון בו) אפי' בדין שדנים בדיני ישראל ואפי' נתרצו ב' בעלי דינים לדון בפניהם אסור וכל הבא לדון בפניהם הרי זה רשע וכאילו חירף וגידף והרים יד בתורת מרע"ה:
    הגה: ויש ביד ב"ד לנדותו ולהחרימו עד שיסלק יד עכו"ם מעל חבירו (מהרי"ק שורש קנ"ד) וכן מחרימין המחזיק ביד ההולך לפני עכו"ם (ריב"ש סי' ק"ב) ואפי' אינו דן לפני עכו"ם רק שכופהו על ידי עכו"ם שיעמוד עמו לדין ישראל ראוי למתחו על העמוד (מרדכי פרק הגוזל קמא).
    ועיין לקמן סי' שפ"ח מי שהלך בערכאות של עכו"ם ונתחייב בדיניה' ואח"כ חזר ותבעו לפני דייני ישראל י"א שאין נזקקין לו (מהרי"ק שורש קפ"ח) וי"א דנזקקין לו (מרדכי בפרק הגוזל בתרא) אם לא שגרם הפסד לבעל דינו לפני עכו"ם (מהר"מ מירזבורג) והסברא ראשונה נ"ל עיקר:

  11. Reb Yaakov Kamenetcki told one of his close talmidim, that he should arrange with three erlicheh business people (that in their industry they are known as "Ehrlich") and go to them to adjudicate with his partner.

  12. Mon Jan 31, 08:16:00 AM 2022

    Really. Reb Yaakov Was mechadesh this great Chidush or is it plain Shulchan oruch.
    Don't post if you never opened a Choshen Mishpat other then to check out what your rosh HaYeshivah quoted from there.


    One of the Agudah's boys in Israel, via Beis Hatalmud in Bensonhurst, has been busy with the Agudah's "holy" work.

  14. Litzman learned in Bais Hatalmud by Rav Brus. Reb Mendel Shafran and Yudel Shain were in that shiur as well.

    1. Which Masechta was the Shiur on that year?

  15. The Torah does not allow for a mechanism of appeal, so what is he even saying, he looses cases that's what make the beis din corrupt, stick to representing goyim in court, and don't contaminate the beis din system with you goyish hashkafa

  16. There is a mechanism of appeal if the original psak was am haaratzus or corrupt.

  17. So now this blog says it is muttar to go to the secular courts if there is no appeal system on the BD.

    There is no such Halacha of appeals on BD, none at all. It is a complete mistake.

    And even if there is no honest BD to be found, court is still FORBIDDEN.

    1. There is an appeal process to Bais Din Hagodol. Mefurishe Shulchan Aruch.
      In EY some ehrliche yidden davka go to Rabbanut because of this, they have an appeal!!

    2. AmHaaretz. Ask Satmar, bobov, Telz, and anyone in between. It's a Mitzva gedola to go to court, and not to the self-appointed arbitrators calling themselves a bais din where all you get is a fat bill, and a psak without explanation. Hatorah Chosso al Momoinin shel yisroel

    3. @10:09 please quote exact source in Shulchan Aruch.

    4. Siman 4
      Oiseh din l'atzmoi is a good mekore for avoiding the ivvus hadin

    5. Siman 25
      A Dayan that made a mistake
      The Din starts again

    6. Siman 14 end of 1:
      If someone is "muchzak" as a difficult person, must go to a different city.
      This applies almost to every local case

  18. So many Tereetzim on how to be oiver gross chillul HaShem.
    McDonalds also has great great cheeseburgers…..which you can nosh on while in court.
