Thursday, January 20, 2022

Chofetz Chaim, Rambam מה חובתיך בעולם הזה- re: the Walder, Meshi-Zahav, Berland, etc.

רמב"ם דעות פ"ו ה' ח'

אבל בדברי שמים אם לא חזר בו בסתר מכלימין אותו ברבים ומפרסמים חטאו ומחרפים אותו בפניו ומבזין אותו עד שיחזור למוטב וכו'

עין כסף משנה (המקור) "פשוט

חפץ חיים הלכות ל"ה  כלל ד'  ס' ז' ......לכן מותר להכלימו ולספר בגנותו בין בפניו.....צריך לשפטו לצד החוב...ולשפוך בוז עליו.. מותר לפרסמו ולגלות חטאיו בשער בת רבים וכו'

וע' עוד חפץ חיים הלכות ל"ה  כלל ד'  ס' י'  "לחזהיר בניו ותלמידיו" וכו'

ועין עוד בכתבי חפץ חיים – מכתב מ"ו- ע"כ הנני מודע בשער בת רבים
שבמקום הריסת הדת וחרבן הדת-נעשה כל זה כהלכה "מצוה רבה וחובה גדולה 
לעשות כל מה שביכולת לגדור גדר ולעמוד בפרץ , ואין בזה משום חשש איסור.
 ומוסיף הח"ח "ופליאה לי על כל גדולי ישראל, המחשים בזה ואינם יוצאים
 במחאה גלויה, וכו'
והמשגיח הוסיף שאנשים אלו שמפריעים ולא רוצים לסמוך עליך בכל ענינים   שידוע בעולם המומחיות שלכם בהענינים אלו, תדע שזה לא בא ממבקשי אמת ותורה וכו' רק רק  מהגאוה שלהם ומהס"א ודורשי שקר ואינם מאמינים בתורה מסיני ר"ל.


  1. Volt ich geven bekoyich, volt ich in gassen geloyfen ...

  2. The Rambam part and the rest is just a distraction from the 'shpitz' point.

  3. Everyone just picks which halachos fit their agenda. Yudel included.

  4. The OU mashgiach who is head of the Hate R' Yudel club has been banging on his drums & scribbling "picks which halachos fit their agenda" since the day he discovered this website.

    bemumoi possul!

  5. yudels rest of the story

    B"H there are others who realize this.

  6. For a clear understanding of: מה חובתיך בעולם הזה
    No one has it better then the Mesilas Yesharim.
    Don't get fooled and misled by some Agenda Hockers.

  7. Plenty people on this site fall into that category and the host says nothing.



  10. Here is the latest guilt trip that the Agudah Fresser types are broadcasting as a 'hint-hint' to shut us all up about Walder:

    They've dusted off an ancient fairy tale from R' Meir Chodosh - who cannot verify it as the man has been dead for 33 years!

    As a bochur, Rav Chodosh accompanied der Alter fun Slabodka to a vacation spa at Inhausen. There was a convention underway of the Reformers from Westphalia. An Ingrisher kanoyi from Satmar kreizen was also vacationing there & approached the Alter with a wide grin to share his geshmack that he had just been mevazeh the head rabbiner of the koifrim for being mechalel Yomtov. According to the fairy tale, the Alter was upset & said the kanoyi lost his chelek in Oylam Haboh.


  12. Rav Asher Weiss shlita stated:

    1) There is no isur to talk about the horrific sinful acts of Chaim Walder.

    2) The Charedi community should use this opportunity to expose and turn in predators

    3) Nobody regardless of position, status or age can be left unchecked

    May hkbh have rachmim mrobim on all victims and all of klal yisroel.

  13. Debreciner Rov in Shu"t Be'er Moishe 6:74 in the heoros poskens it is assur to sell music tapes of a molester & that if someone would stoop so low to sell these items, we should investigate the seller too.

    Feldheim was reportedly forced to pay royalties to Schwartz who bought the US monopoly on Walder's books for a premium


  15. The KCL is your chaim Walder, etc. of kashrus, they act on the outside as the greatest gift to mankind, but deep down they are corrupt and only interested in the financial benefits,


  17. Thu Dec 30, 05:34:00 AM 2021

    Do you know ANYTHING about CW?
    It sounds like your a ponivitcheh.


  18. Here is the latest guilt trip that the Agudah Fresser


    Should read the latest dream dreamed up by our inhouse Bloomies free fresser.

    B"H he had ah gezunteh schloof after filling his bnay may'ahyin as full as it goes and beyond all on yenehms cheshbon. Just a regular day for our hero.

  19. "sounds like your a ponivitcheh"

    The kinah is palpable because after the OU mashgiach in Queens didn't stand a chance to get into Brisk, which is why he always knocks Brisk, he then flunked out on his attempt to get into Ponivitch. He couldn't even follow in the footsteps of his mentor Chaim Schwartz to get into "R' Tzvi's"

    What a nebich that the mashgiach feels muchrach to lash out over R' Yudel addressing the Walder fiasco & the lame Agudah Fresser attempts to cover it up. The mashgiach in his paranoia can already hear the footsteps of the "terrorist anti-abuse activists" coming to deal with mechuton Bryks! Oh my!

  20. We are actually waiting for Paulie “shtick leach tairah”. Seems like he is a bit senile these days talking about other non of his business issues.
    What we don’t have wait for is the nivul peh which was still up recently on Reb Matisyahu Shelit”a.
    That’s the special Paulie method of “praying” for the sick.

  21. I don't think anything you quoted is nogeia once the perp is dead. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  22. לא תעמוד על דם ריעך makes it an "obligation" to report it to the authorities.
    The Rabbonim, etc. have proven themselves to just brush it under the carpet.
    Perhaps they know that it's s widespread that the one that gets reported is not going to break it.

    The "ME-TOO" movement has proven otherwise.

  23. Me-too another Torah movement.
    Yeh. Right.
