Saturday, January 01, 2022

Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Rav Berkowitz, Weinroth Esq., Rabbi Eisman (Passaic) answers the Lashon-Hora-niks, re: Walder's act of narcissim

Rav Zimmerman 

Rav Berkowitz

Walders Lawyer retracts

The Short Vort
Good Morning!

Today is Friday the 27th of Teves 5782 and December 31, 2021

*yemach shemo-may his name be obliterated

In Memory of Shifra Yocheved Horowitz Zecher Tzadekes L'Brocha
Shifra was a victim of the vicious, pernicious, and malicious monster whose name I shall not utter.
Ms. Horowitz committed suicide this week as a result of the crippling abuse she suffered at the hands of cw.
Where were the throngs at her levaya?
I will no longer give this evil, demonic maniac the "honor" of upper-case letters; rather, he is lower-cased to cw.

And In Honor of The True Heroes- The BRAVE VICTIMS who came forward and as Shimshon did years before them, they showed gevura in the face of the multitudes who were against them.
Ultimately, they brought down the predator forever and prevented more boys, girls, women (and who knows who else) from being abused, humiliated, and destroyed.
We honor these victims of terror.
They are our heroes
We thank Hashem that cw can no longer continue his reign of terror against our people.
May the name of the evil rot

In this article, I will convey universally accepted Torah principles and present a true Torah approach to the disastrous debacle of cw.

Part One- What's in a name?
Some of you may be surprised and shocked by my usage of the term: yimach shemo. Let me explain.
Although usually the phrase is used concerning known enemies of the Jew, there is precedence to use it here.
We follow in the ways of the great giants who lived before us and who instructed us in proper Torah conduct.
If we would not have proof from the Chofetz Chaim himself, the man who personified proper speech, and if we would not have Rav Shach himself authenticating this anecdote, we would not be permitted to add such an epithet to a Jew.
We read in the wonderful sefer "Rav Shach on Chumash" (author: Rabbi Asher Bergman, son-in-law of Rav Shach (2004) page 248. ArtScroll / Mesorah. ISBN 9781578193615):
 "Rav Shach used to point out that the revered Chofetz Chaim took great care never to speak ill of a Jew, whomever he might be. There was one exception— the leader of the Maskilim in Vilna, Adam HaKohen, to whose name the Chofetz Chaim would add Yemach Shemo (may his name be erased). And why? Because when the Chofetz Chaim studied in Vilna in his youth, he became well known as a very bright young man who held great promise as a future Torah giant. Adam HaKohen himself came to him and tried to convince him to abandon his studies."
If the Chofetz Chaim was insistent on referring to a man who "just" attempted to convince him to abandon his studies with the epithet yemach shemo, notwithstanding this person was unsuccessful; then certainly, the Chofetz Chaim would insist on using the phrase yemach shemo when referring to a person who was successful in causing many Jews to abandon and question their Jewish faith.
Therefore, the term yemach shemo is unfortunately appropriate here.

The evil of cw will live in infamy as long as the legacy of his heinous actions affects his victims
There are heroes, and there are villains.
The villains are well known: cw and anyone who covered for him.
 Who are the heroes?
The heroes are the victims who had the almost insurmountable challenge of coming forward and testifying, thereby eradicating forever the festering venomous virus known as cw.
The freakish pedophilic foe would have continued in his destructive ways, leaving a multitude of emotionally crippled Jews in his wake if not for the heroic bravery of the victims.
These victims stood straight and tall before the Tzaddikim Rav Silman and Rav Eliyahu despite their emotional pain.
They painfully retold the holocaustic horror they endured at the hands of this psychopath.
They are the ones we honor.
They are our role models.
They are the ones who need our support and our validation.

Another reason to utilize this epithet to describe cw is to emphasize the truth and dispel the claims of those attempting to distort the truth.
The repulsive usage of the epithet -Zecher Tzadik L'Vrocha- "the remembrance of the righteous should be for a blessing"- shockingly and appallingly appended to cw by (formerly respected) Jewish newspapers, is a corruption of the truth in the highest degree.
Indeed, it smacks of an Orwellian mindset by the newspaper's writers.
The sages have taught us, "Believe that there is wisdom among the nations of the world."
Here is an example of such wisdom which describes to a tee the mindset of such newspaper writers:
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(1984; George Orwell)
Therefore, according to this way of thinking- the future is guaranteed by spinning a present false narrative.
If someone can be classified as a Tzaddik today, you have ensured his inclusion into the pantheon of acceptable transmitters of authentic Judaism forever.
In this Orwellian narrative, all members of The Party are good.
There are no molesters among the righteous.
There is nothing to fix, for nothing is broken.
Such an approach is not only untruthful; it is an insult of the highest degree to the victims of cw and facilitates and indeed encourages the cws' of the world to keep molesting, safe in the knowledge that they will never be taken to task.
Shockingly, they will be elevated to the status of Tzaddik.
Such thinking is not only Orwellian; it is heresy.
However, in the Orwellian world in which some choose to live, "The heresy of heresies is common sense." (1984; George Orwell)
Therefore, yimach shemo is needed, not just because of its applicability, but also and just as importantly as a counter-weight to the un-truths being disseminated.

Part Two
Why go public?
Some people have asked me why everything had to go so public?
Once again, we look for guidance from the true Torah leaders of past generations.
Let us turn to Rav Shlomo Kluger's and his granddaughter Sasha Mindel Hertzberg née Kluger.
Rav Shlomo Kluger (1785-1869) was a world-renowned Talmid Chochom.
Rav Kluger was famous for being the Rav and Dayan in the Galician town of Brody in Poland for over 50 years.
Rav Shlomo Kluger is one of the great Rabbinic stars in the heavenly firmament of the Torah world.
The Beis HaLevi- Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik learned with Rav Shlomo Kluger as a young man.
He authored over 160 works. Some of which have yet to be published.
In 1854 he published a work titled "Nidrei Zerizin."
 The Sefer contains novella on the tractate Nedarim.
What is unique about this sefer is to whom it is dedicated.
Rav Brody dedicated the work to his granddaughter, Sasha Mindel.
On the title page of the book, Rav Kluger writes, "I am publishing this word as a memorial and for the sake of the soul of my dear and wise granddaughter, Sasha Mindel, who died at an early age. She was the daughter of my son Rav Chaim Yehuda, and she passed away on Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Shimini on the 24th day of Nissan in the year 1854."
What was so special about his granddaughter that he dedicated the sefer to her?
The Tragedy of Sasha Mindel
The Sefer contains an introduction explaining why Rav Kluger dedicates the Sefer to his granddaughter Sasha Mindel.
Rav Shlomo Kluger explains that he was very close to his granddaughter, Sasha Mindel, who grew up in his house.
He wrote how he was personally involved in her shidduch and was convinced she was marrying into a beautiful Torah family after making the proper inquiries from trusted friends.
Alas, it was not to be.
Rav Brody records unabashedly and graphically the evilness of the family into which Sasha Mindel found herself.
He writes explicitly how he was lied to concerning the family's respectability and refers to Sasha Mindel's husband and family as "Anoshim Ra-im Me'od" – "very evil people."
He continues to tearfully and painfully describe what happened just a few weeks after Sasha Mindel's wedding.
 "After her husband (Yakov Hertzberg) and his family (her father-in-law- Yechiel Itzik Hertzberg) realized that my grandaughter is not choosing their ways of life nor acting as they act.
 They began to abuse her until, after just a quarter of a year of marriage, she developed lung disease."
Rav Brody writes that no one told him about his granddaughter's abusive relationship, and if someone random had not informed him of the dire circumstances, he never would have known.
Once he found the truth, he spared no expense in extracting his granddaughter from this abusive household and brought her to live with him. Unfortunately, she was already too sick and died shortly after on the 24th day of Nissan in 1854.
After begging Hashem to exact divine judgment against these evildoers, he shockingly states, "Hashem should avenge my vengeance quickly."
To create a memorial to her soul, he decided to publish a Sefer in her memory.
He stipulates that if this Sefer ever merits future editions, this introduction never be excised from the text as "this is my primary intent (in writing this work) that it should be a memorial to her soul…."
That is the tragic story of Sasha Mindel bas Rav Chaim Yehuda.
She was a woman who suffered in silence from spousal abuse.
Rav Kluger was a Gadol B'Yisorel.
He knew the halachos of Loshon Hora better than us. Yet, he felt compelled to publicize his grandaughter's tragic plight and explicitly write the names of her husband and father-in-law.
We can only imagine the painful situation his granddaughter suffered through in silence.        
Rav Kluger writes that none of this would have occurred if any of the people he inquired of and who knew the truth about the family (as he claims they did) had been open and honest with him.
Rav Kluger explains that his friends who repressed their knowledge of the abusive behavior of the family led to his granddaughter's death.
He writes, "May Hashem pay back these evil people and all else involved. They knew about this abusive, dysfunctional home, and they hid from me this information! May Hashem pay them back. "Hashem, be not be silent. Judge my judgment, do not be silent to my tears, stand up Hashem, and fight my battle. As the Torah says, "The murderer shall surely die".
As the Chofetz Chaim teaches us, Rav Shlomo Kluger reminded us that silence is the single greatest facilitator of continued abuse.
We cannot be silent when lives are at stake.
We do not have the luxury of changing history and corrupting the narrative.
Jewish lives are hanging in the balance.
Imagine how many people could have been saved if the rumors circulating about cw years ago had been disseminated to the public?
Imagine how much suffering could have been avoided?
Perhaps cw could even have gotten help?
Alas, it was not to be.
No one spoke out, and if they did, they were silenced.
Those who repressed the information and refused to tell others have blood on their hands.
Therefore we salute the true heroes of this horrific incident, the victims who dared to come forth.
And we censor those who pay tribute to the devil by attempting to create a delusional new reality where evil is good and good is evil.
I trembled as I read the account of the pained grandfather, the great Rav Shlomo Kluger, as he describes his granddaughter's suffering and ultimate death.
I can feel the loneliness of Sasha Mindel being trapped in an abusive marriage and the pain of her grandfather as he heard about her suffering.
How many women, children, and, yes, sometimes, men feel trapped in abusive situations?
A man of the stature of Rav Shlomo Kluger chose every word he wrote carefully and with precision.
Therefore, we dare never be silent when credible, continual, and multiple allegations of abuse are leveled against someone, irrespective of that person's position in public life.

Three-What to do?
1.      Teach your children never to let anyone touch them, period.
2.      Tell them to tell you everything and anything that went on in school. Please make sure you tell them repeatedly that you will NEVER be angry with them for informing you of what happened.
3.      Find out the safeguards the school has regarding children.
4.      Therapists can never have free reign with your children. The best system would be a two-way mirror as the child feels comfortable yet; the therapist is monitored.
5.      If two-way mirrors are not feasible, doors must be somewhat ajar, and given the reality of our world, someone must have access to enter unannounced. This person can be a supervisor or another therapist.
6.      Never let your child go in the car with anyone you have even the slightest suspicions.
7.      Constantly be open with your child and watch for any changes in their mood or behavior.
8.      Report all credible allegations to the appropriate law enforcement agency
9.      Make sure your child feels unconditionally loved and secure in your house.
10.  If you don't feel right about someone, you don't tell the world based on a "feeling"; however, you have the right the tell your child not to go to that house.

These are just basic and incomplete suggestions. They are a start.
However, only if molesters know they will be outed and there will be consequences can we prevent further horrific Chillul Hashem and prevent innocent people from being victimized.
We close with the unequivocal statement that I stand proudly with the victims and just as proudly distance myself from the perpetrators. 
As previously mentioned, all of cw's writings must be trashed immediately. However, public book burnings should not be done. They are counter-productive and present us as vengeful, and it reminds us of times in Jewish history when our books were burned. This is not a time for fun, it is a time to cry.
By doing so, you state unequivocally and categorically that you support the victims.
May Hashem dry up the tears of all those who suffered and continue to suffer.
With hope for a better tomorrow,

"If Not Now, Then When?"- Hillel
Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Congregation Ahavas Israel
Passaic, NJ 


  1. Vos iz neis has no Rabbinical authority whom they accept direction from. They post anything that will get them views! One would be wise to abstain from looking at their site.

  2. Kikar Shabbos (at least in this instance) acted responsibly:

  3. Reb Yudel, why are you posting stuff from VIN?! Do you have any affiliation with them or Yair Hoffman?

  4. The Gatesheader Rov is a talmid of Brisk. Torah is his guide, not the politics & corruption that guide the cover up maniacs.

  5. Correction:

    Should read "Briskeh Torah is his guide".

  6. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachSun Jan 02, 11:55:00 AM 2022


    Ever since the OU mashgiach in Queens wasn't accepted to Brisk, he hasn't stopped bashing them. It must be maddening to the mashgiach that Brisk was zoyche that their derech halimud is in every normal yeshiva. This is not even a modern invention. R' Isser Zalman & other gedolim held that the metzuyonim of other yeshivos should go learn in Brisk so they can bring the derech back with them to the other yeshivos. R' Lazer Yuda took this very seriously & sent a large group from the alter Mir. Each one of them became known as an Ari shebaChabura. Beis Hatalmud shtams from this. Now the mechutzef mashgiach has another axe to grind against his own shver, who is not only "crazy" for heeding R' Yudel's kashrus yedios, but also for being a fan of R' Leib Malin ztl & Beis Hatalmud. When R' Leib was suddenly niftar from a heart attack, R' Aron Kotler gave a pained shrei, collapsed, and was sick in bed.

    A decade ago, the mashgiach was slandering & mocking Rav Zimmerman on the blogs, angry that the rav had battled to take down molesters in Monsey. Anyone opposed to any molesters becomes a numero uno enemy in the OU mashgiach's book because such behavior makes it easier to come after mechuton Bryks. The OU mashgiach was scribblng back then that Rav Zimmerman "had to go" to Gateshead because he was "kicked out" of Monsey. The mashgiach wasn't yet aware that Rav Zimmerman is a "hated" Briskeh.

    'Congratulations' mashgiach, as you have totally separated yourself from the oylam Hatorah! Ohn shuldiks for this interruption while you hock in the basement fake kollel to the couple of people who constitute the only audience for your demented krumkeiten. Get ready soon for your afternoon shift where you angrily blog on Yudelstake instead of watching the fleish that the OU pays you for.

  7. someone in that mashgiach's circles went to one of the brisks but didn't fit in so he almost immediately left

    was that the mashgiach's brother?

  8. בני יעקב ענו לשכם וחמור "בחכמה" עכשיו כולם לא יכולין ליטמא דינה, חתחו אותו מקום
    עם חיים וולדר היוא צריכין לסדר אותו כמו
    Babitt במלא המובן וד"ל

  9. כל "בעדאפייל" חייבים לסרס אותם.

  10. You are correct, after they are castrated there is at least no more a concern of "Mamzeirim".


    Daas Torah on this topic which is the diametric opposite of the corrupt daas to cover up

  12. Which mainstream Rabbi publicly agrees to the Zimmerman doctrine of "distortion of Torah" to suit the agenda????

  13. FYI- Every mainstream Ruv with a backbone agrees with Rav Zimmerman.

    Generally they have agendas and are actually controlled by others that feed them, the puppeteers.

    I'm sure this is not news to anyone.

  14. Interesting, Hashem created all the kosher fish with a back-bone, all of the non-kosher fish without a backbone.

  15. Publicly? Why do they have to agree publicly?,ask them privately.

    Most pulpit Rabbonims' agenda is, keep everyone happy, play down everything, etc. In hebrew the saying goes אל תערבב את ה'כהארא

  16. That hebrew saying is "don't stir the caked over chamber-pot".

  17. Backbone

    Also, all COLD BLOODED animals are NOT tahor!

    And all DOIRSIM among birds are NOT tahor!

  18. Dina dehau gavra bmai deposik anafshei. The punishment of that man was his own verdict.
    Wouldn't you think the only way to deal with a perp like this was a bullet in the head? Well I guess he believed that was what he needed & had the guts to do it.
    Wouldn't the world be a better place if all perps shot their own brains out? Just saying.

  19. Senator Dan Flood who was bribed during the 1970s frauds perpetrated by Leib Pinter shot himself in the head on live television while being questioned by a reporter.

    The OU mashgiach in Queens may have more details as his fetter Georgie R. sold Pinter components for the treif sandwiches that were sold labeled as "kosher".

    1. Umm…Dan Flood was a congressman, not a senator, and died of Pneumonia at age 90.

  20. A lot of tzu shtells to Walder.

    There is also an inyan of DOIRSIM among fish. This may not fit with exact definitions of scientists, but the ones that are perceived as DOIRSIM are NOT kosher. And zicher, all fish that are BOTTOM FEEDERS are NOT kosher.

    Any creature in the animal kingdom that has BAD MIDDOS is NOT kosher. Even if the creature is selective about who it is nice to, it is NOT kosher.

    Any animal categorized as kosher that acts up to get a DIN ROITZEACH is NO LONGER kosher to eat & is put to death. Beis din was once even soikel a chicken that killed a baby by pecking the baby's head.

  21. Sun Jan 02, 11:55:00 AM 2022

    we need a ex or rejected Brisskeh to explain this 'teeffeh Brisskeh Shtikel'.
    B"H He didn't say it in the name of the Rov Or Reb could been a slip on his end ????

  22. B'kitzur Kulo almo moidin,
    This Zimmerman doctrine of distorting the Torah which he calls Poshut, is not in line with even a single mainstream Rabbi.
    All the commentors here cannot even name 1. V'haemes Yoireh Darkoi

  23. Anyone can link Paretzky (BMG rosh chabura) divrei tipshus, broadcast virally, yesterday???

  24. The Rambam states that the fact that most people agree or disagree does not make something right or wrong.

    Every Ruv that is infulenced strictly by the Torah and has a backbone agrees with Rav Zimmerman.

  25. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachMon Jan 03, 06:46:00 PM 2022

    The mashgiach blogged late this afternoon when he is supposed to be in the Bronx on the OU clock, not Queens, to attack Rav Zimmerman as not being on the same page as any "mainstream" rabbi.

    This is the same old garbage that the mashgiach has recycled for years on the blogs. Whenever there is a major talmid chochom battling molesters, the mashgiach belittles them as "not mainstream" or "not recognized", vechadoymeh

  26. There is a Rabbi Levovitz in Brooklyn that agrees with Rabbi Zimmerman. He must be from the main stream as he is a grandson of Reb Yeruchim Levovitz of blessed memory the Mashgiach of the Mir Yeshiva in Europe.

    1. It like saying Paulie is mainstream because he pulls his Zaideh card….

  27. Wow, does Mon Jan 03, 9:14 pm EVER KNOW how to snidely put the maniac OU mashgiach in his place! Vehamayvin yovin!

  28. There is an OU mashgiach in Queens who would have us believe he is the only normal person who ever walked the Earth. According to him you see, Chazal, the Shulchan Aruch, Chofetz Chaim, R' Moshe Feinstein, etc, etc, are all outliers who are outside the mainstream!

    Rashi in Megillah 25b states that if there are rumors that one is an Adulterer, one may embarrass him!

    Rabbis that are quiet and do not chastise this individual cause HASHEM’S Name to be profaned.

    It is therefore an obligation on our Rabbinic leaders to do whatever is in their power to ostracize him and separate him from his congregation. This Halacha is brought by the Rif and this is the Halacha (Yoreh Dayah 334:42)!

    No prohibition on speaking Lashon Harah:

    The Chofetz Chayim (klal 7:65) rules emphatically that if an individual is a known rasha, for just an example, he is known to have had immoral relations (and is involved in Yichud repeatedly, etc.), one is allowed to listen and speak about this individual!

    The Bais Yosef (Choshen Mishpat 34 in the name of the Rosh) rules that one who has been accused of illicit relationships including one who is m'yachaid (meets women alone on a one on one basis) ... is prohibited from ever being witness, and anyone who cannot be a witness can never be a Dayan. (Ramoh 25, Niddah 49b, Tur Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat Siman 7:69)...

    Therefore it stands to reason that one who cannot be a witness or a Dayan ... must immediately be stopped from officiating at weddings and divorces! See Igros Moshe (Yoreh Dayah 1)!


    This is the monumental halacha teshuva that brings all the reyd why Mordechai Tendler had to be thrown out of the Rabbonus. Much of it applies to Walder & exposes all the cover up artists like Philly-Agudah down to pipsqueaks like the OU mashgiach residing & bloviating in Queens.

    This teshiva was linked years ago on Yudelstake & elsewhere. But guess what? The mashgiach came charging in back then to blabber a tzedreiteh attempt to belittle the teshuva, that oh yeah, who cares, because R' Shmuel Wosner TOLD the mechaber what to write. In the convoluted universe of the mashgiach, an adam gadol concurring with verbatim excerpts from the Chachmei Hatalmud & all the later Kadmonim is somehow a GNYE that invalidates(!)

  30. Paretzky schmooze, anyone?

  31. Who does the narcissist mashgiach think he is, anyone could detect the apikursis in him, we don't need a Rav Avigdor Miller to to realize it.

    He doesn't believe in the Shukchan Oroch, Rambam, Chofetz Chaim, Torh shel bal peh, etc.

    Why doesn't someone be in touch with the OU to give him walking papers already?

    Any volunteers?

  32. This Queens/OU Mashgiach is a plain "Porek-oihl", if not for that issue, he would be a perfect candidate for an eglah arufa.

  33. "Why doesn't someone be in touch with the OU to give him walking papers already?"

    Here's a tutorial on OU internal politics.

    The OU does not expel apikorsim because many Open Falshodox are employees & members of the OU. There will be big blowback because when you add in the koifer sympathizers, it's at least 40% of OU affiliated rabbis who will consider it an act of war. The OU will avoid at all cost a civil war that will tear the org asunder. The OU also avoids any litigation with bad optics. They did not terminate Belsky despite that the Board & Genack hated him & wanted him out. They knew Belsky would bog them down for years in beis din & secular court. Apikorsim usually sue hashgochos when terminated even when they don't have a leg to stand on. A Sfardi shoichet sued when he was fired by Ralbag even though it was because Ralbag found out the shoichet's wife is a shiksa.

    The Queens psychopath may not garner any Open Falshodox support as he is a different breed of koifer, but his family is stacked with lawyers so it won't cost him anything to sue. And the corrupt Queens Vaad will go to bat for him at the OU since the mashgiach volunteered to be their most valiant online defender & denier of scandals.

    Consider also that the OU hierarchy sees the world through a different lens than bnei Torah. One of their top officials is a Moish Finkel type. Another is an arms dealer who supplies instruments of mass murder to the 3rd World dictators of the planet. The shkotzim-roitzchim are even his distinguished guests when he makes chassunos. Then there's Genack who does not have portraits on his wall at home of Rebbi Akiva Eiger. He instead mounts expensive (graven) images of Abe Lincoln bought at auctions into the tens of thousands of dollars. Lincoln is Genack's adam gadol for having freed the Shvartzas. This is true even though Genack is apparently aware that the gedolim in the Alter Heim said Lincoln was shot for being moyred against the will of HKBH of eved lamoi. And Genack feels that Lincoln didn't quite get it right, so Genack is a delegate of the DNC which Rav Hutner's halacha teshuva defines as avodah zara & Genack sits on government commissions working to turn loose all imprisoned Shvartza criminals so they can flood the streets to steal, assault & worse.

  34. what's paretzky's 1st name so maybe we can look him up?

  35. Dovy kahan (ha'bd) darshened on "current events". Can we have a summary please?

  36. There was an OU affiliated rabbi in New Orleans who was attending services in a Reform temple on Friday nights and sitting on the local Reform beth din to be "magayer" non-Jewish women that avaryonim were sinning with. When rabbonim called to be moyche, the OU pawned them off on their media spokesman at the time, Mr. David Olivestone, who told the rabbonim there is no such thing as a rabbi or synagogue being thrown out of the OU for differences in hashkofos.

    When this website was the vehicle to expose OU Rosh Shochtim Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel for shechting with Conservative clergy, eating non-kosher food & from the look of video footage, apparently touching women, the OU completely freaked out because of the bad PR & threatened a rosh yeshiva they wrongly thought was behind the leak, but took no meaningful steps to deal with the actual problem. Sure, there was a public announcement that a major kashrus personality was being imported from Manchester to oversee & police Dokter Rabbiner Mandel, but it was a BIG BLUFF. The commotion eventually died down and Dokter Rabbiner Mandel remains the BIG CHEESE who runs his own autonomous HEFKER VELT within the OU.

  37. Mon Jan 03, 10:41:00 PM 2022

    In this case the Secular media are the accusers and of course that the same as our torah (Or Arkooes - for these Chgacoomim).

  38. Mon Jan 03, 10:56:00 PM 2022

    He may or may of not dictated the teshuvah - (Can't be verified now) but he surly did NOT dictate to keep on using a name when the Teshuvah per se is not nogeh if you know or don't know the name.
    The issue here is NOT if the topic should be discussed. The issue here is, That its not important or letoeles to mention names if the topic can be discussed just as well and maybe even better without mentioning names.
    Of course with your evil will to ban the issur of Loshon Horah in general and in this case in particular, you insist on using names when it absolutely no direct bearing on this topic.

    No one expects you to comprehend that but for others maybe...

  39. He doesn't believe in .... Torh shel bal peh, etc. surly not in YOUR tairah shel Shtusim.

  40. Tue Jan 04, 11:25:00 AM 2022

    But it comes to your daily triple trifecta fress parties you won't survive without the OU.
    Mr. Hipocrite.


    If he said it in his Chezkas Habatim shiur, you can sign up to listen here

  42. Chezaks ha"bottom" more like

    1. Thank you CooCooRiCoo for this lomdos

  43. Ha! The OU mashgiach keeps hitting new lows in a bottomless pit of immorality. Now he claims the secular media is Walder's sole accuser, not many shomer Torah umitzvos victims, not many upstanding dayanim in Eretz Yisroel, not the poskim consulted by Feldheim & Eichler's, not the many rabbonim who have spoken out PRECISELY BECAUSE THERE ARE LUNATICS LIKE THE OU MASHGIACH IN KEW GARDENS WHO WILL TELL YOU THE SUN DID NOT RISE THIS MORNING IF IT SUITS ONE OF HIS SICK AGENDAS.

    (There's no bottomless pit skinny profile al kol ponim when it comes to the mashgiach Fressing. Er vakst & vakst!)

    1. Feldheim and Eichler “consulted” so they can keep making money to support you at your Bloomie fress routines

  44. Some numbskull is actually arguing that the Tendler teshuva is no longer nogaya?

    Although Tendler was thrown out of YU, MTJ & the eccentric shul oddly named al shem Novardoker rosh yeshiva Rav Joffen, he still runs a shul in his home, gives shiurim in The Monsey Synagogue & gives written hakommos to WOMEN to schnorr tzedokah, including a Gypsy goyta who covers all the Monsey supermarkets. Not clear vee veit of a quid pro quo for the michtovim. Ahem, ahem.

  45. Trifecta Fressing of an OU mashgiachTue Jan 04, 08:30:00 PM 2022

    The OU mashgiach has outdone himself again! And noch dem the mechutzef dares call someone else a hypocrite (which he misspells as "hipocrite").

    I had to look up Trifecta in the dictionary because I had no idea what that word is, which it's no surprise the mashgiach is a mumche in that sugyah!

    Trifecta is a shprach used by the lowlives who bet on ferds at the racetrack. Tri means 3. There is a type of horse betting to correctly guess tzuzamen the first 3 ferds to cross the finish line.

    The mashgiach's shvogger you see has a known indulgence in mesachek bakuvya. It's bad enough that they found chadorim (glorified by the mashgiach) who take in the kids despite all the molesters, child rapists & ganovim in the gantze mishpooche, but then the shvogger goes publicly bragging & showing off online about his gambling habits in the den of inquity Atlantic City. The mashgiach's shvogger really fell into a bonanza with the ever lax mosdos of the 5 Towns. Because when bnei Torah parents complain to the Hanhala about the massive chilul Hashem of the shvantz boasting of his exploits in casinos, it is brushed off that oh the shvogger nebich has a sickness.

    1. Even without Covid he can make up his non-mind if it’s deh ferden - which he knows quite well - or the kenehsia haketanah.

  46. Margo pays for a Torah Temimah hookup of R' Yisroel Reisman's Novi shiur to show off to the Kensington oylam that he's episs a do gooder. Does he also have a hookup for his talmid Dovy Kahan?

    1. Dovy was a mirer not a temimah
      Now he has a facebook page, look it up!! Mamesh chitzoniyus and pnimiyus

  47. parties for trifecta fressTue Jan 04, 08:46:00 PM 2022

    Just watching the back & forth for a while. I figured out who the OU mashgiach is because I am from the Holliswood, Queens, area and I have sometimes over the years been to that basement referred to where the mashgiach hangs out in the next neighborhood over, Jamaica Estates. It's not entirely clear to me why the mashgiach is so preoccupied with mocking how much food people consume. I have seen him do pretty good himself in that category with the food spread in the Jamaica Estates basement. Have you ever taken a good look in the mirror, Mr. mashgiach? I mean I still have an image in my head (this was actually upstairs that time) of you plowing greasy fried rice on a plate, holding the plate up midair so that it was less distance for the fork to bobb back & forth to your wide open mouth, while you slurped it all down in a jiffy! If eating was a pro sport, my bet is on you!

    1. Ah.
      So Bloomies ain’t enough. He goes to Holliswood and begs for another whole fress. And has his fress b’sahlo in Jamaica Estates.
      CCRC fress life is endless.

  48. It's true that Pinter bribed Dan Flood which was just part of Pinter's huge chilul Hashem. The front page of the Washington Post & other major papers were printing stuff like notice the head of "Bnei Torah yeshiva" in his yarmulka & beard taking the witness stand at his trial.

    It was Budd Dwyer however, Pennsylvania State Senator & Treasurer, who shot himself in the head during a press conference at the State Capitol. I think the previous blogger got confused because a certain rosh yeshiva who as a bochur learned in the Mir right near Pinter's house has constantly used the suicide without naming Dwyer in his musser shmuzen to teitch up vos haisst a goyishe leben, that if he can't be megushem mit taanugim anymore because he's going to prison, he figures there is no more point in living.

  49. Agudas Fressers UpgeshlogtWed Jan 05, 12:16:00 PM 2022

    When the OU mashgiach of Queens is cornered with his lies totally exposed, he somewhat changes his tune.

    Suddenly now he tries to backtrack when he had previously mocked R' Shmuel Wosner ztl.

    And now when forced to admit there should at least be some limited, watered down discussion of molesters altz pikuach nefesh, get a load of his latest nonsense that it's "better" to not mention their names! Yup, what better way to enable his beloved molesters, bifrat mechuton Bryks, when veiter no one can protect themselves because they have no idea who the monsters actually are!

  50. He hangs out dort inn hollis und jamake un ehr shemt zich nit zohgen az ehr iz geven ah por minoot in ah briskeh deereh. In the yeshivah itself let alone the shiur - ineveink - even a kranke neshoomeh would say.

  51. "Chezaks"

    I hope that's a typo from Chezkas because in Jewish Arabic a chezak is a burst of passed gas.


  53. In 90s BMG there was a Dovy Kahan who was a Torah Temimah guy & sat at their table sometimes even after er hot chassuna gehat. He was no Mirrer. Any Mirrer is al kol ponim disgusted with Margo because R' Shmuel Berenbaum ztl saw right through all the fakerei & put Margo in his place when Margo ran after R' Shmuel in an attempt to use him for his own kovod.

  54. The OU mashgiach of KG / JE in Queens, (& West Side Kosher) is a living, breathing example outlined by the Gaon in Even Shlayma, vos er shreibt az ainer vos alemol firt zich azoy, alemol hockt, alemol tracht veggen an inyan - dem inyan vert a shtick fun 'em - dos haisst hergel naaseh teva.

    This is pshat in the mashgiach: ALL FRESSING, ALL THE TIME!

    (Did Mrs. Merling ever recommend a dietitian to him? You can almost see it in front of you. He was plopped down on the couch that shortened it's life. She wouldn't let him eat there so he would cholom to her about it. Then he exits the back & can barely fit down the skinny driveway to Curzon where he starts going out of his kelim because he catches the double waft of what's rayach nichoiach to him from the kitchens of Shaar Hatorah & Atria!)

  55. Wed Jan 05, 10:51:00 PM 2022

    Sounds like CCRC.
    We are shocked that found a mirror that fit his whole 'arba raglayim' for viewing himself and then bouncing on the first blog he saw.

  56. Eress of OU MashgiachThu Jan 06, 03:51:00 PM 2022

    jamake indeed

    Ss passt to refer to the OU mashgiach as 'Jamake the Snake' as his prounouncements in kashrus and hashkofos bichlal, whether in venomous or benign mode, are as reliable as from the Nachash Kadmon.

    Now eat crow, I mean dust.

  57. Our Kanke Neshoomeh known as CCRC does have much 'pehzenlach' living experience, if not the most that is possible, with Nechashim from the East Coast as well as the infamous ones on the West Coast and all in between.
    That means that knows lives Nechashim, Nechashim behavior and Nechashim Logic like no one else.
    He wishes that all others follow the Nachash religion including, but not limited, to All in the Hashgacha and food service industry.


  58. OU mashgiach,

    If you have nothing intelligent to say, du darfst shveigen.

    This applies at least most of the time, not just for your outburst of Fri at 11:50 am.

  59. Can you even count on one hand who takes seriously the OU mashgiach of Queens?

    Here is one of the many choshuva Yidden who the mashgiach has ferociously slandered & declared as a 'numero uno' enemy:

    Rabbi Feivy Mendlowitz greeting R' Chaim.

    R' Feivy has got the mashgiach's number. When the Google+ platform existed, R' Feivy got them to permanently ban the mashgiach who was spreading his obnoxious shtussim there as well, slandering whoever he doesn't like (which is most normala mentchen).

  60. After the accidental bump into Reb Chayim, what nivul peh did he disseminate about him???

  61. Can somone provide a copy of the Nidrei Zrizin, my new print doesn't have this story about his einekel
