Sunday, January 09, 2022

Sleep Apnea issues

 Sleep Apnea is caused by stopping to breath during sleep for various reasons.

Another sleep apnea is literally non having enough oxygen in the blood, which affects the brain etc. Anything below 95% oxygen saturation, would be a concern.

Generally, the only sleep apnea that is being diagnosed and treated is stopping to breath, not the low oxygen saturation.

Stopping to breath apnea is generally treated with a cpap type of devise.

Low oxygen saturation is treated with an oxygen concentrator.

Note a Cpap only provides air, no additional oxygen.


  1. Sometimes there is a simple fix to make sure you sleep in the correct position. For those who turn during sleep to an incorrect position, they sell a vest to fill with tennis balls that makes it too uncomfortable to stay in the incorrect position.

    Sleep apnea centers in hospitals are notorious for skewing the test results in favor of a bogus positive diagnosis because that's how they make their money. In some countries they are required to inform the government of the diagnosis who then place driving restrictions on the patient. Insurance companies have access to medical records & could blame a driver for an accident when the positive diagnosis is a scam.

  2. FYI- A lack of oxygen, would not make a difference which way one sleeps.


  4. Sleeping the wrong way causes a lack of oxygen when the person cannot properly breathe in that position.

  5. I'm not from Lakewood.

    Says here Zev was niftar. Is that the Zev from NPGS?

  6. I had sleep apnea issues. They set me up with a CPAP and I had the worst sleep of my life with that blasted machine!
    But I decided to get real and lost 30 pounds and now I sleep like a bubbeleh.

  7. Sleeping the wrong way cause the tongue to partially close the airway, but has no effect on the oxygen saturation.

    Could be that your problem was not an air problem but an oxygen saturation problem, loosing some real weight can solve that one.

    Many people can't sleep with a Cpap machine, but if the issue is really oxygen, there are available very quiet machines (40DB at 2 ML) with a nasal canuala.

  8. If one eats not so kosher foods he can’t sleep well.

  9. If he eats like a chazer, he'll sleep like a "ferd".

  10. In the morning יתגבר כארי ויקום not if you went to sleep like a ferd, you can't.

  11. Practice for you know which ConventionSun Jan 09, 09:53:00 PM 2022

    When they dump the leftovers from the annual BMG dinner in the dining room (after all Kotler relatives plus whoever else has dibs have picked it over), it's like feeding time at the zoo. Potential shvers should be there that day each year to see who behaves like a mentch & who lowers himself to a savage beast.

    I witnessed a modenna alter bochur who eyed a half roast that somehow made it to the bochurim despite not being sliced. The alter bochur dove at it, knocking bodies out of the way. He harpooned it with his fork & ran away to fress it. No sharing allowed.

    A Brisker guy standing next to me commented: pashtus oib er nemt a halb beheimah, er iz in gantzen a beheimah!

  12. Possibly the Alteh Bachur - who has no home or wife to prepare meals for him was hungry and mistameha is still hungry. Maybe you and you Briskeh friend should use regular CRC Chickens and stop with the "Shtiky" Pella Chickens so you afford to feed people like the Alteh Bachor and others. You'll get a lot more mitzvot for your money. Brisk or not Brisk.

  13. So predictable!

    The OU mashgiach is rankled all the way from Queens or West Side Kosher that Agudah style Fressing is criticized and one of the Briskers he so despises had advocated for derech eretz.

    While he's at it he also gives a plug for the Zaloinie non-kosher subspecies of chicken, either because it's sold by West Side or allowed by Chaim Schwartz's puppetmasters (as long as the bakshish is as good or better than Rubashkin's South American chazirei, the Reform-certified coffee & the cockamamie pickle company)

  14. Mon Jan 10, 02:53:00 PM 2022

    You forgot the Yesoimim Killer and grave robbers part.

  15. CPAP is having a class action lawsuit against them for recycling viruses back into the body. Losing 25lb has cleared up all apnea issues for family members bh
