Thursday, February 17, 2022

De Ja Vu- Klein's Natural dried Mango heavily infested "again", 2019, 2020, 2022

Klein's Naturals usually purchases cheap, inferior product, often infested.

They also sell to many of the "Heimish", therefore- Buyer beware!


  1. Mango is not usually infested, so is this a poel yotze of prolonged storage in hot, humid conditions?

  2. Klein's Naturals get special pricing for high Protein Mango.

  3. Spotlight on the Queens VaadThu Feb 17, 08:39:00 PM 2022

    If they really want to move this product they should sign up Chaim Schwartz for one of those upmachen (azoy vee iz geven with the pickles & Rubashkin's South American chazirei) where he strong arms it into the gesheften. It's amazing how motivated he gets when there's $ome extra gravy to $upplement that living wage!

  4. A Uber es koomt nisht Tzoo a gutten BBQ Fress that is CCRC specialty.

  5. Yes exactly. Chaim Schwartz has been a regular customer at the Kew Gardens erev Shabbos BBQ Fress Fests.

    Wade Boggs was known as "Chicken Man" when he was with the Boston Red Sox. It should have been Chaim Schwartz when he was at KVH.

    Toyameha Chaim Schwartz vesiyatoi zochu ugedulah bochoru, az miBoston

    Chicken wing costs rose 41% during inflation surge, Queens Vaad Executive Drecktor says

    By Thomas Barrabi
    February 17, 2022

    The surging cost of chicken wings is putting more pressure on Kew Gardens Fressers – especially those with the Queens Vaad, whose executives have noted a record surge in expenses even when they secretly shop for billigeh preizen at non-Vaad Rosenblum's while hypocritically telling everyone else the place is verboten.

    KG yungerman Tuvya Harris told analysts the erev Shabbos BBQ enterprise has dealt with more inflationary pressure than the broader economy, with bone-in chicken wings fressing by Schwartz & his VHQ-OU buddies accounting for about 65% of purchases in the entire borough of Queens.

    Expenses from bone-in chicken wings rose 40.9% in fiscal 2021 compared to one year earlier – a figure that represented “record-high wing demand & inflation,” according to Harris. Harris said they've explored use of other cuts of chicken, such as thighs and drumsticks, but faced pushback from most of the Fressers & threats of violence from a particular OU mashgiach who is also demanding a non-BBQ item, fried rice.

    “Overall, we’re going to continue to look at other ways to use the bird and expand the whole bird concept that we’ve talked about, which should ladder up to our supply chain strategies and how we can control more of the supply,” Harris told Agudah Fressers & OU Bird Man Chaim Loike on a conference call.

    The price surge had a noticeable impact on BBQ operating expenses. Harris said Schwartz downs as many chicken wings as there is beer made available to wash them down. Beyond complaining of inflationary pressure, Schwartz would not comment on the volume of wings he fresses at the erev Shabbos shindigs.


  7. Yeh. You mean mental issues such as:
    the kaminetzkys go from shiva straight to the pizza shop to see what it tastes like.

  8. Wow it seems like the olam here has a lot of daygos in life.

  9. Stinger portable anti-aircraft missiles

  10. Yuh. A sach daygos.

  11. Sun Feb 20, 12:05:00 AM 2022

    Rising Chicken prices does affect all in queens except Blooms because no onw really knows where they come from besides CCRC. And he really does not care since he never paid anthing for anything.
    Its not for nothing that CCRC's fresses, nay SUPER fresses, are known as FREE fress.

  12. How many DA-JA-VUs are there??
    Any more coming?
    Maybe Mango and virgin olive oil is there new in food??
