Sunday, April 03, 2022

Mezuzos / Tefillin alert- high prices, questionable kashrus, etc.

Lately, the prices of kosher Mezuzos and Tefillin Parshi'yis have gone up very high.

The reason is that there is a tremendous demand for Sifrei Torah to be written.

The Sifrei Torah is either for Lizecher Nishmas or Hachnosas Sefer Torah to a shul or Yeshiva. The soifrim are receiving high premiums for having it done by a specific date.

The good experienced Soifrim are therefore writing Sifrei Torah instead of Mizuzos and Tefilin, Mezizos and tefillin must be written "Ki'sidrun."

When looking at Mezuzos or Tefilin, one can't know if they were written ki'sidrun, if the Tagim and numerous other crucial halachas were adhered to.

In essence, we may be getting questionable Mezuzos and tefillin and paying high prices as well.

The truth is that there is currently no shortage of Sifrei Torah in Yeshivas, shuls, etc. 

When asking for donations for a Sefer Torah, they are taking away sorely needed Tzedakah funds from Hachnosas Kalah, Tomchei Shabbos, etc., and many other desperate tzedakahs.

It would benefit Klal Yisroel in many ways to stop the Sefer Torah writing drives, so the excellent Erlich Soifrim will return to writing kosher Mezuzos and Tefillin. 


  1. Thank you for your opinion on the matter.

  2. I'm not sure if it's so great to promote Tomchei Shabbos it could be they hold of KCL and with they're explicit with all the kids that are OTD.
    Don't you think?
    Maybe we need more Torah

  3. There is a big scam on the Etsy online marketplace of moichrim farkoyfing tzitzis with questionable hashgochos, no hashgocho & misrepresented items that are not kosher whatsoever.


    Grossly misspelled Edah Charedis. And does the Philly Shatnez Lab have control over the packaging? I hope this isn't another scam to credit to the yeshiva dort.

  4. Shoin araingedrait Philly mit Etsy.

  5. Vos zogst du? Shoin araingedrait mamzerim in Philly?

    Only fitting that yenner zoken mamrai gets sandek when he was the mechaber of the gantze tragedya.

  6. The Worlds Smallest ViolinMon Feb 28, 10:32:00 AM 2022

    It is a taynah when gelt is diverted away from real nitzrochim. But such "taynos" are sometimes the pathetic whining of tzedreiter. Probably the worst example ever was when some relatives of Eli Weinstein had chaloymos they could shnor a legal defense fund in the style of Rubashkin for never ending legal appeals. If not for Trump's pardon it would've takka been never ending for Rubashkin, especially because he was the best $$ marketing strategy the Yated ever had! (BEFORE Pinny became Rubashkin's 'long lost friend' you couldn't buy the Yated in stores in MANY out of town communities who were blackmailed by Chabadskers that if they sell that Misnagdishe newspaper a boycott will be organized against them!) When they failed for Weinstein, they whined it's "not fair" that Rubashkin already squeezed all the available dollars out of Klal Yisroel.

  7. zoken mamrai gets sandek

    ZM only accepts Sandekoois if yudel's butcher is mohel.

  8. Shvindler and nisht StamMon Feb 28, 06:41:00 PM 2022

    The Sfardi wannabe Chassidishe who fleeced the 90s Lakewood oylam in a ponzi scam with seforim stores, currenty poses as a "sofer stam" in Monsey. But the way he really makes his money is from financial fraud of ripping off banks & putting on an act to groyseh gevirim when he makes chassunos that he's nebich an oremmer Yid who doesn't have a cent (while he plows millions of dollars he ganvehs into real estate investments). If you ask him to sell you stam, he buys & resells while pretending it's his eigener safrus.

    And the French yeshiva where the entire hanhala was recently arrested for child abuse & money laundering is the yeshiva of his mother's mishpocho. What a family! One of the latest horrific details reported in the press is a bochur was caught sneaking outside the walled compound on Shabbos morning. A hanhala member came out after him disguised with a face mask, beat the bochur on every part of his body & left him to lay there incapacitated for the rest of Shabbos. Police are telling reporters they can't believe what dopes the hanhala are. They are moydeh they beat the kids but argue that it's "legal" because in their warped definition of law & morality, it's "normal".

  9. Mon Feb 28, 06:41:00 PM 2022

    The Shvindlers are not from Monsey or France.
    They are all from Queens and are all Mishpachah with the infamous OU Mashgiach who is the only shvindler to ever exsist. All others never were, never are and never will be shvinlers.
    ONLY the OU mashgiach from Queens. And his whole extended mishpacha, OF COURSE.

  10. Takkeh! But trying to make a joke of it at 11:46 this morning doesn't change the facts that the mashgiach's mishpooche take tishah kavin of perpetrating swindles, molestation & of being motzee shem ra on innocent people who they have some illegitimate beef against (bifrat because they're angry that these people know the dirt on the mishpooche)!

    1. Your description sounds like it’s right out of the Poipes Maysehbichel - UOJ.

  11. Ah. So CCRC is shoin ah Moideh bemiktzas.
    We’re getting places. Maybe another few dresses and he’ll get it. I doubt it zoilel vesoivay don’t end that quickly but…

  12. Kew Gardens Busser BusserWed Mar 02, 09:00:00 PM 2022

    "zoilel vesoivay"

    When your father stole from his own clients accounts it was to spend on waaaaay more than a tartimar busser & a bissel vein.

    And what did your fetter Georgie know and when did he know it when aiding Leib Pinter to sell treif busser labeled as "kosher"?

  13. He has GREAT leaders and models to follow. Numero UNO Paulie. Why dont you post his KOOSHEREH gelteh that the Heiligeh Arkoois dealt with. To defend the Poipe, he couldn't to din toireh if every godol and posek here and in Israel are one bigger 'oisvorf then the next - according to this Zaddikel - whos specialness is "Protecting People".

  14. Who says "Paulie" did anything wrong? It often happens that someone in civil arkoyos was dragged in there by a mayrim yad beToiras Moishe or even if he initiated it he could've had a heter.

    "Nice" way to make a smokescreen to distract away from your own father is criminally convicted as a crook (when he ran away as a fugitive it gave you opportunities to be mechalel Shabbos at Yerushalmi hafgunos!) and that your uncle was somehow involved in Leib Pinter's treif scam which at the time was also one of the biggest financial frauds in history

  15. Lets not even talk about the veib that was with The ZADIK in arkooes for who knows how long and he ended up with a few raushingas.

  16. No one shlepped Pope Paulie to court for being a honest businessman. Your afraid to post the court papers as you expertly do when you need some 'Kosher' unreliable loshon horah about your 'good friends' who support your habits.

  17. If sofrim are only writing sifray torahs for the money and neglect to tzibburs need for mezizis and Tfillin I would not let him write a sefer torah for myself. He most probably will be sloppy at that too.

  18. Another Torah command (Kesivas Sefer Torah - which each and every Jew has a this Mizvah) ejected from Judaism on account of some personal needs.

    1. So go ahead and write it yourself. Don't rely on the other guy to be your Shaliach.
