Wednesday, April 06, 2022

An eye opener re; Shatnez in Lakewood and Monsey-Update: Almost all Lakewood's suit stores currently have serious shatnez issues.

Please see the attached Consumer Notice. 

As the Centurion brand suits are manufactured in China, scrap materials are being put into each and every suit. As such, it is incumbent to test for shatnez at a competent shatnez laboratory, each and every suit before wearing.

Above is a picture of a dart with linen threads, that was discovered in a Centurion woolen men's suit sold at His Place in Lakewood. To their credit, they are advising consumers to check their suits for shatnez.

Please publicize.

Thank you,

Rabbi Moshe Bresler
Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez


  1. Are people nizhar in insect infestation or have knowledge what's going on or say the rabbis seal is good enough. This is just one of many michsholim in kashrus e.g.. Including sheitels restaurants meat etc. Ikvisa dmishicha ain tochocha

  2. You have not stated that the seller stated it was not shatnez. The seller has every right to assume that the buyer will check it for shatnez - at a YUDEL approved Lab. Unless theseller stated outright that it has no shatnez. In that case the buyer is still obligated to check it. However, if the seller states that it was checked by so and so - including but not limited to A YUDEL lab, he still has to double check with that said Lab.
    One does have to assume - or maybe is not allowed to assume, that if he sell a bottle of milk to someonr that he will use it to enhance his Rib Roast or use it in hie meat cholent.
