Wednesday, April 06, 2022

UPDATE: Alert Re: Irgun Shi'urai Torah speakers

 The Irgun Shi'urai Torah presented a speaker that addressed misleading, false information re: infestation, among other misleading information in other areas of kashrus, etc.

The speaker is not qualified in the arena of kashrus. Obama is also an eloquent speaker, but is nonetheless a pathetic liar.

He was removed recently from his position as a Kashrus supervisor, due to his misguided false information re: infestation. He was removed by the Rabbinical Board as the kashrus administrator due to serious kashrus violations at an establishment serving טריף.

He was removed from his Rabbinical pulpit (not for מצות ומעשים טובים) He was forced to resign from a position at an International Kashrus Organization for the same reason, and from other positions for infractions.  

As an aside:- Ahron Deutsch, Yoel Feingold, Strauss, Shapiro et al say that Bodek  is infested with adult and baby thrips, etc., even though they themselves are not experts in infestation.

Bodek pulled their infested product off the market.


  1. Can someone post Irgun’s phone number so we can make Reb Yudel gets a slot to straighten out the Oilom at large. PLEASE.

  2. Isn't the Yoel Feingold group on Evergreen's payroll to approve their infested vegies?

  3. R' Mendy Einhorn of Skver Hashgcha is employed now also by Bodek, watch Skver say the other companies are no good.

  4. Star K has historically grabbed infested lettuce bags dropped by other hashgochos.

    Star K has also been grabbing affairs with chilul Shabbos that make other hashgochos uncomfortable and even the toyevanik "weddings" that the OU refuses to touch at frey temple ballrooms.

    And as per Dayan Sternbuch, Star K grabs everything else that other hashgochos won't touch.

    How long until Star K jumps in HEADFIRST to grab "recreational" narcotics that no establishment hashgocho will touch with a 10 foot pole?

    1. So far you haven’t said anything that makes sense

    2. Nothing on this blog makes sense. It's immature hock.

  5. Why is it that Walders books are banned yet Artscroll still has the books with Dovid Weinberger the Molester, Adulterator, Womanizer, etc another Walder.?

    1. There is a huge difference.
      Everything has levels.

  6. R' Yudel makes perfect sense which is why corrupt hockers at the guilty establishment hashgochos are planting silly comments here trying to undermine the truth from getting out.

    Those batlonim should be working for Putin as it's the same strategy.

  7. Weinberger may takka be an adulterator too, on top of being an adulterer.

    Adulterer is a menuvol oiver on Aseres Hadibros.

    Adulterator is someone tampering with integrity of kashrus and or product safety. Weinberger gives / gave hashgocho on, what else? Women's cosmetics, which no coincidence, molester-adulterer Bryks also gives / gave hashgocho on.

    If their kavonnos weren't so sinister, we could ask badchan Yankel Miller to repurpose his "Hello Superrrvisorrr?" skit as "Hello Adulterrrerr, oderrr Adulterrratorrr?". Or maybe nevermind because Miller's eidim is himself a convicted molester.

    1. Just replace the word molester, Adulterer with devarim meoosim, Loshon Horah etc. and you’ll have a perfect mirror clear picture of these outright Yenttahs who think about nothing else other then molesting and some form of (lo) sinaf.

  8. The guy covering up for Weinberger must be a misguided Novardoker. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE of Weinberger being WORSE because he is getting away with it, while Walder was finally stopped.

    No one except except the grandson of R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz has called for trashing Weinberger's books. Say what you want about the grandson & his rough tactics, but he is often correct - certainly here.

    And Weinberger is trying to violate the agreement he signed in the presence of lawyers & dozens of rabbonim to stay out of rabbonus & chinuch. He has tried to take shtellers such as rav of the big shul on Route 45 by the Monsey border with NJ

    1. The holy son or in this case einikel is the biggest menuvel of them all. Find out a bit about his business practices and his personal life. You’ll be shocked.
      Let alone his outrages nivul
      Peh against gedoilim which is just a reflection of his thoughts and his satisfaction in life.

  9. Ohn a Mesorah Heritage Floundering FoundationThu Apr 07, 05:42:00 PM 2022

    Even worse than the PROFITEERS known as Artscroll posing as a "charity" and shlepping poor aideleh gedolim to be metzayer them, like R' Dovid Feinstein, into photo ops with extreme immodest dressed women at the annual dinners, is Artscroll's line up of mechabrim.

    Molester & adultery hergelnik Dovid Weinberger.

    Molester & child rapist fiend of Agudah's "Nidchei Yisroel" & fake Mashgiach "Ruchni" Moshe Eisemann.

    "Energizer Ganiv" & Treif-"Kosher" sandwich chef Leib Pinter.

    Sadistic Gomco Clamper Paysach Krohn, who Artscroll had to revise out his fairy tales to protect his child rapist & embezzler relative Lipa Brenner. Krohn also took his molester-shvogger Bryks to Shabbatons packed with women & children.

    When the NYPD finally came after molester Yudi Kolko, Artscroll's Nosson Scherman jumped out screaming: "I tried to stop Kolko!"

    HUH???? Not only no one ever heard Scherman utter a single whimper of protest, but Scherman had actually helped the 40 YEAR COVER UP by being alongside Kolko the WHOLE TIME in both Toady Temimah, and before that in Stolin!

    1. 5:42 The Paulie pope at his best.

  10. Belsky was his protector, I guess Belsky is trying to protect Chaim Walder from the Bais Din shel maalah, they'll send them both to the Abyss.

    Rabbi Belsky, You should really take Dovid Weinberger to bais din shel maalah for them to decide his fate.

  11. He can run but he cant hideFri Apr 08, 02:18:00 AM 2022

    Dovid Weinberger had crashed on his eidim Kaiser in far south Monsey while trying to worm his way in as Ruv of huge shul, formerly a frey temple, on Route 45 just barely north of the NJ border. Menuvol DW was skipping around Monsey with a huge smile on his face because the heimishe oylam doesn't recognize him. One day DW emerges from fressing lunch in a Chassidishe restaurant and was shocked to bump into a yungerman from Lawrence. DW quickly lost the smile, and his face turned red as a beet as he ran in the opposite direction. DW then ducked into a seforim store & buried his nose in an English book (probably Artscroll or Walder), hoping he had shook his shochen.

    DW eventually ended up back in Lawrence & has been davening in Far Rockaway by the Sulitzer Rebbe, one of the very few rabbinical cover uppers of DW besides Yankel Bender.

  12. How many of "da Rrrussians" did Zukes & the Agudah save at Vaad le"Hatzolas" Nidchei Yisroel versus the ones that were destroyed by Eisemann?

    Many years ago, Eisemann was 'plying his trade' in Philly yeshiva where he had a shteller. The old mamzer manufacturer tolerates molesters as long as they are not in his own backyard so he pushed Eisemann on Ner Yisroel without telling his rebbi Rav Ruderman why he was forcing him out of Philly.

  13. Oooo. Now that we all know ALL the gory details, We are all ready for the Mizrach Vant in Paulie's Temple on gravesend Hell circle.

  14. Wallowing in Gory details with an OU mashgiachFri Apr 08, 04:53:00 PM 2022

    How many outbursts will the mashgiach have to rehash, recycle, slice & dice his contempt for "Paulie" in every which direction?

    Yes, it drives the mashgiach stir crazy that the shmootz is getting out on zein gantze mishpooche bifrat & exposing molesters & ganuvim bichlal.

    Here's one more detail that escaped attention here. One of the only characters who did not sign with kimat all the 5 Towns & Far Rockaway rabbonim that Weinberger must be stopped, but instead stood more or less with the Sulitza, Belsky & Yankel Bender, was the Bostoner Webbe of Lawrence, who is shvugger of the mashgiach's bankroller at the fake "kollel". The mashgiach can join this handful of frauds in the dog house. Belsky thought he had the clout to mouth off with condemnations against all the rabbonim to protect a pervert. But Belsky didn't see the train that was coming at him. The rabbonim cancelled the Torah Vodaas fundraiser Shabbos & announced that Belsky is persona non grata in all the shuls.

  15. Do the Artscroll books of Belsky's teachings provide a tutorial for the Mendel Epstein-Belsky financial shakedowns, "bittul" kiddushin & the makkos retzach beatings? One divorcing ex-BMG yungerman was even shot at in Boro Park & nebich couldn't sit down for a month altz where the bullet was lodged.

    The hypocrites running Artscroll have turned down mechabrim who are tzadikkim veyedidim who were smeared as "controversial" yet they can't stop publishing this drivel from a THUG who the gadol hador Rav Elyashev warned is not to be relied on for any miktzoya in halacha!

    1. First the curse Rav Eliyashev with unspeakable nivul peh and now when they claim to need him his the the house zaddik .
      You can’t have it both ways.
      Then again we’re dealing with classic terrorist where everything goes including the world to come when they be honored with the shvartzeh mahloocim.

  16. Business as usual that the OU mashgiach in Queens keeps coming on this site to bash R' Yudel and other askonim for good while his own close relatives have been caught doing kol davar assur.

    The niece of Leib Pinter is back in the news regarding her palace where she has been hosting parties for heimishe orgs. Pinter is of course the shvantz who among other things was labeling treif sandwiches as "kosher" that the OU mashgiach's fetter helped him assemble.

    The Cruz here is a Columbian Hispanic goy who the niece was chasing in Brooklyn College & had a "gerus" done on him after the fact.

  17. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachSun Apr 10, 01:01:00 PM 2022

    And the OU mashgiach in Queens is not a terrorist? Especially in the many years before his identity was finally outed he was all across the internet slandering countless rabbonim & askonim who have a problem with his corrupt relatives (in the gantze mishpooche!) or who stam have hashkofos different than his warped ones.

    And even with all the mashgiach's "deep scans" looking for shmutz to attribute to "Paulie", that askan has not criticized Rav Elyashev. He referred to RYSE as the Gadol Hador & criticized the Agudah Fressers for ignoring him when it suits them.

    The mashgiach's M.O. you see is that all his 'opponents' must be slandered even if the slander has to be manufactured from thin air.

  18. You are literally obsessed with Shmutz!


    I bet Avi Schnall can't wait to invite Phil Murphy down to another Agudah Fresser shindig so he can boast everywhere that Murphy's goress him!

  20. Why is the Agudah more of a fresser then the mir? or some other holy organazations?
    The mir shindigs have out fressed the agudah for the last couple of years.
    Can imagine what A Briskeh Fres would look like, maybe some fetteh pella duck or some topnotch homemade wine, maybe a some nice knaitchen on the tables. Vehr Vais.

  21. A Fresser is a FresserMon Apr 11, 07:39:00 PM 2022

    Mir Jerusalem first of all is not the real Mir. They only got a few alter Mirrers while the lion's share went to Beis Hatalmud & the other Brooklyn yeshiva.

    Mir Jerusalem's Fress party is in the facility owned by Ralph Zucker who is on the Agudah Fresser Board. And it's run by a pair of Fresserniks, Ralph Herzka & S.Y. Rechnitz. Herzka knows how to eat! He used to hang out in the most prestigious Manhattan restaurant, Box Tree, when it was briefly kosher at the end of it's 200 year run.

    There is no such thing as Brisker "Fressing". They were highly critical of all the gluttonous Fressing at Agudah before Mendlowitz made it in style to mock the Agudah about it.

  22. The menu in the VIP section for the Agudah's Siyum HaFressing, I mean Shas, was so to the extreme in gashmiyus that it was poshut shameful.

  23. There is no such thing as Brisker "Fressing"

    Seems like you never saw a Briskeh alone with free fress material. If he think he’s alone also works. They eat for each tzad of the two dinim and have to be yoitzeh all the kezaisim in order to give a challis of Briskeh fress.

  24. Sounds like you did do mit or Brisk.
    You seem to know nothing about either one.
    Can’t expect anything better from a Paulie talmid

  25. Eating something for the mitzva is not in the definition of fressing.

    How dumb can the OU mashgiach in Queens get? (Who is notoriously jealous of Briskers after R' Avrohom Yehoshua would accept him in yeshiva)

  26. after R' Avrohom Yehoshua would NOT accept him in yeshiva

    1. Did you try to get into Pauls Yeshiva?

  27. Thus eating Shabbos meals or Shabbos nosh - for the 100 Brochos - is not a fress except at Bloomies or in Maaravah.
    In Brisk it’s Shabbos ah gants yohr.
