Thursday, April 07, 2022

Israeli produce in stores



  1. There are Israeli produce in the stores all the time. No chidush here at all unless the writer is a new comer to the kashrut scene.

  2. Remarkable how these sonei Shain have to get in their criticism no matter how weak their attempted upshlog.

    The bottom line of 11:07 PM's cheap shot, to make himself feel 'accomplished', is that R' Yudel should just shut his mouth, unsuspecting consumers be darned!

  3. The "unsuspecting be darned consumers" will still buy whatever they see and this post absolutely changes nothing, in spite of 10:50 's "Constructive" criticism.

  4. Constructive CriticFri Apr 08, 04:40:00 PM 2022

    You'd be surprised how many consumers outside the kashrus field stumble across this website & read it.

    The ones who unceasingly ooze negativity on this webpage will never admit they are wrong.

    1. Sure they read it.
      They need entertainment.
      Very few stopped drinking OJ not to mention filtering. The same is true for broccoli etc.

  5. Sun Apr 10, 11:42 AM should cut it out with his dishonest shtick already.

    Yes very few stopped drinking factory processed orange juice because they go with gedolim who are more maykil than shitas Chazon Ish.

    But since no real gadol allows bugs in broccoli, many readers go with the R' Yudel recommended brands.

    I would call 11:42 the clown who belongs in the Sunday morning Funnies, but he's not entertaining.
