Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rita's Ices-Alert! Others are questioning if the owners are even "religious" .

 Most of the local Rita's Ices are owned by a group of Jewish owner.

Al least one of the stores is under a conservative Pulpit Rabbi. 

Some operate on Shabbos, with some created Heter called "Nusach America". 

Some of the Rita's have lost their Hashgocha, why the others did not yet? We don't know.

There is a  now another "Nusach America", JINO (Jewish in name only)


  1. Where's that Queens OU mashgiach when you need him who likes to plopper about his "gantze mishpoocha"?

    Maybe he knows why there is not a single item in the Pesach stores this year from "Mishpacha", which I think was the heimishe shgooche division of Manischewitz.

    Did the parent company put the kibosh on the gantze Mishpoocha? And why? Or is this just a temporary pandemic blip?

  2. They figured out that the BBQ fresser kranke neshoomeh from the west coast and east on metro don’t really care about shgoochehs especially anything that get donated to them at Bloomies.

  3. "BBQ fresser kranke neshoomeh from the west coast"

    Chaim Schwartz, the KING of bbq wings & beer, is visiting the West Coast? He must have taken his OU mashgiach sidekick to harass Rav Gershon Bess, who from all the way in Los Angeles criticized the Queens Vaad not giving a darn that their restaurant salads are swarming with creepy crawly bugs!

    And despite Schwartz constantly tut-tutting that the oylam should boycott stores who don't pay extortion fees to the Queens Vaad, he regularly RUNS to chap arein the BILLIGEH PREIZEN at NON-VHQ Bloomie's!

  4. J Arnold Memorial Org of KGFri Apr 01, 03:09:00 PM 2022

    Kuckoo G, previously known for thoroughness in exposing the gantze gantzkeit of Queens Vaad-OU corruption, is slipping up. How could he neglect to mention that the shvugger of the OU mashgiach's benefactor at the "kollel" was thrown out of Manischewitz and the gantze OU?

    1. They may have of thrown him out because he was too strict.
      Not for anything else. That is a Yudel specialty.

  5. … he regularly RUNS to chap arein the BILLIGEH PREIZEN at NON-VHQ Bloomie's!…
    He does pay but not for himself.
    He pays Bloomies so that CCRC can keep up his fress binge.

  6. YSV the Root of All EvilThu May 26, 10:42:00 PM 2022

    YSV issued their typical, worthless, "Johnny come Late", unenforced opinion - years after Zushe Blech approved that outrage - that no one should buy the hotdogs sold by the 7-11 Pakistanian Muslims, and also the slurpees, that who is really keeping track of the kashrus of all the flavors, unsubstituted if you're lucky.

    When Yudi Frankel got a complaint from one of his employees that it's nisht richtig that there are official class trips to TREIF Chuck E. Cheese that is blasting rock music the whole time & the epitome of a goyishe sviveh, he mached it aveck that some Lakewood mosdos are allowing NJ Chuck E. Cheese, so who am I to asser it? If it's true about Lakewood, there is one in the area that is tenant of a yeshivish or heimish macher, so that may explain that bit of corruption. Even more pathetic was Rebbitzen Kokis refusing to even discuss it because she believed that there couldn't have been any such discussion with Frankel without him bringing her into the loop. Too bad for her that she has both such a high opinion of herself & so much limud zechus on Frankel. Pathetic!

    Don't expect much to change under the new puppet rabbi from Detroit as long as the old boys network still comprises the corrupt Board with their fixed "elections", bifrat (Moishe Finkel's replacement) Sruly Orzel who doubles as self-appointed King of the Castle + the Dirty Rascal. Considering how cheap Orzel is with any kind of expediture, it's a pelleh that he is splurging on full page ads in the Yated every week these days. And did they hire little actors to pose in the pictures? Do you know how many years it's been since YSV boys looked that yeshivish?

  7. The bricks to jumpstart bbq fires are now being made in all natural biomass versions which some appear to be edible. With ingredient technology today it would be surprising if none of the ingredients are treif. Al ydei tzlee is one of the easiest ways to impart treif into food.

    These items really need hashgocho. They could be a huge unrealized michshol for bbq'ed essen, even on the decks of the most upgeheet homes.

  8. Uh. Oh.
    Go West my Boh. The Pope over there will give your pawh Boh A dipensation.

  9. Too bad for her that she has both such a high opinion of herself & so much ...

    And the Commentator's ego is platzing with all the smoke being released and still no relieve for his hatered to the first true Mosad Hatoirah 'shtelled avek' by Reb Mendelovitz.

    This is at least as HOLY as the einikel.

  10. Reish kol Bnei Galusa R' Joel Shoinfeld & Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz zeinen yetzt pushet between a shtein a hard platz.

    Tze vet zein a beesha vacherpa if it emerges that evidently Queens Vaad encourged BBQ Wings Fressing yeden erev Shabbos to the point that the oylam is Stuffed to the Gills & can't enjoy the seudah (itself against halacha!), had treif grilled right into it. And no matter how many kegs of Cold Beer washing it down vet helfen!

    How is Rabbeinu ever going to explain his way out of this one to his Bucharee fan club? Do you have any idea how deflated they will be from their Admor's failure, bifrat after they spent years singing Toameha Chaim Zachu to the tune of Edut Mizrach pizmonim? They will have to upgrade the nusach to Tumah Chaim Zachu.

  11. Here is the explanation:
    By decree fin the Maarav Poipe CCRC must keep his free fress going and is not limited to erev Shabbos bbq - as long as it’s free.
    He does not have the Friday Halacha issue since he just continues as if he ate nothing.
    He is ‘poirais Mahwah’ on his dikkeh baichel.
    So the Amorim and Rabbonim of queens gave this obligation to set up as many BBQs a possible not to ‘farshem’ drh Kranke neshoomeh.

  12. Yeshiva of Dingaling ValleySun May 29, 10:08:00 AM 2022

    YSV takka WAS the mayseh yodayim of the Mendlowitz mishpocho but was nigzal by the corrupt listim who call themselves the "elected" Board. All the "elections" are fixed so it doesn't matter how many Fortune 500 accounting firms monitor the "votes".

  13. This ‘Chanoich GROISEH naar lephee darkee’ only is also a class AAA Highjackerz

  14. "dikkeh"

    So it's the KG guy who wears the Dickies?

  15. CCRC would wear a dickie if he could find one that covers him even ah masheh’hu.


    Even off the shelf, Dickies go up to size 60

  17. Sixty is way too small for a class A free fresser.

  18. Groiseh Tzooris for CCRC.
    Very Groiseh Tzooris.
    Now when he goes to a free fress at Camden Yards it won’t be kosher.
    He’ll feel right at home like on Leffers….

  19. I episs detect that the mashgiach may be stalking a critic.

    Al kol ponim, pretty much all the major sports venues in America have a concession under a national or local kashrus supervision.

  20. Tue May 31, 09:15:00 AM 2022

    ..Except Camden Yards.

    Did you get a job - Shomer kishuin in Bloomies - (Mazal Tov) that you no time to surf the world wide internet????

  21. Rav Sternbuch warned not to eat from Star K even before they suddenly pulled out of Camden Yards.

    What happened anyway? The concession was too slow to pay? If they were good payers then surely Star K could have worked out a minor little wrinkle like kashrus violations.
