Tuesday, May 17, 2022

ברכתו שהכל , because of the "protein"- new store in Lakewood-Opening Wednesday Tommorow

When going fishing, put some fresh insects on to the hook, you'll catch some good fish.



  1. What you're posting is fact aka truth, or are you just being moitzy shem ra?

  2. Bug Jus is a standard item in supermarkets under Tarnopol.

    Not just aphids. Also, thrips from strawberries. Scale insects & fly maggots from blueberries. And mites from pineapples.

  3. If it gets blended then the Bracha will stay the same even though it may not be lechatchila to blend it.

    1. Depends on the bug. Some are too small and stay whole even after blending.

  4. Too small to get blended then its too small to see with naked eye to a regular person.

  5. "Too small to get blended then its too small to see with naked eye to a regular person."

    Not true. You were obviously never teined in tolayim. Some are visible to the naked eye, but too small to get pureed. Maybe go watch a mumcha and they will show you.

    1. There is only ONE mumcha!!!

    2. You mean a mumcha didn’t blend it. If it was a mumche there would be nothing whole in there.
      You may think you know bugs.
      You probably do.
      But your not on top of the latest foods.

  6. JUS has an OU D !

  7. https://thejewishnews.com/2020/04/02/make-your-own-soft-matzah/

    Dokter Rabbiner Ari Zivotofsky, who is on the OU payroll, encouraging every know-nothing out there to make & eat chometz.

    This is not for you to try at home. The Taimanim have a mesorah and are mumchim in this process. Most others will end up with a chometz product.

    It's besides the point that Ashkenazim are not allowed to eat this even if done properly. Even Belsky would not allow any loopholes in it. But Zivotosky & his arrogant little sidekick Greenspan have a long history of trying to be mevatel masores bnei Ashkenaz, even to the point of being mevazeh the Geonim!

    1. Long history.

      Yup and let's not discuss your history.

  8. Public Relations GuyTue May 17, 01:51:00 PM 2022

    So when is Zivotofsky scheduled to get his picture taken with his soft Laffa breads at Lakewood Matzos Bakery?

  9. West Side Kosher is related to Western Kosher in the West Coast?

  10. When nit Shainer Yid gets sued, he might finally stop his false libelous claims.

  11. Just for the record, whenever I've met someone who had very harsh things to say against R' Yudel, I found out those people like to eat infested items at a rate of many lavin per fress session. Me thinks they are simply irritated that facts that R' Yudel draws attention to are a potential crimp in their redifas tyevos lifestyle.

    1. As a potential crimp.
      The many people I know are not rodfei tayvos at all. They're just disgusted by the rodfei tayvas hotza'as laaz no anyone and everyone, kayadua lakol.

  12. You mean likke the Paulie pope. but he’s smarter then that. Just had to invoke the Zaideh name and post a letter that was nogaiah in those days only. Like 80 to 90 years ago. And may be a edited letter who knows with him.

  13. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonSun May 22, 02:49:00 PM 2022

    "The many people I know"

    OU mashgiach, the gullible people you rant & rave to about R' Yudel being WORSE THAN HITLER! do not go into the cheshbon of people who have a mind of their own. Sitting there listening to you does not count. The aliases you invent to defend yourself also do not count.

    1. I am not your "the OU mashgiach". He's not the only one that knows people.

  14. JUS is under the strict Hashgacha of Rabbi Neustadt.
    It is 100% kosher.

  15. It's this Abecassis fellow, he's been with them for 25 years or so.

    you could trust him thsat he'll collect his fee very timely.

    1. You obviously don't care about isurei Torah, so what is about bugs that bugs you so much? Is it because that's another way for you to be over more aveiros here on this blog?
