Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why you should always check your register receipts?

 It has sadly been common practice at certain stores to overcharge customers at the register, the errors are always in the stores favor.

Some customers commonly say, "put it on my bill". Some astute customers always write down their total in a book. Too often there are additional unexplained charges.

We question whether one may purchase items that require  a נאמנות in such stores? i.e. meat, poultry, deli, fish, prepared food, items that require בדיקת תולעים.



  1. Are you referring to when the price on the shelf is different then what’s in the computer/register? Or other charges ?
    A lot of times they change the price in the office/ computer - if the costs went etc - and it does not get changed on the shelf. Sometimes the item get moves a bit and the price stays at the old spot.
    Some stores will give you the lower price if you bring it to the attention of the manager.
    From your post it seems like there are other random charges. It never happen to me however, the new/ old price thing has occurred.

    1. It never happened to anyone else either. But please don't confuse us with facts now. You must be disgruntled if you do.

  2. Crunch time in Lakewood dropped the KCL and went under a Hashgocha Based out of Philadelphia

  3. It happened to others. When you defend every single avlah that R' Yudel identifies & try your hardest to confuse the readers with non-facts, you must be the OU mashgiach in Queens.

    1. These is no Avla identified here. Just baseless accusations. As usual.

  4. How does the store "reimburse" all of those that the "stole" from?


  5. This is the alleged OU Mashgiach.
    Trying to sort out the issue and now I'm also crowned with title the OU Mashgiach.
    The OU must have a large payroll to pay all these OU

    1. Hi nice to meet you! I'm also an alleged 'the OU mashgiach'. Welcome to the club!

  6. Is it Geneivah or Gezailah?

    It's not a mistake that there may be "mechila".

  7. Verdict: bored people here.

  8. MANY take out stores & supermarkets with take out sections are charging "tax" on non-taxable items. Learn the NY State tax code. One prime example is sliced deli meats by the pound are NOT taxable unless it is made into a decorative platter or made into a sandwich.

  9. Rockland Kosher has gone from the easiest to deal with to the worst.

    If they forget to take down a sale sign with no time limit noted they refuse to honor the price after they make you crazy for half an hour, starting when the computer blocks the cash register from allowing the sale & moving to an arrogant manager who says he doesn't care if it's violating both halacha & State law, because you're just not getting the price. They also expect you to either pay the ransom or shlep everything back to the shelves, even if it's many heavy items, until you tell them to jump in the lake while you walk out.

  10. This NEVER occurred to me unless it was a eatery. Where ones sits and eats a salad,burger or hot dog etc.

    1. How do you eat salad without checking for infestation?

    2. Like a corn - canned - pea & red onion salad.
      Like Israeli salad without the parsley.
      Like a kohlrabi cole slaw

      All the stuff Bloomies doesn’t carry but their VERY kosher.

  11. Wasserman's is the numero uno false tax chapper in Queens. Wasserman always just shrugged his broad Gerrer pleitzos & stoically told you he will continue to take tax on anything he wants. It's not like much was expected from that Rameye who every Pesach season put Itzkowitz items on the shelf that could give you food poisoning. More than 20 years after Itzkowitz went belly up, the items finally were removed after pressure from the Queens Vaad who were getting flack when it was publicized.

    1. You're in Monsey or Queens?? Please enlighten us.

    2. You forgot to mention which cheder this Wasserman went to, where his grandfather lived, who his cousin is and many many other very important and relevant details.

  12. Ok so the part that Wasserman fellow has Gerer shoulders I got.
    But if you can please elaborate what exactly did the Queens Vaad tell him about Itzkovitz products. It wasn't so clear from your post. We need very very clear details.

  13. This comment is a prepaid ticket to GanHenom.
    Non stop.

  14. I emptied out old papers from a drawer tonight and found this bizarre item that someone left by my door over 10 years ago that veiss Ich nisht why it wasn't thrown out back then. It's not hard to guess who was behind it as the grammar is horrible & the handwriting very sloppy at the time that someone was going around KG referring to Chaim Schwartz as "Napoleon" and predicting he was going to end up in a din Torah with him.

    "Home of Rabbi Tuvia Harris 124th St. During the summer, gather every Shabbos in the backyard of Rabbi Tuvia Harris. Going is Chaim Schwartz - the Executive Director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

    BBQ Chicken + Cold Beer"

    1. When emptying out the drawer, where did you put the papers?

    2. It could of been some christerkracker with some holy water. The stuff your used to at least on the west coast.

  15. Rockland Kosher really not being nice to the oylam this Peisach in many ways. One chiddish they introducing vee tze ganvenen is they delivering you wrong item instead of for sale item. Even after you doing them favor, that ok I gonna keep wrong item tze memayet teercha, they still screwing you. They say ok we delivering you correct item now and it gonna stay the zelbe sale price because our mistake. When you getting the new delivery, in one place it printed the sale price, but on the reciept, they putting higher price on the credit card! And dee kenst nisht meinen how they make impossible to handel with delivery department!

    1. Aha. Shaychis?

    2. So who owns what? Is it washerman now owns Rockland Kosher or does Rockland Kosher own Wasserman ?

  16. May 17 2022 12:05

    Did you ever hear of an issur in the Torah Lo Seilich Rochil Biamecha?

  17. Your 'buddy' on the West Coast called Wasserman a "Gerrorist".

    1. That’s clean language ! Why are you posting Loshon Horah on your buddy?

  18. Did you ever hear that there's no issur in the Torah Lo Seilich Rochil Biamecha when there is a toyeles?

    1. The problem is that you think that every time you have a so-called bad experience in a store you seriously think it's a mitzvah to go all over the internet and and slander whoever you decide to, because of your "toeles heter".

    2. Your comments about the so-called "fraud" of Ghoore showed that you slander people before even hearing him out. And the reason is simple, because once you hear what he says you realize he's right!
      But the main things is that you were able to say who his Rosh Yeshiva is... FBI hard work again .

    3. It’s Toeles not toilet.

  19. It is either going in a collection for recycling, unless you think I have to ask a shayla about putting in Sheimos, heyos there may be a few Bucharianeseos altz mention of their Admor who hold that Schwartz ate his chulin al taharas hakoydesh like Chassidim Rishonim, hee hee hee.

    I was thinking for it's comedic value to take a picture of the tzettl to put on the internet.

  20. There is indeed something to this Wasserman story that goes beyond extra change he may be putting in his pockets. That wild kanoyi in town is also protective of him because their fathers knew each other. You know, that kanoyi, the one who gets excited against the Queens Vaad and warns not to eat from them. But when Yoel & the boys angrily confront him he denies it.

  21. May 17 10:54
    There is absolutely no Toyeles in your words other than showing the world that you are farbisene mench that gets into eights with store managers sei in Monsey and sei in Queens.
    And that's very important information for anyone reading any of your other comments

  22. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachTue May 17, 04:35:00 PM 2022

    "There is absolutely no Toyeles in your words" so says the corrupt mashgiach

    So tell us, what toyeles did YOU have in mind when you spent years smearing 100s of people you don't like with your finster tzebissenkeit? You are so mean spirited that you even mocked if someone was an elter bochur if that option was available to add to your verbal assaults.

  23. "Ghoore ... once you hear what he says you realize he's right!"

    Yanky should have been a used car salesman instead of a mashgiach.

    Says who that Ghoori was right? I don't recall Ghoori explaining how there was no bug problem considering that blackberries are exceedingly difficult to check & boysenberries almost impossible as the fruit easily breaks & releases an abundance of dark purple dye.

    1. Not in the mountains of Chile

    2. Says you.
      Problem is that the mumcha disagrees with you. Obviously although you can't check for infestation without ruining the berries there others that do know what they're doing

  24. yes, i remember the tireless mashgiach taunting someone who already had enough tzaar because he hadn't yet found his zivug

    if that wasn't "important" enough, that kew gardens rotten apple simply lied about others among his victims to say much, much worse things that you could only expect from someone evil & disgusting betachlis


  25. Like a dog that returns and eats his own throw up

    Anyone that replies to you is "accused" of being "the OU mashgiach". So boring by now.
    And also shows that everything you write about any other topic has that level of Nedmanus.

    And regarding your response. So basically all you can do is resort to Nekama?!
    Although after reading many of your comments and is comments from the last few years it is clear that you are extremely lakuy in the problem you claim he has. Kshoit Atzmecha.

  26. Loi Yecheratz OU Mashgiach LeshonoTue May 17, 08:59:00 PM 2022

    "Like a dog that returns and eats his own throw up" - a line that the OU mashgiach in Queens has repeated so many times over the years that it's gone from growing whiskers to a full length beard.

    You're not fooling anyone, Yanky, with your new shtick of denying that you are you.

    1. If there would be any toeles in replying to you then maybe I would. But I see these is literally no point. You get stuck on your theories and there is seemingly no way out.

      I personally live in Lakewood and don't recall ever stepping foot in Queens. You don't stop attacking me that I'm "the OU mashgiach fun kvins" but that you change the fact.
      I feel your pain. I really do.
      But on the other hand from reading your comments and publicizing names and details of someone that has not done that on his own and you go ahead and publicize any real or fake details about him and extended family even when extremely not relevant and getting extremely personal with that act on a public forum on a few different blogs namely this one and Paul the un orthodox, then chances are he might respond in kind, don't you think? It's called tit for tat, I'm sure you know. And even if you say that he started because he cursed Paul and the likes of him, if you continue and publicizing every detail about his and his family's life that you can get your hands on, then that might just happen.

  27. Amazingly, the OU mashgiach in Queens has got lots to hock a tcheinek about supposed faults he identifies by others.

    It's of course completely normal in his view, he feels entitled, to attack many Yidden as:




    The list of his deranged pronouncements is limited due to space constraints.

    1. I am not your favorite OU mashgiach that reads his blog can say clearly that Paul is an Apikores Mechutzaf Noira and shmutziger menuval. Everything your friend from queens (supposedly), said about him is correct and not an exclusive view of his own. Any normal orthodox Jew sees it.

  28. "Not in the mountains of Chile"

    IF it was true that Chilean blackberries & boysenberries were somehow insect free, the hashgochos that really care would make sure to import them. Nor vos ...?

    (I know that R' Yudel has taynos on R' Yosef Eisen as far as application lemaysah, but Rav Eisen said at a public assifah that those berries are the Avi Avos Hatumah of infestation even within the extended berry family)

  29. Veisst men doch in KG that Jacob R was "not an easy child", he is moideh to that himself.

    One glance at this page is all the proof needed that the overgrown baby needs to grow up already and get out of child phase.

    1. Nothing in this comment is toeles.
      Assur min hatora.

      A yid living in Lakewood that used to have some respect for Yudel

  30. Those Wasserman Rocklanders must have put them up to this. I was in Zucker's this week to get a poppy beigel (no Tuna) and lo & behold there were a few areas about a square millimeter each that that the seeds were not covering the surface, leaving bald spots. When it comes to the echtkeit of Montreal style beigels, this is mamash kfirah, not to mention consumer fraud! I really gave one of those schmearers working for Moishe Zucker a piece of my mind. Can you believe he had the nerve to call me a "combative" customer? I think he was trying to intimidate me. He said there is another kvetch at their Boston location that gets the beigels trucked from Montreal. He said back when Chaim Schwartz was with KVH, they warned this customer that there is a OU mashgiach in Queens who they can bring in to police him if he doesn't watch what he says!

    1. I'm confused. Wasserman that has Gerer shoulders (whatever that means) is in Queens or Monsey?

    2. I can't believe it. He actually had the nerve to call you that? It's so the opposite of your nature!
      It was probably the OU mashgiach himself (or maybe one of his many doubles) behind the counter!

  31. "although you can't check for infestation without ruining the berries there others that do know what they're doing"

    Baloney. Oisgehalten hashgochos make you peel strawberries, while fresh raspberries, blackberries & the like are completely off limits because it is not economically feasible for mumchim to spend endless hours on them.

    What this OU hack really means while trying to couch it in language stripped of damning details for uninformed readers to swallow, is that the OU suddenly did an about face one day when Genack decided he's no longer holding back, he is jumping in to this lucrative market. So he had Belsky manufacture a heter that it's fine. The OU kept this quiet for years until they finally snuck it in to a published manual. Never mind that it contradicted their previous diametric opposite shita. It's a very fluid when Genack has Belsky & similar profiles at his disposal to manufacture heterim on demand.

    1. The details you wrote about berries may have to do with where the berries come from.
      In the West Coast they check the berries and sell them in all the kosher stores.
      They either disagree with you in general or they get it from different place that doesn't have the problem they way describe it.

  32. Re: the thievery by receipts is much worse than has been described.

    One of the early tip-offs by Monsey's Finkel scandall, were the dishonesty, weights, etc.

  33. When such geneivas were brought to R' Yaakov Kamenetsky's attention, he had an interesting comment.

    By some groups, they don't consider it Geneiva, just this is how we do business.

  34. It doesn't matter if there is one other person or 100 others besides the OU mashgiach who despise "Paul" because the OU mashgiach continues ad hayom his 15 year tradition of attacking & smearing countless victims he dislikes. And the OU mashgiach is either all of the anonymous commenters denying that he is he, or at least among them. We have ways of knowing when it's him which we aren't showing all of our cards because he has already been trying to throw people off from recognizing him.

    He was originally outed after "Paul" got involved. He was surveilled & many of his slandered victims were contacted to share the information with them. I don't know how many of his victims come here to rank him out as he has gotten under a lot of people's skins, some of whom would probably strangle him if they were around Queens or the Bronx. Maybe some of them succumbed to the inclination to get even with him. My objective is to get him to shut his big fat foul mouth, stop slandering every Tom, Dick & Hershel he doesn't like, stop demonizing them offline as well to anyone gullible enough to pay attention to him, and to stop trying to undermine every single Yudelstake entry with his verbal diarrhea salads. The akshan keeps digging a bigger hole for himself. And we have news for him, there is a new lode of documentation we have that is going public on him if he keeps it up.

    1. If it wouldn't be as sad as it is I would say it's comical. The slander in chief has a problem that someone called out Paul for what he is. Hmm.

  35. The long time yeshiva rebbi Rav Chaim Follman dabbles in gesheft on the side & owns a plastics business. A slimy Chassidishe guy starts bantering with him one day at the mikvah. When he learns Rav Follman is also making plastic bags, he says: "Nee? So how many by you is 100?"

    Rav Follman yelled at him, that how can he have no shame for ganvening & chilul Hashem?

    1. Wow such an interesting story. In which Mikva did this story take place?

  36. Aphid Civil Liberties UnionWed May 18, 11:40:00 AM 2022

    @ West Coast

    Please! Heinemann also claims to offer kosher fruits & vegetables among the most infested minim. And this is not just in theory, when every other hashgocho on Earth dropped Fresh Express, there were rabbonim who counted how many bugs per bag that continued to be under Star K.

    1. The stores on the West Coast have nothing to do with self made enemy Star K. But that's fine, if somehow I'm the OU mashgiach

  37. Every one of the sun-dried tomatoes certified by the star-k is infested.

    1. You sound like Yeravam ben Nevat aka anyone that says that things are infected.

  38. "someone called out Paul"

    You are not the first one who thought he could attack Paul with impunity. Torah Temimah thought they could continue protecting Kolko and they opened 2 blogs dedicated to slandering Paul, one of them was actually run off the server in YTT's office.

    Well, that didn't end very well for them. Paul had a major yad in realizing R' Yaakov Kaminetzky's nevuah on Margulies after his ganvening from Torah Vodaas, az a yeshiva geboit oif sheker & geneivos vet nisht hobben a kiyum. Kolko was put in handcuffs and the yeshiva recently didn't have a single family applying for the upcoming Elul so the baal habatim paid Margo to take a hike and gave in to his vain condition to leave his Rosh Hayeshiva title on the stationary.

    Like it or not, Paul is smarter than Margulies & the OU mashgiach in Queens and he has many resources including an IT dept at his company that is co-headed by a former IBM VP & a former macher from the NYPD's Intelligence division. And like it or not, Paul may have some rough tactics but his etzem thrust is lesheim Shomayim.

    1. Your love for slandering Frum yidden knows no bounds that you're even willing to resort defending an Apikores and Mechutzaf Noira, Menuval and Meshukatz all to satisfy your yetzers mitzvah of blogging lashon hara. Unbelievable.
      Btw how did the bagel go? Did evergreen have cream cheese or did you reluctantly go to rockland kosher for that? I hope you didn't trust Zuckers for that after he had the nerve to call you out as a "combative" costumer. What nerve! I wonder who he's related to.

  39. "his verbal diarrhea salads"

    When the OU mashgiach recently spoke of kohlrabi, what was pshat? Is he still stuck in the 1980s when it was a staple for bnei Torah? Or is that what's oileh al hadaas by him because it is an ikker feed for Ferds in Europe?

    If he ever will stick to a diet, he can put his rebbitzen to work to develop him a paired exercise plan. He shouldn't let her skills as yener Bais Yaakov "gymnasium" teacher be neglected.

    You know, it's a shtarka heurah that any other yeshiva and Bais Yaakov calls it Phys Ed instead of anti-Toradik GYMNASIUM. Is this unusual shita part of the tatten's legacy as VP of BYQ? Maybe the hashpuah from his antique copy of Old Testament with pirush of circa 1500 Galach Martin Luther ymach shmoi, or whichever rasha merusheh Galach it's from.

    1. At this point I know of only one ferd. Please excuse my language.

  40. What are the addresses of those blogs? I would like to see them. Thank you.

  41. Tue May 17, 09:09:00 PM 2022

    Still MUCH MUCH better then Paulis's shrach A'L.

  42. Labor is very cheap in Chile ths they have the time and kosher financial drive to produce a clean product thst others can't produce.

  43. Chinese Cocoa SpecialistWed May 18, 02:57:00 PM 2022

    R' Binyomin Gruber also has sun dried tomatoes.

    A Ruv in Brooklyn tells his kehilla he stam doesn't like Rav Gruber's hashgocho for another reason, that he is a one man show who doesn't like to pay underlings, so he can't be on top of everything zich aleins. When I told this to a rosh yeshiva, he tells me that come to think of it, when I check out the kashrus of kitchens at chassunos I attend, I've seen Rav Gruber in there as a shvera arbeter shvitzing away by himself.

    1. For "another" reason.
      You didn't say a first reason.

      You're just adding more names that they sundried tomatoes IS kosher. That's a reason to say it's kosher.

    2. Which ruv in Brooklyn said this to his Kehila?

  44. One of the early tip-offs by Monsey's Finkel scandall, were the dishonesty, weights

    Kal vochomer a guy who disregards more stringent Halachas where he stands compared to Finkel.

    Nebach. He'll onll find out nuch deh Shireh bahm bais oilom.

  45. Paulie is VERY Smart thats why he's the POPE.

    He also runs a very straight and honest business that why they are and were court so many times. To get the business more honest. The bankruptcy courts are great at that. In jewish law like a Bais Din (which the pope only has his "FINE' language to describe them) there is no concept of bankruptcy. ( So you go to court to make it honest there.
    The same is true for all his ventures.

    Before on goes to thee overheated mizrach vant you go to shomayim first. Hope That Paulie believes in that. He be shocked when the zaideh comes out with makel gedoilah to chase out og his sight and into the sauna.

  46. "Apikores and Mechutzaf Noira, Menuval and Meshukatz"

    Prime example of how the hypocrite, curse-happy OU mashgiach in Queens addresses Yidden he doesn't like while he digs through the entire internet looking to nail his perceived enemies for anytime they didn't use bakovoddik language.

    You are the real koifer, starting with trying to be oiker from the 13 Ikkarim that "Paul" gets tremendous schar for halting your beloved child molesters. Several rabbonim & roshei yeshiva have told me he is 100% doing milchamta shel Torah in those endeavors. (Shafran & Zweibel would faint if they knew which rabbonim say this!) Yes, the rabbonim are troubled by some things he has said, but everyone is judged for good & bad separately. There are no accommodations from Above to cater to your desperate attempts to protect mechuton Bryks & all the other murderous menuvolim that are so close to your shvartz hartz.

    1. There you go again calling me the OU mashgiach. Recycling old garbage.

      Paul is a Mechutzaf Noira against all Gedolei Yisrael of the previous generation it is written all over his disgusting posts. Stop denying that.

      Name me the rabbis that say anything good about him.

    2. Everyone is judged for good and bad separately.


  47. How dumb can this Yudelstake noisemaker get? That was obviously a parody about Zucker's bagels, and a rather humorous one, but the shlemiel screaming at him is taking it seriously!

    1. To the over smart shtil macher, you obviously did not realize that he was playing along and doing exactly what the anti queens anti everyone does to to everyone else. Takes jokes and uses against people on public forum all over the internet slandering everyone he gets his paws on. This commenter was obviously just going in his footsteps and giving him a taste of his own candies.

  48. "Labor is very cheap in Chile"

    So is talk from OU propagandists!

    No way however that the OU can hire reliable bnei Torah to be mashgichim on the most tedious work at the same pennies rate as the Mutchatchos who pick the coffee beans with Juan Valdez.

    Very honorable of you using every opportunity to convince your fellow Yidden to consume shrotzim. When Genack signs your paycheck, how much overtime is included for being the kotton koifetz beroish to intercept every thought provoking kashya on the blog that casts the OU in a bad light? Or is this pro bono work because of your passionate hatred for the blog owner being one of the mefakpekim?

  49. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonWed May 18, 10:15:00 PM 2022

    The big mouth is spewing his hot air presumptions again that R' Shraga Feivel ztl will supposedly disown his grandson. And to hit him with makkalos gohr into the Depths? (Wed May 18, 3:18 PM) Wishful thinking in Yanky La La Land.

    Instead of sticking his snout where it doesn't belong, he should be concerned how his own horrific behavior will be perceived by the elter zeidy Moshkola R. fun Bodke, Poilen.

    You know something? Bodke is just northwest nisht lang up the road from Brisk. Could there be something more substantial to his deep kinah of Brisk besides himself not being good enough for the current rosh yeshiva? Was there anyone from his lineage in the Heim who couldn't get in to Volozhin?

  50. "Recycling old garbage"

    When you continue behaving like garbage there are Toradik & civic duties to dispose the trash.

  51. "how much overtime is included"

    He probably wants to follow in the footsteps of off the derech 1st cousin Shiya Ribowsky who raised a shtink everywhere in billing $100,000s overtime annually to NYC OME, as reported by major media. Shiya was doing Conservative Cantorial renditions at taxpayer expense all the way to the bank!

  52. He ain’t no better in business then the smart pope.

  53. He ain’t no better then the “Honest and strait” smart pope who gets dragged to court like it’s his bedroom.

  54. OU mashgiach in Queens, you were the first stealth slanderer on this blog many years ago, and there is no comparison between your rishus to what some others have posted. So knock it off already with your fake moral equivalency. Same thing goes for your obsessions to demonize the blog owner + Paul & over the years your hit-and-run smears against many, many others. Paul had a bankruptcy many years ago which is legal and even lehalacha when eventually paying back the baalei choiv. Who are you to complain about ANYTHING when your father is a criminally convicted embezzler & your fetter Georgie was a co-conspirator in Leib Pinter's crimes, not limited to the treif meat & cheese sandwiches labeled as "kosher"?

    This is your final warning. New documentation has been gathered that will really make you squirm if it gets out, so za shtill takkeh!

    1. You attack a person because of his father, uncle and cousin? You anti queens anti everyone personality, restrain yourself from your addiction of blogging against people already!

    2. The Rishus of the moderator that allows comments from this anti queens guy knows no bounds! The more I read this blog the more it bothers me how this is allowed even legally. I don't envy the Gehenom of this commenter and of the moderator.

    3. Go ahead big shot.
      It a big difference if you are the “Super honest business zaddik” or a relative who is that tzatzheh.

      You seem to know every thing about everyone’s relatives except about themselves.
      And which ou mashgiach are you exposing with your “NEW” Loshon Horah rechilus moitzee Shem Rah aaa black mail card.
      Go ahead zaddikel do what you know best. Have a good fressestake a good shluff hit the computer and you stuffed belly ego is satisfied go have some more fress.
      Remember only Bloomies
      It’s is kosher.

  55. Mr. AntiQueens guy, let me tell you something. You may not have realized but all your blogging all these years with your disgusting gossip about everybody grandfather and grade great grandfather you may not have realized that you wrote enough details about yourself that people are starting to realize who YOU are. And I warn you now, if you continue in this path I will have no choice but to expose you with your name and details all over the place - basically the same you have been doing all these years to your arch enemy in queens. Enough is enough. Watch out.

  56. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    By a shiduch, one checks all of the immediate relatives, same by kashrus and shopping.

    1. Publicly poking fun at a person by degrading ones relatives? And on the level that goes on over here? There is NO heter for this!

    2. Correction for 10:25

      The same goes for digging and surfing for as many issurim possible in order to get ahead and win the sauna all for yourself

  57. What's most young to note is the from reading the comments from the last few years, it is obvious that the so-called OU mashgiach guy knows a lot of personal information and details about the slander in chief anti queens guy, but he NEVER posted his name or the name of his family members lidorosam.
    Re'u mah bein bni liben chami.

    1. Thank you.
      Trying hard to teach him
      But then there is the free fress
      Then comes Free BBQ fress
      The voice is hard to overcome.

  58. The mashgiach's wholesale slander of the many people he dislikes has in turn attracted many detractors of him to the blog.

    I was originally contacted by the group working with his enemy in California who had someone methodically monitoring him because I had been badmouthed too. The evidence is overwhelming. When the mashgiach was first outed by name he was quiet for a long time after. Eventually he couldn't resist the urge to reengage with his sewer tactics. It is still pretty bad but comparitively much more toned down than he used to be.

    It's not clear what the mashgiach's beef is against lumping bad middos of parents & children together, apart from him personally benefitting if he managed to shut down all such discussion. There have been many people for many reasons blogging comments against an adversary while dragging in relatives. That's what happened to the Kolodnys because of a messy divorce with the daughter. That's what happened when someone was angry that the OU wouldn't act on his complaint that he saw their rosh hashochtim eating from the non-kosher meal tray on a flight. Offline, Rav Matisyahu Salamon publicly linked Moshe Finkel's grandfather to a kashrus scandal in Switzerland. The Chofetz Chaim applied from Rishonim that anti-Torah figures in his days descend from the Erev Rav. The Torah itself discusses lumping in the pesukim.

    Checking in today with a P.M. associate, he wonders where the mashgiach gets his entitlement from to think he can publicly assign collective blogging guilt to a particular victim, he has a threat of his own, that any such move by the mashgiach will ramp things up to where he will regret it in many ways. One area is his wife's businesses that are possibly undeclared for taxes because it is definitely a zoning violation to sell shmattes out of a residential basement. And he checked to verify that his wife's traveling camp was not registered with the host States as required. I'm interested to find out more about this which he says there are poskim who hold that when someone is behaving very badly it is mutter to report illegal activity they are into. And one hashkofa that he holds strongly by is to quote P.M. who says "when I make a threat, I never bluff!"

    1. And there you go again!
      Question: do you think it's even possible for you not to blog gossip?
      And the strangest part is that the gossip you come up with is just so weird. You sound extremely desperate. Nebach.

    2. Seems like CooCooRiCoo is hungry. Maybe Bloomies is still cheaper then the others and ran out of food to let CCRC do his free fress.
      He omits the fact that when these “do only good” terrorists are mekalel such gedolim as Rav Eliyashev, Rav Schoenberg, Rav Wachtfogel just to name a few;
      He omits the “only positive” words used to describe theBaalay Tosfis, the Ri hakadosh, the Baal Shem tov plus many many more
      Gedolim, Rabbonim, poskim, and Roshay hayeshivah that do not agree with their “save the people” agendas they are zaddik in waiting to go straight to Gan Eden.
      What they really showing is who they really are and how much they believe in the Holy Torah and respect it’s giver.
      They can’t Handel the Torah Emes thus they go off the derech hatorah completely and use the “Sam HaMoves” part of our holy Torah to “PROVE” their point.

      Nothing more needs to be said.
      One now understands their past, present and future comments, actions, and stam attitude toward life in general and towards Judaism in particular.
      Now go back to attempt some more fress, a graybeh greps, and good shluff.
      Then start again with tour shtusim and nivul peh. Don’t forget to as many uninvolved relatives into the picture too so that you anti Halacha and anti Torah hashkafahs are continued to be exposed by no one other then yourselves.

  59. All these fraudulent defenses of the mashgiach.

    The mashgiach absolutely named many names while slandering, although less so after being outed because he then knew he was being watched.

    He attacked JBAC members collectively as "terrorists" because they oppose Bryks, plus individually, including the one he described as the so called "Moderneh Lakevoodeh Rabbi Dr." and added (!) after his name, and laughing at him for being an alter bochur. He ridiculed R' Bentzion Wosner because he was upset that R' Bentzion wrote a teshuva against a molester. He slandered Rav Zimmerman as being "kicked out" of America, upset that he targeted the same molester that R' Bentzion did. Just a few examples of a very long list.

    1. So all you can say for yourself is "the OU mashgiach" is worse. Aha. Very mature.
      Mr. Yid, either you catch yourself and you stop now or you just continue down this very slippery slope.
      It seems that you feel that the Gehenom set for you is not hot enough and you want to higher the temperature.
      The bechira is yours.

    2. Shvache shvache slander. It is absolutely nothing compared to what you do on a regular basis. Doesn't even come close. But you probably don't even realize what you do. Unless you do. Which is even worse.

  60. OU mashgiach, are you back yet again to being upset at Chaim Schwartz? You keep criticizing fressing from Rosenblumie's, which is Schwartz's numero uno favorite place that doesn't have the sky high Queens Vaad fees baked into the prices.

    As Leona Helmsley (born Mindy Rosenthal) would say in her "Poilisher geoinus", "only the little people" have to pay full price at Brach's which was the first victim in the 1960s of old Fabian Shonfeld's extortion to go under the Queens Vaad

    1. You forgot some very important details. Who is Rosenthals grandfather? Which cheder did he attend as a child? Who is her third cousin and did her great aunt report all income or didn't report a few dollars? These are very important details - just like by a Shiduch.

  61. Mashgiach, who exactly is the desperate one?

    One of your critics makes a cynical half-joking remark this morning which launches you into an angry manifesto that you scream in several installments.

    You are grabbing at straws. We get it. You don't want these people to link to articles that your relatives steal money & molest children. They say all you have to do is stop being motzi shem ra on others first and they will stop. You refuse to stop. You can't have your cake & eat it. It's besides that there is no comparison of linking to articles that are already publicly circulating to the kind of pure motzi shem ra & lashon horah that you originate.

    1. You are confusing the "Mashgiach" with yourself.
      What did you drink today?

      Btw your half jokes are not even half funny.
      Just saying.

  62. Do you even know if your enemy is still a mashgiach at all? Maybe he found a better paying job?
    Everything you write is recycled from seven years ago. And mainly about relatives not about the person himself.


    Chazal say the retribution will be public

    In Kew Gardens too, there are some who can run, but they can't hide

    1. Oh don't you worry, you're time will come too.

  64. So is Rabbi Katz that gives Hechsher on the yogurts is reliable or not? Please enlighten us.

  65. R' Yudel has quoted Rav Katz confessing that he "lost his touch" with checking the frucht component for infestation. He may have switched to all bug free juices instead of actual fruit for this reason.

  66. Sun May 22, 05:23:00 PM 2022

    Your right. He DID not take his "candies" today.

  67. Yanky the current or not OU mashgiach in Queens, do you enjoy these made up conversations that you have with other aliases you invented or with your relatives who are possibly here trying to stifle the dark secrets about the mishpooche?

    Besides, that someone who himself suffers from mental issues should not joke about "candies" and lie that others are on them. Is that how mommy & totty introduced some prescriptions to you? Yeshiva shrinks get very nervous & demand psycho-pharma intervention when boys start believing in various shtussim as you have, like little green men of the extraterrestrial sort.

    1. So you're saying to you don't take them?
      Is there a reason for that?

  68. As long as CCRC and the pope make sure no kids get molested every thing else is OK.
    You can go shoping for a 'spouse' or whatever they call that on the west coast and at Bloomies.
    You can shop for vaping sets, Yesh Gorsin Drugs. You get shop for a fress especially if its free as you quite elegantly excel in, You can go for every other American tayvah as long as your in yeshivah.
    The Yeshivahs are afraid to kick any one out so Candies is the best description either for required on non required drugs. This way the talmid who needs the candies won't feel out of place or discriminated against.

    Were surprised that the Bloomies And West Coast Pope have not kept up with the latest fads and modes.
    The Pope maybe can be excused: He's busy in court or busy 'Raisiningetteing' but by bloomies, after the free fress, the shluf, you have plenty of time to surf and get "Bright".
    Thus You must of forgotten your Candies. And this ain't the ifirst time you forgot.

  69. "make sure no kids get molested every thing else is OK"

    That's geferlich in the eyes of the mashgiach whose numero uno priority is to make sure that all the molesters in the gantze mishpooche like Bryks & Brenner can molest unimpeded and so that Paysach Krohn can get away with penning fairy tales in his Maggid Stinks collection that those monsters are 'tzaddikim' & supposedly 'close to gedolim', plus get away with it without Artscroll hammering him and revising the books after they get complaints.

    1. Do you have gum on your keyboard? You seen to get stuck on certain stories.

  70. Are Byrks, Brenner, Kron, Maggid real people and/or entities?
    The sound like alien names that some mars guy keeps on using.
    Does he know any othere alien names?
