Thursday, May 05, 2022

Pomegranate in Flatbush finally upgraded their kashrus



  1. As we know from reading this site for years Hisachadus is not the top hashgacha today. But one can upgrade even if Reb Yudel is not totally happy.

  2. Are you sure?

    Pomegranate had a very good mashgiach for bedikas toylaim despite Tartikov usually being gore shvach. Does that mashgiach with his system remain eenter 'Sachdis?

  3. What's the deal with the punim chadushos R' Chanania Yomtov Lipa Sega"l Klein? How does he differ from Itzu?

  4. What took Avrum Banda so long to come back to his Satmar roots?

  5. This Yoely Klein is an upstanding fellow.
    Reb Hillel doesn't have the fear that he had from Itzu.
    Don't forget Reb Hillel got rid of Itzu's nephew Binyumin Aryeh from Sachdus.

  6. Undercover MarmorosherThu May 05, 01:04:00 PM 2022

    Banda majorly hesitated for many years to admit any link to Satmar, afraid that moderner consumers will shter zich to buy from an anteh-Tzioni. He even was claiming at the beginning to be a "Bobover", which is pretty funny considering how the Romanisher are disrespectful of Galitzianers.

  7. There is a rosh yeshiva who criticizes Pomegranate in his shmuzen as a bad hashpoah for their full page ads in the Yated of how they have a "Meatologist" inspect every geshmakka shtick fleish coming in for fat marbling & all other aspects for your fressing pleasure.

    1. I guess his Bachurim read the Yated.
      And that's ok with him, but the meat maven is the problem.

    2. This is fake news.
      There are no Rosh hayeshivahs who approve the Yated.
      Can be confirmed with Paulie and
      Bloomies FF.

  8. Here goes again the OU mashgiach in Queens who can't shut up, can't let a single comment from R' Yudel, or from others which he thinks R' Yudel agrees with, go by without his immature attempts to demolish the idea.

    For the record, when the Yated emerged in the late 80s, gedolei roshei yeshiva said you can read the Yated, but at home, not in the dormitory, because every inch of the yeshiva is koidesh hakodoshim. Many Briskers were still dismissive of it, recognizing that the newspaper is an organ of Agudah propaganda. (Now the mashgiach must be anguished that he was critical of Agudah machinery, which is so dear to his heart)

  9. Achsheh Doreh (except Briskeh fakers).
    You can not be a Rosh hayeshivah if you allow the Yated. (of course they all read it b’tzinah just to know the hock. But they cannot comment on it even indirectly - unless it’s a Chinese shiur but only on Friday nights when it can’t be recorded)
    So don’t hock about the eighties. You give away your altkeit.

    1. He's not giving his age away, because anyone that reads more than one comment of his realizes that he doesn't know what he's talking about, he just reads blogs all day and then Googles names of anyone mentioned and then any story that comes up he weaves together with other stories that didn't either happen, but he uses names, details and imagination like no-ones business, and then doesn't stop for over seven years to repeat all his chalomos vdimyonos.

    2. R' Kalman Krohn used to hock to kids: your sheifos are to be in the center page of the Yated???

  10. R' Yudel,
    Can you explain why you wrote that it's an upgrade to take CRC hisachdis?
    You know well that by pomegranate the hashgacha in place was up to par till now, why do you think that crc hisachdis is worth something more then before???

    1. I'll answer for him. Anything that's written by me is to prove that there was something bad with someone. If posting this will prove that point then so be it.

  11. The OU mashgiach in Queens in another fit of kinah & vindictiveness after he couldn't get into Brisk launches right into lashon hureh on an entire group:

    "of course they all read it b’tzinah just to know the hock. But they cannot comment on it even indirectly"

    Beyond hypocrisy.

  12. "You give away your altkeit"

    What would we do without this Brisker-hating genius?

    He just gave me a major einfall! A fellow who looks about 35 years old told me last week that he is bakant with R' Elchonon Wasserman's shita on newspapers. We can now deduce that the fellow is obviously extremely young looking for his age as one of the last remaining talmidim of Baranovitch!

    1. Paul in his new Zionist rant all riled up against Gedolei Yisrael (which this anti queens guy says is according to his Shulchan Aruch) now adds Rabbeinu Reb Elchonon to his list. Talks about him as if Reb Elchonon is some little kid on the street.

  13. Yechiel Babad is completely unreliable in kashrus (see Reb Moshe Shternbuch's Teshuva letter).

    Kehila, is another Yossie Eisen fraud.

    Tartikuv, R' Shmuel Teitelbaum tries to give you "chimri & hidirim, but absolutely no basic Kashrus.

    Hisachdus post Itzu & Binyomin Aryeh is moving in a positive direction.

    1. Who is Itzu and Binyomin Aryeh?

    2. I wrote a comment stating that you wrote is not factual rather classic slander. You didn't arrive of the comment. So just for your Toeles I would like to advise you that the reason I think so is because I browsed this blog and the comments and from the way things are presented here that is what it seems. Now, by not posting my comment you won't change my mind. The only way to change people's mind to hold like you is if you write things in a way that people believe you. Most things on this blog are written a way that just makes you look foolish.

  14. The only "chalomos vdimyonos" are those of the OU mashgiach in Queens that he's used to slander countless people on the internet for 15 YEARS.

    And just like his partner in crime Chaim Schwartz at the Queens Vaad, in their sick, delusional paranoia, they have spent those many years badmouthing & harassing anyone on their radar who maybe efshar might have criticized them. They have in fact made many enemies from their slandering & fraudulent kashrus, so it's incredible how this dynamic duo has still managed to target so many victims for "counter-attacks" who they are completely innocent. With Schwartz it's been everyone from his own VHQ mashgichim to kashrus personalities outside Queens. The mashgiach is not far behind with his slapstick hit list that sometimes overlaps with Schwartz's innocent victims or lo & behold his random guesses are sometimes coincidentally correct. That hodgepodge includes: a Flatbush resident who works in KG, Joey A. (deceased), a long time KG misnaged of Queens Vaad, a Beverly Hills multi-millionaire, a Monsey resident (who was not the one surveilling the mashgiach blogging outside the fake kollel, the surveiller was working for the multi-millionaire after the last straw of the mashgiach insulting his zeideh), a "moderneh Lakevoodeh Rabbi Doctor(!)", JBAC's lawyers, some kashrus personalities, etc.

    The mashgiach was warned repeatedly that if he doesn't knock off his slanderous attacks he will be exposed for the hypocrite he is.

    These are documented facts from government records & other documented sources:

    His father is a convicted embezzler & disbarred lawyer who hid for years in Israel as a fugitive.

    By his own admissions the mashgiach violently participated in hafgonos while there, being mechalel Shabbos, as there is no heter no matter how many times he claims to have an imaginary heter.

    Their mechutonim Bryks & Brenner are velt's menuvolim. Bryks is wanted for police questioning in Canada for child molestation & rape. Bryks was banned from chinuch by the rabbinical arm of the OU and from approaching women & girls by YU's Mashgiach Ruchni. Brenner is convicted of child rape inside a shul & embezzling $80 million. Paysach Krohn, also part of this 'lovely' family, was disciplined by Artscroll for whitewashing Brenner in his Mother Goose Maggid books.

    His shvogger has a gambling problem in Atlantic City casinos.

    His wife runs illegal businesses (does she at least pay taxes?)

    The elderly are abused so that the mashgiach can profit from his share in a nursing home.


    1. I don't care much about this OU mashgiach of yours. But one thing I can say is that when I wrote comments here you decided I am that person and you went ahead on other sites and wrote WITH full names against my comments as if that fellow wrote it. And you even had "proof". So it goes to show that what you write is fabricated lies. You never own up to any tayna against your slandering of people, rather you just reply with non related rants again and again.
      L'sikum: the one going all over the internet slandering people is the one and only You.
      I don't envy your Gan Eden.

  15. The Reish behag fin alleh motzie shem Rah, rechilus inn stam grubeh Loshon Horah that keeps on blogging all govt records plus what he concludes as absolutely ‘must’ Moitzee Shem Rah must be a bunn shel kedoishim with all his shvoogehs are clean as a whistle, all sis shveigerins are heiligeh rebbitzins, deh tatteh Leiden is ah heiligeh pidyon nemer, deh shvehr hut goor groiseh yeechus.
    Deh parnooseh zahneh is koodesh vetoohur inn zaneh Aidimehs alleh zehn Al haToirah veavoideh zahn Rebbeh hut duch ah groiseh zaideh .
    Just to get this Paulie / JBAC life member who can’t and hasn’t stopped free fressing mostly at the zaddik Bloomies place and is still hungry when he sees his GOOD friends having a innocent BBQ for their families or if he meets his GOOD friends being toiem at a kiddush or a Simcha.
    His ears haven’t stopped smoking ever since that ou mashgiach, who he of course outed, (yea, right) after “warning” him. He gave him a name YANKY and thought he will calm down. That didn’t work so he surfs some more ( can’t say he does his surfing on company time since he has no job and of course can’t keep a job even if he tried thus the free fressing). and found some ‘grave’ names from the infamous yesoimim kevarim and uses this names to relate them to this YANKY guy who he created.
    Over the years he created a large family and a large business chain and attached them to this YANKY guy inn ehr shepped lots of nachas from his creations.
    It’s takeh ah Nebach on him and his gurus .
    We keep on donating as much as we can afford to suppport his FF even though he should get zero. But here in queens people are just too nice and too generous and we support everyone even such grubeh Nebachs

  16. Is this YANKY guy the same as the Yaakov guy.
    We need guidance on this. Please.

  17. Yes, Yanky is your name, and even if you have a copycat on the blogs who is a different person besides yourself, you yourself have been blogging tisha kavin of slander and you yourself have been mouthing off around Queens in person against R' Yudel & your other perceived enemies. Oznayim lekoisel, even when you thought only your groupies were listening to you Pontificate your slander of countless others. And you call Paul the Pope? Hypocrite!

    While you are at it, why don't you publish the whole list of Kew Gardens-Richmond Hill Tomchei Shabbos as you love to publicly shame nitzrochim, especially if they are not fans of your mishpooche's crime syndicate.

    1. Pontif was a great word to use since your so familiar with pontif Paulie.

    2. Btw my name is NOT Yanky. Neither is it Yaakov. Neither is it Jacob. But as long as you can continue with deranged unhinged repetitious rants then we will continue davening for your recovery.

  18. Yanky = Yaakov = Jacob = Batlonishe OU "Mashgiach" = Defender Extraordinaire of Agudanik Molesters, Banditten & other assorted Low Lives = Fresser of Heaping Plates of Fried Rice Dripping from Schmaltz = Promoter of Fress Out BBQs & Chaim Schwartz's "spiritual leadership" (sic)

    1. = free fresser’s supporter
      = grave robbers
      = coffee saleman
      = subject of you Loshon Horah
      = receiver of all your mitzvis - if you ever had any. When the Talmud refers to guys similar to you as “ melayim kereemon” the Talmud didn’t mean guys like you who are rotten remonim.
      = the secret donor of all the avairos you received.

      All from a staunch supporter of the nivul peh showered on the Talmud, ballay Toisfos, Reshonim, the Ri hakodosh, the chasidim, the gedolim haposkim of this generation such as rav shrubbery, rav Eliyashev, rav wachtfogel just to name some ( the ones that there is proof) plus a others that were showered with his filthy mouth, brain, and his whole being without prof).

    2. Hey did you ever get diagnosed?

  19. Todays Rabbonim in queens all support Tomchay Shabbos why would you have anything to with this zedakah??
    Whatever any Rov says you shoot them down because it does not “Save” the kids (save as in ….saves).

  20. Every time the shmootz on the OU mashgiach in Queens & zein mishpooche is aired, the mashgiach charges in & furiously types away paragraphs & paragraphs of shtuyot as a smokescreen, hoping the readers won't notice the dark truth about him.

    The comments at Sun May 08, 10:36 AM & Sun May 08, 4:06 PM are very revealing no matter how much smokescreen & noise the mashgiach plastered on this page afterward, in his desperate attempt to drown out the truth.

  21. The OU mashgiach Yaakov is obsessed with bashing Paul's supposed misdeeds to distract from the actual need to first get his own house in order.

    The mashgiach's 1st cousin Shiya published his book called Dead Center that's full of apikorsis. Kfiyas tov runs in the family. Shiya makes the unlikely claim that when he learned in the Montreal yeshiva, he was kimat the only one there who could make it in the world, insinuating that R' Mottel Weinberg wanted everyone to fail in life.

  22. Trying to get my house in order for a long time but Paulie and FF at Bloomies won’t allow it.
    If they allow it they would both be outta business.
    They would never never post any alteh Loshon Horah etc.

  23. So these last two comments were the best you were able to come up with as a response?
    Again unrelated garbage to continue your weird rants about "the OU mashgiach"?

  24. Interesting that that you think that not having a normal job is considered a failure. It seems this anti queens fellow is a walking talking typing failure at the highest level.
    Btw isn't Shia a Muslim thing? R' Mottel was diverse in his acceptance?

  25. The gedolim said after 1948 that meydelach in Tzahal is yehurag v'al yaavor.

    The OU mashgiach has meanwhile shreyed gevalt against every 2nd Yid that he's AN APIKOIRES! But the mashgiach has not uttered a single peep against 1st cousin Shiya's constant apikorsis that he utters at the Conservative Center which is just blocks away from the mashgiach's favorite bull session hangout!

    In the inspiring words of Cantor Shiya Ribowsky from Israel Center for Conservative Judaism, I believe a nation that demands a daughter don an army uniform but arrests her for wearing a tallit has more soul searching to do.

    1. Paul is a way bigger Zionist than these "inspiring" words. Way bigger. Stop defending him. Stop defending him already. Stop.
      Even though he is always Oimed Al Hamishmar to feed you Machshavos of Zenus. All with excuses that he's "saving" people. Menuval. Tziyoni

  26. You Know Who Gets ResultsMon May 09, 08:45:00 PM 2022

    The OU mashgiach in Kew Gardens, Queens, should drive around the block of cousin Shiya's center for Conservative "Judaism" in Hillcrest, Queens, to tracht ibber a better sounding story to manufacture from a shmatta.

    Because slandering "Paul" as a "Tzioni", a "menuvol" and a supposedly "fake" matzil neshomos (when no one comes to his ankles in der dritter item), is the same playbook as the Marmorosher peasants who attack R' Nuchem Rosenberg. And the more R' Nuchem's successful to stop their pedophile mishpooche members from destroying tayerre Yiddishe kinder, the more the peasants angrily bray like the bunch of stupid mules they are.

    1. So the only response you have is by naming me OU Mashgiach and talking about someoner supposed family member and about Nuchim Rosenberg?
      So you're gonna deny that Paul Mendelowitz is a Zionist??? Try telling Paul that! He'll throw you out on all four for being Choished him for not being Zionist enough! Paul is an adherent advert Zionist that can stop being Mischatzef to anyone that spoke against Zionism! Whether it's Reb Aron or Reb Elchonon or anyone else!!
      Mechutzaf! Zionist! You Paul what you are!

    2. The only mule here is you. Full of Kilayim mixed up between sounding all holy while stamping on the Torah.
      And you try claim you care about Shatnez.

  27. Exactly 3 months ago, an Isaac Glick incorporated "Global Kosher Certification Consulting Inc" at 9 Rustic Dr. in Airmont, NY. The incorporating agent is located in Willy.

    Is that Itzu going into competition with his former associates at 'Sachdis?

  28. A newer document just came my way. It seems that just 8 days later, the name was shortened with an updated filing sent to Albany, to not include the word "Certification".

    1. "Document came my way".
      Pleas! Get a job!

  29. The KG Mule is Veiter StubbornTue May 10, 10:28:00 AM 2022

    Fool, sending Yidden escaping the Nazis to Eretz Yisroel was not always "Zionism". Ever heard of hatzolas nefoshos? Figures that in your drive to protect menuvol mechuton Bryks while he destroys children, that you were oiker that mitzva from the Torah, koifer vus dee bist!

    And you laughably deny that Shiya Ribowsky is your 1st cousin? Get real. Shiya, when writing the script for the "Law & Order" television show even named a character after the zeideh that you two share, who you are named for: Yaakov Shlomo / Jacob / Jack Ribowsky! Ha Ha Ha!

    1. Hi my name is not Yaakov or any other similar name. And my family name is not Ribowsky.
      I do not have any cousins by that family name either.
      And Paul is a Zionist and he's very proud of it. And Paul is a mechutzaf noira even if you need him to feed you machshavos of znus.

    2. So let's get this straight. You watch television, you just surf the internet all day to find gossip or both?

  30. I'm a perfect person. In fact, the only reason I have to chop Al Cheyt on Yoim Kippur is because I read the comments on Reb Yudel's blog.

    1. Only krankeh neshooomis comment on this blog.

  31. "I'm a perfect person"

    Anyone who boasts this has a lot more to klop Al Cheit for than he could imagine.

    1. Everything the Anti Queens guy says is facts AKA TRUTH. NOTHING is imagination by him. He doesn't even know what imagining means.

  32. You Know Who Gets ResultsTue May 10, 06:41:00 PM 2022

    It doesn't matter if 2:22 pm is somehow not Yaakov, because Yaakov has long been the Numero Uno disruptor of this blog, no matter the sugya, and the numero uno baal motzee shem ra in the greater NYC area, no matter how many kettles he calls out as black for supposedly doing the same thing ... Meet the OU mashgiach in Queens, the ultimate krankeh neshooma!

    You've done a pretty comprehensive job by the way of excerpting from Paul, yet you can't find any pro-Tzioni writings from him.

    "Machshovos of znus" yourself! How lame of you to recycle that same attack that the feeble brained Marmorosher try to discredit R' Nuchem Rosenberg with. And the more molesters he gets removed from chinuch, the more your fellow mules bray on.

    1. Paul is a Zionist and he's proud of it. You are pro Zionist Paul Mendlowitz.

    2. You are the one that can't stop gossiping and slandering people, every few days pulling another name out of your sleeve. Don't even try to blame this Yaakov of yours. Take a good look at yourself for once.

  33. OU mashgiach, your father was not a man of many words, so where do you get your middah from that you don't shut up, you keep ploppeling one lukshen kigel gepakt mit sheker & shtissim after another?

    1. If you are referring to the fellow commenting here, I have news for you! I am not "the OU mashgiach"!
      I am a yid that chanced upon this site and was appalled at your posts and comments. As simple as that.

      Oh and I don't even live in New York.

  34. Tue May 10, 06:41:00 PM 2022

    We thought he just hast no job, Learning Torah ??? he has no clue about torah other then what the holy 'son' ploppels from the heiligeh Zaideh.
    But now we find out that he knows a lot less then people thought.
    All his retorts are just spewed out when he lo0oks in the mirror and sees that this Yanky guy &/OR Ou Mashgiach &/or Queens Guy are 1000% right. So he just copies the lines and posts them thinking that now the 'ear smoke' will cease.
    The smoke never stopped and the kishkehs are still hot and mad. He quickly runs to Bloomies and does a quick fress ehich he thinks the whole world soes as well and then hes calm for a bit - only if doesn't forget the Candy dose.

    1. Hey what's this Bloomies thing you guys are always talking about?

  35. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed May 11, 01:49:00 PM 2022

    The mashgiach has previously used various other tactics to run interference & create noisy distractions whenever he was exposed as the commenter trying to undermine R' Yudel along with promoting his agendas, bifrat pro-molester and lying about many, many Yidden. Al kol ponim this non-stop denying that he is he, is a new one. Too bad for him that he gave himself away several times already in the last 2 weeks with mannerisms & shprach that are unique to the one & only <<< LOUD MOUTH >>> OU mashgiach in KG. Ooooh, we nailed him! Now we can expect him to go even further deep cover while continuing to yelp into his virtual megaphone that he is not he.

    1. So your occupation nowadays is to try your hardest to shtech this person that supposedly lives in queens?
      Pretty impressive.

    2. You forgot to mention your other proof.
      That he has a 'unique' typesetting that only a phone has. So it must be him! We caught him!!!!
      Right? Who else would type from a phone?? Of all things! We know that everyone else in the world, literally everyone else aka everyone, ONLY types from a computer screen. With this one he totally gave himself away. There is just no way he can deny it.
      Hello, the FBI should hire you.

    3. It seems that the skull just got a bit thicker.

  36. safe to assume that hisachdis won't work with sevilla no matter how much of a bargain pomegranate was getting with him?

  37. No normal person who posts an anonymous comment would spend so much time denying he's the OU mashgiach.

    "Da Nile" (denial) runs through all the toyevos Mitzrayim that the mashgiach wants mechuton Bryks to get away with.

    The mashgiach is also consumed with petty jealousies. His father liked to think he was the 'only' Torah Vodaasnik who was close to both R' Yaakov and R' Gedalye. So the mashgiach lashes out against the Beverly Hills Torah Vodaasnik for 'stealing' the limelight as he is well known for being close to both.

    1. I don't recall claiming I'm a normal person.

    2. Who lives in Beverly Hills?

    3. Oh and btw I'm not any more anonymous than you.

  38. The 'Poop from the west coast and his cardinals from the east coast', who hate anything frum or Jewish, especially Rabonim and Poskim, decided that a grocery that's named, you guessed it Bloom... known as Bloomies, is the only place to shop in Queens. They do not have any Hashgacha, especially not the local Vaad known as the VHQ, thus one must shop only there not to insinuate that your supporting the VHQ.
    These haters live nowhere near Bloomies and even if they did they would shop there, rather they would go either in a non jewish store orto one of the upshot stores.
    Some of them love to party so the 'talk' on this 'one and only such kind of blog' is that Bloomies sponsors their parties which they call FRESSING. Thus they always fress at bloomies. Of course the owners of Bloomies are the nicest people in the world and they sell only company packaged goods which probably needs no extra supervision at the sale point.

    But this blog is the address for 'kol Zov V'tzaruah' (Not Yudel just most of the readers or commentators) so these guys have nicknames for each other and have some nutty fun here.
    Ir seems to get serious but I hope its not as bad as they blog.

    1. Thank you.
      Are there any other places where it's fun?
      This place gets a little boring with this both Queens guy who's writing the same things "about the OU mashgiach" and supposed Googled "family".
      I enjoy having fun but iberhekayte narishkeit loses its taam.

  39. The top dogs at the Queens Vaad are hypocrites who bully stores to pay their exorbitant fees and grumble that it's sacrilege to shop at any non-Vaad gesheft, yet for the billigeh non-Vaad inflated preizen, they are the first ones to line up at Bloomies with their handbaskets to save loads of money. Especially with the buddies of the OU mashgiach like Schwartzie & Sokoloff, they make poor propietor Golan downright claustrophobic!

    Of course it's really named Rosenblum's and known as the place where the OU mashgiach likes to Fress the open bin sticky doughnuts (plan B when there is no schmaltzy fried rice to pounce on like a starving hippopotamus), but the mashgiach is the numero uno assigner of nicknames while criticizing others for the practice. What else is new?

    1. You're looking for a night job?

    2. Does Blooms even have hand baskets?

    3. "exposed as the commenter"
      Whoa! What an accusation!
      The anti queens fellar would never comment on the one and only Yudels blog!

  40. 6:48
    Is example numero UNO
    of the fun commenting here.
    Keep coming back it sometimes gets pretty funny.

    1. I just have one question about him. Does he chap the joke or is he seriously serious about all his OU mashgiach vihamistaef rants?

  41. Lexicon of an OU mashgiachWed May 11, 10:46:00 PM 2022

    If you try to stop meiner menuvol mechuton Bryks or otherwise try to be matzil Yiddishe kinder from molesters, you will be smeared as the "real" pervert and someone who hates HKBH & his Torah.

    Now please excuse me while I post another 17 entries of pure garbage & silliness to drown out the readers who expose the gantze mishpooche.

    1. The library is open at 10:48 pm?

    2. Failed attempt at humor.

      Not funny.

  42. To the bored Monsey anti Queens guy: every one of your comments on all the blogs are soaked in Lashon Hara.

  43. "Does Blooms even have hand baskets?"

    Gedenkst nisht? Aren't you usually there for the likuti basar likuti (sticky doughnuts from the open bin after everyone else handled & sneezed on them), when Joey criticized the Queens Vaad out loud for importing Chaim Schwartz from Boston who had worked with the Conservative clergy at KVH?

    Schwartz came charging out of another aisle with his handbasket to harrumph at Joey: "WHAT did you say??!!"

    1. No I am not usually there as I have never been in Queens in my life.

  44. HKBH & his Torah.

    What do you know or care about HKBH & his Torah. if all you do is orate your most beautiful Nivul peh on those who know and care about HKBH & his Torah? As you have done for Reb Elyashev ZL. Rav Sheinberg, The Ri, The Ball Shem Tov, The Baalay Tosfos just to name a few.

    You must be real proud of that kind of "torah". You'll be disappointingly PROUD in a few years when they take down to YOUR wino Cellar. Pretty deep down and pretty toasty.

  45. Avrumy Holtzler from Monsey is a dangerous individual. Keep all children and Bachurim away from him.
    I am saying this from first hand information.

    1. Tell us your first hand in detail .
      Pretend im Paulie

  46. the old guy in the neighborhood who really hates the vaad you think is blogging from the library? there are some library branches who loan machinkas with internet access to take home

    1. Hey that Shul is still around?

  47. Of course it's still around! How could Chaim Schwartz live with himself if he couldn't get on the robocalls & how could the OU mashgiach live with himself if he couldn't be the shul's fairy tale teller, who has chaloimos nuch that he belongs on Mizrach vant?

    1. It seems that someone got confused with the one in Lakewood.
      The one in Queens is now under Rabbi Wolpin?

    2. Yeah. And how would you live with yourself if you can't comment on blogs about "the OU mashgiach fun kvins" and about bloomies and Schwartz vchulu vchulu.

  48. it will always be known as "teitelbaum's"

  49. Can't wait until Pomegranate goes under the LAKEWOOD HISACHDUS.
    Reb Yudel will have a field day - literally.

  50. Can someone please enlighten us who are the Rabbanim of "Hisachdus Harabbanim of Lakewood"?
    So one we know is Hagaon Hamutz Yudel Shain Shlita. Is there anyone else?

  51. Rabbi Wolpin is a Bais Hatalmuder.

  52. Lakewood Hisachdus is the kanoyishe yungerman Bresler. I mean that in a good way that he tackled some problemmen that few else were taking a stand against.

  53. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun May 15, 11:52:00 AM 2022

    That Rav Wolpin hot gelernt in Beis Hatalmud makes no difference to the OU mashgiach who is already disrespectful to the epitome of Beis Hatalmud (his own shver). And the mashgiach never bestowed the proper respect on Rav Teitelbaum's shul anyway but this is a whole new era because Rav Wolpin is also a "Briskeh" who the OU mashgiach is so incredibly jealous & scornful of.

  54. Didn’t know that the Bais hatalmud guys are so worldly and know anything besides Pella. Huge Talmiday chachomim which CooCooRiCoo has no idea about just repeats the ‘Raid’.
    All his relatives must be clean….
