Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Update-Re: Mesorah on chickens, per Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L-יאכלו ענוים וישבעו

 איך דנים לכף זכות כשהשקר זועק מול העיניים?

There is a recent tumult re: the Mesorah of certain chickens being used at a Mehadrin Shechita.

One that had Shimush by Rav Wosner and received from Rav Wosner the guidelines of Mesorah by birds went to the Bais Hashechita to see for himself.

His conclusion is, all of the chickens being shechted there are all chickens with the required Mesorah.

The publicity that was made re: questionable Mesorah was by a disgruntled individual, R"L. 

It was all one big bilbul, with distorted facts AKA LIES.

Birdsboro poultry is a Mehudar poultry for מדקדקים בכשרות.

יאכלו ענוים וישבעו

אשר נשיא יחטא, ע' רש"י שם


  1. Yudel is not disgruntled.

  2. Someone said, it has shorter legs.
    Yes, shorter than the Giraffe's legs, longer than the centipede's legs.

    Perfect size legs for "פיסלאך".

  3. OK.So you finally experienced the Rashi.
    What did you learn from this experience ?
    Will it occur again? Will you just post stuff you hear in the street - reliable (of course).?
    Will you hold back just a bit so the “talk” can be sifted out ?
    Will you be Dan kekaf zechut just a tiny tat more?
    Will you learn from others besides Gedalya ben Achikam etc.
    What are the resolutions for future as in kabakah Al hahAsid not just Charatah in the past.

  4. Here goes again the OU mashgiach in Queens Wed May 11, 8:39 PM, giving Musser to everyone else when he is guilty of the same & worse.

    1. Simple good advice does not mean giving Mussar.
      And btw you sound foolish by repeatedly claiming that I am the OU mashgiach.

  5. We should apply the “Asher Nasi..”
    Vs the Chilean hashgacha as well.

    1. We should not.

    2. Did you ever hear me Bitzedek Tishpot Amisecha?
      Did you pick a phone to discuss with him and hear what he has to say for himself? He says would gladly discuss it with anyone. Did you try?
      Maybe you'll even be proven right. Why not give it a try?
