Wednesday, June 08, 2022

BMG Roshei Yeshiva object to the proposed cell towers-Will they cancel the Cell Tower proposed for Georgian Court property?



  1. They are only agreeing to the tower at Georgian so they can build what they want.
    Once they get the permits the tower will never be build. In any event, he Yeshivah talmidim don't have cell phones that require the tower

  2. It's puzzling why cell towers always whip up a frenzy when there are much bigger sakkonos to worry about. Then again, Philly who used to be a laughing stock who only managed to snowball their insane shitos to about 1% of the heimishe population have now managed to brainwash most of the oylam Hatorah via hijacking the Agudah, with anti-vaxx & pro-covid-infection

    High voltage trunks of electricity providers is one instance of more dangerous than cell towers. There is one trunk that runs along Lakewood's northern border through Jackson & Howell.

    And there is the serious issue of many millions of gallons of toxins that over decades were poured into the Toms River as well as just into the ground in many locations in Toms River & Jackson. These toxins migrated into Lakewood over the years too.

    According to NYU Professor Dan Fagin in his Pulitzer Prize winning expose on the scandal, the clean up was inadequate and is being covered up by the EPA.

    Some Lakewood real estate interests have been trying to keep both of the issues quiet.

    And the natural gas facility sandwiched between residences on Clearstream? One Lakewood broker wanted to strangle the yungerman who spoke up about it - that's if the yungerman was not yet asphyxiated & scratched to pieces by the machshayfa-yenta agents Renee & Zeeva. The gall that anyone would even think of getting between them and a commission.

    1. Some more venom filled non-Daas-Torah.

  3. one lakewood broker admitted that the oldest development on lakewood's northern border has the highest incidence in town of kids diagnosed with yener machala, Hashem yerachem

    that development is also near the new site of garbage incineration which the howell anteh-semitten bedavka located there to stick it to the yidden. no shayla the air will get very toxic on the days that the wind blows south

  4. Right, Philly must be the epitome of daas "Torah" with their play for pay mamzerus scheme, secular Zionism, Pseudo-Scientific anti-vaxxery, etc.

    But if you take a stand against them for kvoid Shomayim, the OU mashgiach in Queens charges right into the comments to huff about "venom".

    His next move is to accuse "Paul" of being a Zionist, as if that, if true, somehow gets the Philly cult personalities off the hook for all their sins while they put on the grand rosh yeshiva & gadol act.

  5. take a stand against them for kvoid Shomayim....

    Who taught you that phrase which you have absolutely no clue about ???

    Some more 'copy and paste ???

    Did you greps while mimicking something - Greps - you heard somewhere.?

  6. "which you have absolutely no clue about ... you greps while mimicking something"

    Nope, 'no venom' here, it's just the OU mashgiach in Queens in his finest, most eidel moment!

  7. I think page 321 in the BP defines where we're heading a local biz advertising they have helicopter access for their employees
