Thursday, June 09, 2022

Reb Uren Reich, et al says can't count them for a Minyan



  1. I believe he didn't say it halacha lmasa from shulchun aruch or a halacha source rather he said lshitasam these gerrer animals should know that if they think standing up for kovod and hittingypeople is correct in ger they should know that tgeir own rebba had such a story and the Reba himself said not counted for a minyan so they should know their own shitos and their own das of their rebba

  2. One year before Pesach in a machloikes mishpochos over a messy get, a bochur sucker punched another bochur mitten seder in BMG. The victim ran with a bloody nose to R' Yisroel Neuman's seat to show him. The roshei yeshiva sent an overnight Fedex telling the bochur he cannot come back for the summer zman due to his conduct which is unbecoming of a ben Torah.

  3. Maybe the Rosh hayeshivah can send a similar FedEx to G…..

    1. How could you send a letter to a bachur to leave your Yeshiva, if you did not hear his side of the story? Bottom line, I don't believe the story.

  4. The roshei yeshiva did speak to the sucker puncher before bain hazemanim. No one said they did not. I for one remember when he was kicked out. He came back after Pesach only to gather his belongings from the dorm. He was not exactly in the mood of talking to anyone while he did so.

  5. See re: Kapo Liberal Eichenstein side kick of Kapo Ezra Friedlander

  6. I guess that the two factions of Ponovitz Yeshiva will also not be able to be counted for minyan
