Thursday, August 18, 2022

5 Towns update: All approved by Rav Forst and his 50+ co-horts.

 Thank you for informing the public. 

I would like to tell you some of the other things that happened recently. 

#1 a Milchig/Dairy place called sunflower caffe. That restaurant was under rabbi Forsts special mehudar list. They were caught not checking their vegetables immediately after פסח by the official vegetable checker of the vaad who goes from store to store. 

He noticed a large delivery of vegetables before יום טוב and asked to have them Checked. The owner told him that he should wait until after יום טוב. That same vegetable checker did not return to that store immediately after יום טוב and when he did he realized that they used the non checked produce. They then realized that the restaurant constantly did this to have the checker come and check some of the vegetables but most was used without checking. 

Needless to say the restaurant did not lose their certification and still operates under the Vaad even though they were caught cheating. "This standard procedure", Rav Forst  condones those things. The only change the Vaad implemented was to force the restaurant to have a משגיח תמידי as until then they relied on the unreliable owner. 

Which brings me to #2 many if not most establishments under the Vaad work either without anyone but a שומר שבת owner or a שומר שבת manager who does not enter the kitchen other than to turn the fires on, but is unaware when it went off, that they must re-light it. 

Some restaurants have a teenage boy (Mashgiach) working at the cashier alone. The Vaad calls this as an approved שומר שבת employee. Even large caterers just have a שומר שבת manager. All approved by Rav Forst and his 50+ co-horts.

In one case I asked one of the רבנים from the Vaad regarding the caterer in the SANDS establishment, if they have a משגיח תמידי and was told that the owner has been learning דף יומי for almost two full cycles. When I pressed him he admitted that they don’t have a Mashgiach, but the owner’s nephew is there for most of the time. Not as a משגיח rather just managing. All approved by Rav Forst and his 50+ co-horts.

And in places where they rely on an owner or manager they allow יוצא ונכנס but the Vaad has no way to verify how often and the duration of the יוצא. You may remember that the small place MUSCAT that left the Vaad to be certified by the Mehadren of 5 Towns, and they became aware that the Vaad worked with the owner leaving daily for over 6 hours and was doing so without any knowledge of the Vaad as they never told him how long he could leave and they never checked up on him. All approved by Rav Forst and his 50+ co-horts.

Before Mehadrin Hashgocha took him on they went a few times at different hours only to find the גוים working alone in a locked place. Therefore, they only took him when he agreed to hire a משגיח תמידי. 

#3 after סוכות this past year Mehadrin Hashgocha was called by one of the part owners of the kosher local Dunkin doughnuts. He asked if  Mehadrin kashrus would agree to give them certification. When Mehadrin  asked him why he would want their Hashgocha, he said that the Vaad stopped allowing the sale of kosher facon. I asked him why, they told said what happened?

The 3 local kosher Dunkin doughnuts are supplied with the supplier who delivers to all of the Dunkin doughnuts in the area which are not kosher. Bacon is sold in regular Dunkin doughnuts and many times bacon was found in the kosher stores by error of the worker. 

The 2 kosher Dunkin doughnuts in the 5 towns and 1 in Long Beach have no Jewish workers and are open 24/7/365) After bacon was found numerous times, they didn’t say how many times. And those are the times when a משגיח actually came in and found the bacon it may have happened many times without notice) the Vaad told them that if they find bacon instead of facon 3 times in 6 months they will stop allowing the sale of facon. 

These are just a few stories of the Vaads' recent running’s. with the 53 Rabbis.
I understand that mistakes happen, what is bewildering is the manner in which they are dealt with, either because they are indifferent or because of too many opinion makers קדירה דבי שותפאי.      

In order to verify any or all of the above, talk to the Vaad or Rav Forst or any of the 53 Rabbis. 
I guess they could start doing the KCL Hashgocha in  Lakewood-WELCOME
BTW- Lakewood's KCL still allows "FACON", so when Mashiach comes you'll  be used to the taste already. 


  1. There is only one hashgacha that makes EVERY restaurant have a Mashgiach - the OU all others - depending on setup and circumstances all a Shomer Shannon’s employee

  2. The kosher part of the Sands kitchen is under lock and key. The Mashgiach opens and closes. Do your HW.

  3. A 5 Towns rabbi who is a relation of the Kaminetskys is wild, out of control when it comes to his general hashkofos & bifrat his completely baseless shitos on insects.

    He personally eats any & all items - without any checking whatsoever - that are muchzok betoylaim. He tries to induce others to follow in his footsteps. (Pun intended > Footsteps is also the name of an org of reshoyim who induce Yidden to leave frumkeit). He kvetches that "ALL the hashgochos" in the velt arein are machmir yoser meedye. He claims that some yungerleit went to R' Moshe decades ago who supposedly told them checking is not needed. He admits he was not present but swears that it has to be true. Unless it was Belsky, it's not likely anyone would come out of the Feinstein family apt with such a howler even they made it all up. What about the Chasam Sofer on checking brought in Mishna Brurah? He dramatically waves it off with his hand that "it's not what the Chasam Sofer means". When you insist to him that the wording is lehedya, he doubles down that "the Chasam Sofer still did not mean it even though that's what the words say"! How do you reason with someone like this?

    After enough people brought up the sugya of anisakis to him he nebich felt compelled to look into it for the first time. One ridiculously hypocritical component of this was to badmouth Belsky as unreliable, thus prompting him to do his own research (so that he can come to the same conclusion altz a different meshugass). Sounds like the apikorsim in the sciences who shlog up yenem's apikorsis to replace it with eigenner apikorsis for their own kovod. The outcome was he asked a much younger kollel guy with controversial hashkofos to do the research which he planned to rubberstamp. Of course he only asked him because he was pretty sure what the outcome would be. And kach hava the kollel boychick was avadda mattir. When he was confronted that an elderly adam gadol, who he touts as his rebbi, had assered anisakis & announced that the oylam must defer to Rav Elyashev's issur oif dem, he maligned his rebbi of being guilty of "apikorsis" for utilizing such an approach, instead of being independently contrarian! As usual, he called up a good friend who is infamous as a mechabel in the kashrus arena to gloat to him that he's yet again bucking normative psak. And as usual, he beat his chest to anyone listening, that he, ANOICHEE, poskens farkert fun alleh gedolim. If all this is not megaleh ponim Batorah shelo k'halacha, then what is?

  4. Tell us a live oosek who you accept even if his pesakim do not alien with your meshugasen ??
    Like who should shop for as a poisek?
    Do I do stop and shop or like you do shop and stop?

  5. Ouch! The OU mashgiach in Queens @ 7:56 pm is really smarting that, yet again, there is major corruption exposed, klor vee tog, at his beloved establishment organizations! Big Queens Vaad tie in as they are partners in crime for Seasons.

  6. Live Posek?
    We go only by Mesorah from Sinai, that's as live as one can get it.

    FYI- Moshiach will only permit the Chazir, not all of your other cravings.

    Sorry for the disappointment.

    Enjoy your Shabatt.

  7. Love the kosher shvitzers who follow Mesorah but not current poskim.
    This is their new twist on picking and choosing not only poskim and gedolim from the past generation only but decide which ones fit into their Loshon Horah etc agenda.
    HaKohen Asher yeheyeh Bayamim haheim has conveniently been deleted from todays Mesorah.
    And their proof is always the same:
    He told me or my good reliable friend privately.
    Let’s see. Rabbi Forst Shlit’a pe’oed some one in the shop and pick Mesorah world and he’s now a goner.
    It’s pretty strange that every hashgacha private or communal are machine treif to millions of people but the 2 or 3 unsuccessful and wanna be hashgachas
    are the only ones who eat kosher and also know and spread all the concocted or not so true mayselach that all others are outright treif.
    I guess that’s their Mesorah.
    Ich und Vay to these self appointed wannabes. Itsrwlky more of a Nebach then any thing else.

  8. A Kohein must pass first as a bonafide Kohein. If there aren't any, that's too bad for that generation Same here, without taking sides

    1. You totally missed the point on this kohein comment.

  9. Rav Shmuel Wosner gave yudel guidance also in the area of Poiskim that adhere to our Mesorah, he said many were not trained in being guided by Mesorah and one may not rely on them.

    Perhaps Yudel is on solid ground, and you want make an earthquake to loosen the ground?, keep trying- Emes will always prevail, it may take a while, but who's in a rush.

    1. Like you say: it as not prevailed.
      And did Rav Wosner tell Yudel PRIVATELY - of course - WHO IS WHO.? or did he pick and choose ?
      We Will never know because all this guidance was PRIVATE.

  10. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonFri Aug 19, 11:25:00 AM 2022

    The OU mashgiach in Queens at 10:05 pm last night is giving it his umpteenth effort to beat a toiteh ferd. He's using the zelbeh lame M.O. as his beloved Agudah. It's the Agudah daas baal habatim that ignores all kinds of heintig & recent gedolim to do whatever the heck they want.

    The Agudah and the corrupt hashgochos have sudden amnesia in many areas including these:

    All the gedolei Eretz Yisroel asser anisakis.

    All gedolim except some controversial American "gedolim" speak & write shtark against the rishus of molesters & are mechayev reporting them to police.

    Most Kadmonim allow types of lashon horah assered by the Chofetz Chaim. The Chazon Ish in Choshen Mishpat is choilek on the Chofetz Chaim for improper Manhigim because the Klal has a recht to know. R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz in a teshuva is actually mechayev to be mefarsem on improper Manhigim. But because of all the filthy, corrupt "Sacred Cows" that the Agudah & their OU mashgiach tag along are desperate to protect, they go beserk over any mention of these gedolim & fight tooth & nail attempting to put the kibosh on any such efforts or thinking.

  11. The bases for Yudels “higher then thou” standard is based on a Chasan Sofer quoted in the Mishnah berurah.
    Aye. You just crossed out the Chofetz chaim from your life and now you quote him? Tell us you don’t pick and choose.
    The Chofetz Chayim knew ALL the kafmonim that you’ll ever know yet he wrote “the book” on Loshon Horah.
    Rav shach himself said many many times that the AMERICAN AGUDAH is top of the line as far as following the gedolim to the tee. If you hung around Brisk too long and have a chip on your shoulder like some others who missed the Agudah boat don’t force that garbage down other gedolim followers throat.
    And last but not least Reb Yudel himself claims the OU is the best hashgacha at least in the food service part. You are
    fressing at some OU restaurant where your favorite OU guy is the mashgiach.
    You may say it’s not so but since that OU guy from queens is figment if you imagination each and every OU food establishment should be banned. Thats what the Israeli poskim told you ( privately) In order to stay froooom &

  12. Rav Shmuel Wosner did not it to him privately, there anothor one of Rav Wsner Dayonim there as well.

    BTW- Reb Yudel is not known to be liar, the other ones don't have that reputation, for good reason.

  13. No one lies today
    But stretching some truths is this blis specialty.
