Sunday, August 21, 2022

Secular Chareidim

Secular Chareidim I discussed the topic of political obsession and lack of inspiration on the part of some frum Jews with a family member last week and was told in response that this person’s rosh yeshiva blames the internet and social media for people going off the derech

I initially wondered how to interpret this, as the rosh yeshiva did not refer to people reading kefirah online or being exposed to inappropriate material, which of course can really damage a person’s ruchniyus. It then struck me that the rosh yeshiva was referring to the above phenomenon, in which people become infatuated with political or social endeavors, due to the ease of immersion therein through electronic media, and come to accept the values presented there, which they unknowingly absorb over time. 

Eventually, Torah commitment and belief become mere formalities that “get in the way” of what these people feel is really important. The result after a while might be a person who is off the derech totally, or might be the emergence of “secular chareidim” – people who look like bnei Torah and fully adhere to the Torah’s “rituals,” but whose belief system is thoroughly foreign to the Torah, as they attribute world events to political strategies, economics, media manipulation and perhaps “luck.”

Let us take a step back and realize that just like Yosef’s trip to Shechem might have seemed absurd from a secular perspective, but was in fact Hashgochas Hashem, so too is all that transpires the work of the G-d of history, and that the apparently unholy mechanisms at play are indeed geared to ultimately fulfill His Will.

(From an Article by Reb Avrohom Gordimer)


  1. It seems that before the internet was invented no one went off the derech. There just no outlet to get to off the derech.

    1. There were obviously. Crowdsourcing however gives a snowball effect
      Ish es rei'eihu yomru chazak

  2. WE are the Daas Baal Habatim who do whatever WE want!

    The Agudah planted Shmuli Fromovitz as Trustee in the Monsey area village of Chestnut Ridge to do all of Agudah's bidding.

    Here is Fromovitz telling the oylam to vote in tomorrow's Congressional primary for Patrick Maloney Baloney who is an open toyevanik living with his "husband". The gedolei Eretz Yisroel asser even voting for hetero kandidatten who are pro-toyeva, kal vachoimer Maloney Baloney. But since when is Daas Torah an issue?

    Some of the other endorsers are also Agudah plants. Some are front men for the corrupt developers who cause 95% of the sinas Yisroel in Rockland.

    1. Well said
      And who's responsible for us getting to the situation every candidate is more perverted than another and our public takes it in stride
      Shalom yeheyeh li

      The only half decent candidate William Faulkner is dubiously electable

    2. Nebach.
      Every one is doing Fromowitz but not this anonymous shvitzer.
      So keep on reading shvitzer smoke.

  3. Agudah Multiverse of MadnessMon Aug 22, 01:44:00 PM 2022

    The Agudah moles embedded in the municipalities are sometimes such am haaratzim that they don't know the halachos of shvuah & associated choimer for when they are sworn in, that Yidden are supposed to affirm instead of swear, and to forego holding anything. I saw proof that one Agudah toadie who sign that Maloney letter thought he's a big tzaddik for asking for a Chumash to substitute for the King James Bible. No clue that grabbing a cheftza of kedushah is much worse!

  4. Aye OU mashgiach, is that Fromowitz originally from Kew Gardens?

    Actually, dumb question, because you sticking up for Agudah Fressers is in the oifan of shuveh lechol nefesh, not limited to a landsman!
