Thursday, August 18, 2022

Kikar Shabbos shopping center corruption at its finest. 


  1. Is that the shopping mall that Yankel Applegrad's wife was publicly reading the riot act to the then-CEO AK about?

    While she used the tayna that it's geferlich for Yiddishe kinder, she may have had a personal agenda.

    She certainly never made one peep about Kolko mamash destroying Yiddishe kinder, which her husband Yankel was getting paid to help Margo cover it up!

    1. This week is Shabbos me or him ELUL. Thank you for preparing us for ELUL by eliminating all the Loshon Haureh gala has.

  2. The sick nivul peh of those bochurim, from 'feineh' Lakewood homes, captured on tape by FAA, is horrifying!

    I went to an out of town cheder that had a minority of yeshivishe kids. Almost none of the modern orthodox kids used the kind of filthy language in these videos!

  3. I hired an "electrician". Most if not all people with his name are from a specific Chassidus, which is not Satmar but karov to Satmar. He tells me he charges $200 an hour + what he pays for supplies. Trips to the supply store are free.

    After completing the work he says each unit he installed cost him $55 and there is an additional $20 installation fee for each unit. I tell him there's no such thing as double billing for time. He argues & is annoyed. I find out it's illegal and then I call a dayan who tells me it's a za grubbeh geneiveh mamash but you won't find it in Shulchan Aruch because Shulchan Aruch is not in the business of specifying every heichee timtza of stealing.

    Then I find out the units cost him less than $20 each, not $55, and might have paid as little as $10. He was quite angry that I uncovered this lie, insisting he paid $55. When I obtained proof he is lying, he claimed that the store ripped him off, despite that he is a regular customer who gets a special discount.

    Then I find out he is not licensed! He might not even be trained. The best case scenario is he might have been trained & is possibly fraudulently using someone else's license as an "apprentice". High score there with his $200 per hour salary demand!

    He's not in a hurry to get paid. He seems to have trouble deciding which person or business the check should be made out to. He might be suspicious about being investigated so he may never ask to be paid. The only place he advertises is in Yiddish in a Chassidishe publication. Though I am Litvish, someone who I only know from over the phone who 'thought' I am Satmar because I can speak to them in their havureh, had recommended the "electrician".

    If that industry doesn't work out for him, maybe he can go into shgoochos!

    1. This is the minhag of all electricians who eat Qveens vaad, kcl, Passaic, 5T, Star k, and
      All other hashgacha.
      If would eat only Bloomies while paying he would honest and not get you upset that your bargain did not work out.

  4. Years ago, a Mr. Weinstein but the property at a Township tax sale?, then Senator Bob Singer (Shlomo Chaim's, PIC) had the sale vacated "illegaly", then had it transfered to Shlomo Chaim, and the rest is history-

    1. Elul or not there are people who have mossdes only to be able to run there bussness and give there Daf yume shuir to put themself in a good light don’t worry u a not fooling Hashem how u had a father like yours is very simple the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but it rolled away

  5. The Electrician is upset, he shorted circuited you, and you blew a fuse on him, you chapt him in his birthday suit, you must "babitt" him, lichimra, mehadrin cut.

  6. I don't know what goes on in other places, but in Lakewood many of the vendors rim you off.

  7. I got it, We need in Lakewood a reliable hashgocha that does not charge the stores, caterers, etc. Just a normal salary from the "Shtut".

    Can someone talk to Reb Leizer Shiner to do a big upgrade in kashrus, then he could do it in Monsey.

    Let's get rid of the gelt-grubbers that claim falsely to give us kashrus.

  8. I’m horrified why in the world do u want to take away KCL it’s great just pay and ur on ur way $$$$$$$ that’s what we live for wake up u fools Yidel is crazy the way he does things but 98% right
