Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kashrus update for Lakewood, Five Towns, Rockaways, etc. "they all have the same low standard"

 August 17, 2022

(Lawrence, New York) Since August 3, many insects have been found in Seasons "checked" produce sold in its Lakewood, New Jersey, and Lawrence, New York branches. As of yet, no public recall or public notice on this serious issue has been issued either by Seasons or by the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. The Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway is the kosher certifier of Season’s Lawrence branch.


Surprisingly, Seasons decided to have its Lakewood and Lawrence branches respond differently to this issue. Its Lakewood branch stopped selling almost all Seasons checked produce; see the recent picture below.



However, at its Lawrence location, Seasons continues selling almost all the checked produce; see the recent picture below.



The probable cause of the Season's apparent double standard is that the Lawrence branch is certified by the Vaad HaKashrus of Five Towns. According to many kashrus experts, it has a relatively low kashrus standard, especially concerning its Bedikas Toilaim expertise. (Bnei Torah in the Five Towns did not accept the standard of kashrus Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway and started a new Hashgacha named, Mehadrin of the Five Towns.) Seasons in Lawrence, therefore, has continued selling checked produce, as per the directive of its kosher certification.


However, Seasons fears the many Lakewood Bnei Torah that could potentially boycott their Lakewood branch if they continue selling "checked" produce. Therefore, they stopped selling almost all the checked produce at their Lakewood branch. In the Five Towns, however, Bnei Torah are a minority, not yet considered an actual force, which negates Seasons for being concerned about a potential boycott.


 The Bnei Torah in the Five Towns' lack of power and recognition can be seen from when the Vaad Hakashrus of Five Towns and Far Rockaway (a Modern Orthodox organization) and its supporters recently gathered 50+ signatures for a letter that called for a boycott against the establishments that carry the new Bnei Torah Hashgacha in the Five Towns, Mehadrin of the Five Towns, a competitor of the Vaad Hakashrus of Five Towns and Far Rockaway.

  You can click here for the letter

 Following, is the written position of Rabbi Binyomin Forst of the Five Towns, one of the key Rabbis who led in opposition to the new Bnei Torah Hashgacha, Mehadrin of the Five Towns, who later refused to appear when summoned to Beis Din regarding his actions:


"If a new hashgacha in Far Rockaway or the Five Towns is to be established, regardless of its qualifications, it will eventually destroy the Vaad as we know it. Anyone will be able to create a hashgacha and eventually some may be unreliable or untrustworthy. We need our Vaad to have the authority to strengthen the kashrus of our community. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that I ask each of our members not to rely upon any other hashgacha in our town. This is not for my benefit or for yours, but for the benefit of the entire community."


Recently, Rabbi Binyomin Forst wrote a letter (see below) acknowledging that the Vaad Hakashrus of Five Towns and Far Rockaway was never a practical solution for Bnei Torah. He de facto conceded that the Bnei Torah who opened the new Hashgacha were correct in their analysis. He then introduces the reader to a  two-tiered system calling the higher level "Mehudar standard".


Forst further coined Seasons Supermarket in Lawrence as carrying a "Mehudar standard" of kashrus and claimed that it mirrors KCL's (Kashrus Council of Lakewood) strict standard of kashrus. Those disappointed with a KCL set of standards would likewise be disappointed with Forst's "Mehudar standard".


The latest issue of selling "checked" buggy produce in a "Mehudar standard" store, questions not only the "Mehudar" status that Forst prides himself on, but also questions whether something deemed by Rabbi Forst and the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway as being kosher is in reality kosher.


Additionally, Rabbi Forst was the focal person who convinced many to sign against the new kashrus certification, as he was viewed as a respectful, neutral, and senior person who could only mean for Heaven's sake. However, Forst admits in the letter that he had joined the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. This move suggests that he was not a neutral party in the Vaad vs. Bnei Torah Hashgacha dispute. As you read the letter below, you become aware of how intertwined Forst was with the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway before he officially joined them, which strongly questions his neutral standing.


Rabbi Forst justified his harming a fellow Jew’s livelihood and boycotting an establishment certified by a Vaad’s competitor with, “anyone will be able to create a hashgacha and eventually some may be unreliable or untrustworthy.” Can it be that the term, “unreliable or untrustworthy” dispensed by Forst on an unknown future kashrus entity, is an apt description of where Forst and the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway stand now, a mere two years later?


Here is Rabbi Binyomin Forst’s recent letter:


"Some eight years ago, with the help of Moish Feldhamer, I established a program by which members of our kehillah and the community at large would be able to ascertain whether any particular food establishment meets certain superior kashrus standards. We maintained a list of establishments conformed to a “mehudar” standard. This so-called “Mehudar List” was not advertised publicly so as not to undermine the authority of the Vaad, rather, each individual had to inquire about each category or vendor in question.

"However, this was obviously never a very practical solution. In addition, our community has grown and there are many more bnei-Torah who wish to follow these “higher standards” of kashrus. Accordingly, it became difficult to preserve the integrity and prestige of the Vaad while at the same time provide individuals with the ability to easily determine which vendors follow a mehudar standard. A possible solution could be setting up a two-tiered system in which there are two hashgachos within one organization: one basic hashgacha and an additional “mehadrin” hashgacha. A similar system is used in the Israeli “Rabbanut”. While this could feasibly work in our community, it may create division and ruin the beautiful unity of our community.

"In response to this need, the Vaad has created an innovative, new checklist system. This provides a profile for each vendor with a detailed and clear list of its standards. This includes whether a vendor uses Cholov/Pas Yisrael, Yoshon, Bishul Yisrael tuna, Anasakis free fish, simanim checked salmon/lox and other additional hidurim. In addition, the checklist shows the specific meat/chicken sources used by each vendor. In addition, the Vaad hired Rabbi Shimon Adler, someone with many years of experience and expertise in kashrus, to assist Rabbi Eisen and to oversee each vendor’s compliance with the checklist.

"This is a transparent and concise profile, available either through the storefront checklist in each store or through the “Establishments section” on the Vaad’s website Thus, everyone is able to check and see exactly what is being used in any establishment. You should examine the checklist periodically to ensure that no changes have been made. One should note one important item in the checklist, called “Additional Kashrus Hidurim”. This includes hidurim such as the types of canned goods, hidurim in Bishul and Pas Akum, chicken/meat sources and other hidurim. This is generally similar to the mehudar standards that we maintained under the Mehudar program. Please also note that only establishments that use meat/chicken sources that were acceptable under the mehudar program, can receive this check.

"I am unaware of any such system to be found, certainly not in our area. Much thought has gone into the implementation of this system; it is unique and solves many issues. There is an overall, reliable hashgacha which fits the needs of the general community, and one for those who seek a mehudar standard. This mehudar standard is similar to the standard of the more stringent hashgachos such as Kehilla Kashrus and the KCL. Accordingly, anyone who takes kashrus more seriously should consult with their Rav whether to eat in any particular establishment. The fact that the Vaad may approve of a particular vendor, does not mean that it is acceptable for your use. Only your Rav can ascertain which vendor fits your standards.

"This is the beauty of this new system. We are all involved in one Vaad Hakashrus, under one leadership with one common goal. The difference is only in standards. There is a group of nine Rabbonim (myself included) from various kehillos who make all the decisions regarding general Vaad policy. The organization is completely subservient to these Rabbonim. We are all working together to bring kedushah and taharah into our community, each kehillah according to the standards set by each individual Rav."

"As for myself, I have closed our “Mehudar List”: as it is no longer necessary.

"Below is the list of establishments (in alphabetical order) that currently (as per the Vaad website on 4/10/22) receive all of the checks. Establishments marked with an asterisk are also currently yoshon (if applicable).

".......Lollibop, Mom’s Pastries*, Oldak Catering*, Pizza Pious*, Pizza’le*, Prime Bistro, Seasons Supermarket*, Sharmel Caterers, Spring Stop, Chop & Roll, Stop, Wok & Roll........."

Should there be a response to Seasons, Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway, and Rabbi Binyomin Forst? If yes, what type of response?

We need our readers' input.....

Was there any upgrade in Season’s bug-checking procedures due to this serious issue? Is their kashrus level now of an acceptable or recommended standard? Until there is clarity on this issue, one is obligated not to rely blindly on Season’s checked produce, nor on the kashrus of Vaad Hakashrus of Five Towns and Far Rockaway.



  1. We absolutely love this "unity" excuse being peddled around by Rabbi Forst which keeps us in business!

    But come on, isn't Pinny Lipschutz really behind this? After all, Unity is the name of the musical propaganda endeavor for his Messiah, Sholom Rubashkin, and there was plenty of fraud & other monkey business when Pinny's secret investment Seasons went bust & the Rubashkins became the new owners of Seasons Clifton.

  2. Agudah Multiverse of MadnessWed Aug 17, 09:35:00 PM 2022

    Look how many Agudah affiliated rabbonim signed for this Vaad cover up, including roshei yeshiva.

    R' Chaim Brisker was spot on when he said the Agudah in this dor will be controlled by sekretaren, not daas Torah.

    1. It would be better to take note of who did NOT sign the letter!

  3. Rav Forst could have done something constructive if only he wanted to. He is independently very wealthy and doesn't need to answer to anyone.

  4. Fun Troyben ken men oich machen DrrressingWed Aug 17, 09:45:00 PM 2022

    A company B2 Platters went under Tarnopol & is targeting the heimishe oylam in stores with their salad dressings.

    The dressings that contain wine come in clear bottles. Aren't Chassidishe supposed to be machmir that wine should not even be seen by Akum?

  5. 5 Towns Vaad publicly warned less than a month ago that there is general marketplace infestation of snap peas & snow peas.

    Must be that their feinschmecker shul memberships only care to fress lettuce, berries, etc, but not peas.

  6. Unity at What Cost?Wed Aug 17, 10:15:00 PM 2022

    Have you seen the composition of the 5TV "Rabbinical" Board? Some of them lean Open "Orthodox"!


    When is the sequel coming out of all the creepy crawlies at Seasons?

  8. There was a tekufah recently when there was heavy infestation in market Romaine. To their credit, Gourmet Glatt Five Towns did not have any pre-checked Romaine for a few weeks. If they had anything, it was repacked Postiv. Nobody was able to find any cleanable Romain anywhere.

    But Seasons always had. And they never even went to the market to pick their sechoira. They took whatever was delivered to them.

    People asked the Vaad how Seasons always has, when nobody else was able to get. They didn't have an answer.

    When a Ben Torah asked one of the head mashgichim at the Vaad if the Seasons checker is good, the answer was "he's ok, but not for you." What does that mean?!? Is it clean or not?!?

    Agav, all the Five Towns restaurants ALWAYS have every type of lettuce. They never have a bad season. They always have Romain, Kale etc..

    But if you question them, they'll be rodef you.

  9. Mutual Negelvasser and Back ScratchingWed Aug 17, 10:51:00 PM 2022

    Rav Feitman gets a free annual Pesach vacation from an area admirer running a Pesach hotel. The kashrus at that hotel is an absolute disaster due to the operator being the epitome of Karg with a Capital K and due to loads of corruption. The hashgocho is a rabbi currently on trial for his life over substantial criminal charges. He turns a blind eye to much kashrus misbehavior. The operator's kids who have become more modern are constantly on guard to hide the violations, whether created by them, or others like the year round staff who will even fulfil chometzdik requests from areas supposedly sealed off on Pesach. Some selfish yenta wants chometz creamer because the operator is too cheap to provide Pesachdik? No problemo! Don't worry though as there is plenty of sacrilege to be had without special request, like forbidden taaruvos. And did I mention the modern kids? They distribute divrei "Torah" of Riskin which is appreciated by avaryanim they attract. You know, the ones who swim on Shabbos Veyomtov in the always open pool. You can't miss them unless you are really engorging yourself, because they wade through the Kiddush mob while sopping wet to get back to their rooms. There is almost nothing covering the women among them except a damp towel.

    Meanwhile, Rav Feitman is weaving dozens fold into every of his many speeches how his benefactor's kashrus standards are "impeccable" and other completely untrue puffery to describe the kashrus.

  10. Many assumptions are assumed here.
    1. There are bnaitorah in the 5T.
    2. That the so called bnaitorah in Lakewood will patronize Seasons.
    If one patronizes a store like that he ain’t no bnaitorah Torah. Checked or unchecked.

  11. Guess again!

    Just like the 5 Towns pulpit rabbis making lawyer level salaries - and terrified of their gourmet fressing baal habatim who sign the checks - put a gun to R' Yossi Eisen's head that if he dares be 1% more machmir on bugs than Belsky's manufactured heterim, he is terminated, so too the Forst wealth is totally dependent on the same rich guys in Lawrence-Woodmere-Woodsburgh-Hewlett Harbor to give their mega-mansion real listings to Rebbitzen Milky Forst. If opportunities to fress raddiccio & fresh blackberries dry up, so too might the brokerage! And perhaps so too the Rebbitzen's hourly cappucinos at Dunkin Donuts. (Is there even a cholov Yisroel option there?)

  12. Bankruptcy is legalized FraudThu Aug 18, 10:29:00 AM 2022

    The bankruptcy stunt at Seasons was managed by Lipschutz's associates, a bunch of machers very high up in the Agudah. The bagman son of Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom for instance was convicted at trial of fraud & has a judgement against him of over $10 million.

    There were signs that while all the vendors were being stiffed, the Rubashkins were perhaps the only ones being paid (for their South American "Fiddler on the Roof" chazirei)!

  13. Fun Dressing ken men oich machen Krank!Thu Aug 18, 10:35:00 AM 2022

    When Newday supermarket (formerly a division of Evergreen) sells that B2 slop, either they or B2 or a middleman had taken a black marker to black out the expiration date, which is itself a chiddush that a heimishe brand has an expiration date to begin with. Are they trying to hide something? I think so! We didn't notice the tampering at first. When I opened the bottle it stunk from being rancid! These people are shverreh baalei davar & I'm not coming back from across Monsey to handel & bicker with them. I'm out the money from these ganovim.

  14. Tradition of SewageThu Aug 18, 11:00:00 AM 2022

    The original Seasons ownership was also thoroughly corrupt. They were involved in the same scam embezzling millions into their pockets State funds intended for disabled children that Hiller from Bnos Bais Yaakov went to jail for. Hiller was shown on international television rolling around in zein langeh reckel on the dusty dirt outside the Court. When ABC reporters asked the legal rep from Ben Brafman's office what's pshat? Zogt er "the rabbi is having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that he's going to prison".

    Hashgochos outside the area who had insider info would not go near any takeout or catering from Seasons as they suspected the owner's relative high up in organization is not shomer Shabbos.

  15. The Feds raided a "red-light" district, the press cameras were rolling,

    a fellow with the full garb, shimoneh-bi'gadim, were led out in cuffs,

    The camera-man asked him "vat are u doing here"?

    Vee haf six hundrid and tirteen comandments

    and I got veed in vone of dem,


  16. veed, as in weed, as in marijuana?

  17. Pesach Hotel FresserThu Aug 18, 12:22:00 PM 2022

    The same operator who sponsors Rabbi Feitman the whole Pesach also gives a partial free stay to a YU drey kop. He is a very SMALL TIME guy in the organization but makes sure to tell everyone with satisfaction & oomph he is (supposedly) co-rosh yeshiva on par with Hershel Schechter. Then the massive chip on his shoulder becomes visible when he adds that he is also a PhD. This Dokter Rabbiner continues while grinding an axe, that his thesis was reviewed by some big shots "at Harvard", that "it's not some 'yeshivishe' mayseh".

  18. Next to Seasons Lawrence is another food outlet actually called Traditions.

    The tradition at Traditions however of the 'yeshivishe' looking baal habos 'Scott' Fagan is to use different shticklach to rip off customers. One of the 5 Towns rabbonim was sort of looking into doing something about it but I don't think any real action was taken and the shenanigans probably still continue.

    Oib azoi I think Scott's ne'emonus in kashrus is just as reliable as the Maskil mechabrim of this silliness

  19. Is Bloomies closed?? The starving hungry free fresser seems to be desperate. He even did Newday. Came all the way from the other side of the Hudson River , as he is meramez dorten.
    The infamous free fresser is not fasting on zom Gedalya since he learned, taught and preaches his successful Loshon Horah Derooshes as many others have pointed out including but not limited to free fressers old good friend the OU Mashgiach.

  20. "Is Bloomies closed??"

    In the alter Heim one went summer bain hazemanim to Mariensbad.

    It seems that Kew Gardensniks who find the Catskills bungalow scene too costly & far, are shlepping as far as Monsey! They say there is a long line of Monsey heimishe who look to rent their homes to City people so that they can themselves upgrade to some fancy shmancy place in the Mountains.

  21. They talkeh schlep to Monsey’s most kosher place and can now say they are a monsey toishov and can say daily’s about YSV.
    The most kosher place is Newday and the most kosher Yeshivah is YSV.
    Both are exempt of any type of Loshon Horah, rechilus or moitzee Shem Rah.
    As has been taught on this very ‘guide to Loshon Horah’ site.

  22. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonThu Aug 18, 10:47:00 PM 2022

    Judging from the constant barrage of propaganda comments from the OU mashgiach in Queens who abuses Yudelstake as his personal soapbox, if anything, it sometimes seems like a cover up website. As usual, it's someone in the mashgiach's mishpooche who takes a stand as far away from Torah as possible. In this instance, he himself, fighting to hide every bit of lashon horah that there's a chiyuv to reveal. We just heard it from the ferd's mouth that he's even on YSV's side, of Moish Finkel treif infamy!

  23. Free fresser thinks if he plopped about a Mishpoocha then maybe one naar will think that a OU mashgiach in Queens exsists.
    Keep up the ploppel it’s good for you ( in that time you stay clean in your computer) and it’s great for all others
    Some nice Narisheh entertainment.
    While they refill the ovus for the next free fress session.
