Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Why is Tartikuv taking over so many of the Hisachdus (Broooklyn) Hashguchas???

 Hisachdus Harabonim hired a new Kashrus Administrator, Reb Yoel Klein, who is upgrading the Hisachdus Hashgochas across the board, therefore many food service and vendors have to shape-up to their kashrus standards.

The other option is to use a kashrus certifier like TARTIKUV that adheres to AUTO-PILOT,  pay the fee and can ride. 

The vendors and food service love that arrangement, they say the kosher consumers are gullible.


  1. When most places in a given town zeinen inter der zelba shgoocha, it's because the shgoocha is too low priced & too easy.

    Brooklyn has been plagued by Dovid Katz, then the Chuster, then Gornish, and now Tartikov.

    In Monsey you have to look hard to find a place not under Shteinmetz.

    And there are parts of America far from Baltimore where Star K is the only show.

    1. With all these facts and figures your throwing around here maybe it’s time to take a hard look at the supposedly best hechsher who’s specialty is to knock all other hashgachas. Maybe he is not what he portrays himself to be.
      Maybe he is operating with mafia tactics. Not saying he is but one has to be choshesh along those lines.

    2. +5
      Same with COR for most of Canada

  2. Note that the Feds are investigating vehicle manufacturers because auto pilot systems have been malfunctioning & resulting in deadly crashes!

  3. Those that grease the wheels, you can go places and they don't squeak.

    Yom-Tov in der vochen.

    Yudel shein lier par excellence!!!
    It just has been the opposite for a long time, hisachdis is taking over any establishment that comes to them no matter if they were dropped by their previews hashgacha due to kashrus violations.
    Thru that R' Yoel Klein is Great but so far no one changed from hisachdis due to their upgraded kashrus standards.

    1. Really?!? Have you been Upstate? 90% of establishments who were Hisachdus last year are Minchas Chinuch this year.

  5. Seems Tarkitov and Tarnopol are both Rabbi Babad. Curious why he needs two names?!

    1. Your pretty ignorant in Kashris as your comment says it all

  6. Clarification- There is a yechiel Babad Hashgocha, and Tarnipol which is Naftoli Meir Babad, then there is Tartikuv which is run by Shmiel Teitelbaum et al.

    I hope I didn't confuse you with the facts.

  7. Which Babad who runs a B'D at 1452 55th Street in Boro Park?

  8. Yes, Minchas Chinuch is the 55th St beis din.

  9. That is great news!!!
    as all Ehrlicha Yiden who are serious about Kashrus know, Minchas Chinuch is of the highest standards and reputational Kashrus agencies.
    If someone can please list the companies and and restaurants that had been taken over by Minchas Chinuch I'll be very happy to go there and send my family and friends who are Medakdek for A frum good hashgucha.

  10. Thank you for breaking up all that fake news.
