Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The strengths of "Out Of Town Kollelim" V Lakewood's "BMG", according to Rav Shach, Z"L

 Rav Shach's outlook! 

Rav Shach was asked whether Yungerleit should go to an out-of-Town kolel or remain in Lakewood with a much larger group learning in the Bais Medrash Govoha’ s kolel.

Rav Shach's clear opinion was, that a yungerman can shteig the most by going to an out-of-town kolel within three to four months after their wedding. Some of the reasoning was that by remaining in Lakewood, they must attend various Simchas from both sides, visit the in-laws on a pretty steady basis, and the in-laws or other family members exchange Shabbos etc. , it does take away a considerable amount of time from learning. The Masmid will always outdo all others in success in shteiging and learning. Also, not getting enough rest is an area of concern.

Rav Shach said that going toan out of town Kolel, Is incredibly beneficial for Sholom Bayis overall. 

Out of Town kolel, one would have to be on time for Davening, and all Sedorim must be attended. In an out-of-Town kolel, each looks for the other to get them comfortably acclimated, the wives get friends much faster, etc. In addition, the wives will be able to get jobs as teachers in the local schools, which will impact the curriculum and the children learning in the schools.

Eventually, some of the yungerleit will become Rebbeim in the Schools, giving a different "Ruach" to the Schools.

The amount of time spent learning will be much more productive in an an-out-of-Town kolel. Rav Shach said it would save the Yah'hadus of America by having so many out-of-Town-Kolelim.

Rav Shach said that certain Gevirim, Roshei Yeshiva, etc. would insist that their children should remain in Lakewood and eventually become Roshei Chaburah, get a position as a Rosh Yeshiva, etc., so there has to be Roshei Yeshiva that will be able to make those decisions for the benefit of the yungerleit and the Yeshiva.

Next step, we spoke to some of the older Talmidim of Reb Ahron Kotler, who already had their own Yeshiva, to talk to the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva to implement the program. They tried talking to them but were unsuccessful in convincing them of the program's benefits.


  1. Out of town comes with a price.
    Kashrus is never up to Yudels standards thus, automatically their kids will not be frum according to the ‘Mesorah’ quoted here on many occasions. Yes, there is some Bracha to protect the kids but that does not have as strong Mesorah as the OTD mesorah.
    There are many many issues in going out of town when you usually end up mingling with locals. Some yungerleit do not mix at all with the locals. But those Kollel I’m close down quickly.
    But Shach said it works so it MUST MUST work. Even though the past experiences have - proven otherwise CHAS VESHALOM - Mesorah will win win win.

  2. I think the statistics demonstrate that most kollels out of town work out. And besides it doesn’t sound like the Kashrus in NY NJ is too great either.

  3. Your comment is disrespectful to R Shach be careful what you say

  4. Disrespectful?
    A straight out Charlatan, dressed as a yeshiva man.

  5. Dressed as a Yeshivaman?
    Act as a Kolel man, so he could rip off his shver for as much Shekalim he could pull out of him.

  6. Look at him shpatzirin in the parking lots or sitting in their cars and shmoozing while his poor wife is working like a ferd for him to be in bmg's kolel.

  7. In the out of Town kolelim, they can't play around, that's why they want to stay in the BMG kolel, you could daven with the Satmar minyanim, etc, and fluff off your years in Kolel.

  8. You guys are all a bunch of Kollel haters the Kollel guys are What hold up the world don't make
    fun of them because you want to work and are miserable and jealous of them you can join Kollel too its never to late

  9. Oh, I'm so sorry that your theories are so well established and...
    I'm confusing you with the cold facts.

    Out of Town Kolel is the only way to succeed, but you are afraid that your wife will realize...and the bubble will burst.

    Bottom line, if you are serious about shteiging in learning through living and learning full time in a kolel, Out of Town is the way to go.

    But if you really not "into it", but your chevra are into so called "kolel sacrifice", but still want to enjoy life (look we are a fresh young couple) then BMG's massive Kolel is up your alley.
    Hope she doesn't catch on, oh, well she works full time, she'll never know.
    Till a legal holiday, or the Shver or a friend of your wife or shver spill the beans.

    You may be looking at a "12-liner", hope not.

  10. Hey! the truth hurts.

  11. Hey, Eliezer Schiner, send some of your chevra to see where the kolel money is really going to.

    Are they really learning full time.

    Time for some due diligence, on your part, you don't like to be taken for a ride.

  12. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Aug 21, 05:09:00 PM 2022

    The 1st comment insulting the gadol hador Rav Schach ztl was NOT some good for nothing loafer on Louie Scheiner's payroll at BMG.

    He is the OU mashgiach in Queens who was posting his other drivel on different Yudelstake posts during the same 4 to 4:30 slot on erev Shabbos!

    The mashgiach as we well know is jealous of Brisk because he couldn't get in so he baredds the geonim ztl of Bais Brisk and mocks all the heintiger "Briskehs".

    Who knows? Maybe the mashgiach also fell flat on his face while applying to Ponivizh?

  13. He's gonna be making a save bmg town hall

  14. There are as many Briskehs today as there are Agudah nicks.
    If I’m the jealous brisk world they only have Agudah secrateren kal vochomer in Brisk. Not even that.
    Nebach on those “non Briskeh Briskehs”

  15. ...remaining in Lakewood, they must attend various Simchas from both sides, visit the in-laws on a pretty steady basis, and the in-laws or other family members exchange Shabbos etc.

    Today it makes no difference where you are you still MUST attend all those simchas AND still must go to in-laws. But who pays for all this traveling ??

  16. Here goes the first piece of 1140 FA... Halachic and solid advice. It was free.

  17. So why are you, Reb Yudel, still in Lakewood ?? Don’t you always follow the past gedolim to the tee??

  18. Seems like Moireineee has no response to: 3:33:00.

  19. Still no response from the posek achron.
