Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Satmar butcher @ 82 Lee Ave, Williamsburg Shechita, etc. V Hisachdus Birdsboro Shechita, etc. Birdsboro is superior!


  1. So, The Volover is right, about the Supermarket fight.

    Why does Mayim Chaim have to suffer?

  2. Bingo is Birdsboro as well.

  3. Birdsboro Shechita is superior in Kashrus to the Satmar butcher of 82 Lee Ave.

    The Mesora poultry (formerly Birdsboro poultry) is superior to Marvid poultry.

  4. The Mesorah poultry shechita and KJ Shechita are superior to Kohns in Willy, even though the wanna-bees run to the heiligeh Kohns chickens.

  5. Is Marvid better than Kohns, or is Kohns better from a kashrus point of view?

  6. Why do we use Marvid or Kohns if we could use Mesorah or KJ?

  7. The Zalman Leib Chasidus finally realized the Coca-Cola "OU" is more kosher than Mayim Chaim with A Heimish Hashgucha.

    Wouldn't that be the same for Heinz Ketchup and other OU Parve products, rather than the overpriced lower quality Heimish products?

  8. Tarnopol is currently claiming that for the past while, Bodek romaine is superior vs Postiv, that while historically Postiv has been superior, lately there are more often bugs in Postiv over Bodek.

    Is there anything to this? Or it's just more lokshen that some outfit has a political need to leak to the public?

  9. There was an agreement between the Heimish Hashgochas that they will for a consortium of sort so Companies can't just get rid of them as they Positive did to Reb Shia Katz the Magrove Rav.

    Tarnopol utilizes the services of a group (the Feingold/Deutch group) that has very limited knowledge and experience in the real world of infestation. That group is hung up on worms in fish that is their agenda, even the Aida, etc does not agree that the anisakis is אסור. Reb Moshe Vaye (the world current expert on infestation certifies Positive, and does NOT subscribe to the anisakis issue, therefore they come up with unsubstantiated fallacies.

  10. In other words:
    My way or the highway.
    (Are they telling the insects where to go ??)

  11. It's Cohn's Poultry which is under the Dayan of Sangeorge, Rav Kohn. It used to also be co-certified by the late Dubenker Dayan.

    What does the oylam say about the Burshteener kehilla shechita? The Stoliner kehilla shechita? The Pupa kehilla shechita? Bistritzer Ruv on Weiss Meat Market?

    What's with Rav Mohadeb of the yeshivishe Sefardim at Yam Hatorah on East 10th who's certifying Alony Glatt Angus Beef?

  12. Many gedolim asser anisakis. And who would want to eat those disgusting worms even if they were mutter?

  13. No one "assered" the worms in the flesh of fish; the Halacha is very clear on that.

  14. Stop with the games about anisakis being mutter. The halacha WAS very clear they were mutter BEFORE the worms started migrating around parts of the fish body which is a change in teva that didn't happen before - AS YOU WELL KNOW.

    To say that "no one assered" when many gedolim have is simply not ehrlich.

  15. Reb Moshe Feinstein, the Aida, Rav Shternbuch, etc., all say it's mutter.

    FYI- There are two types of Anisakis found in fish; see the books Seforim by Rav Hillel Fendel,Z"L, which explains it in detail.
    Education, Mesorah, and Halacha is critical, not someone's feeling, chumras, etc.

  16. Rabbi Gershon Bess and followers are the only ones that asserred the anisakis in the flesh of fish, yet they aren't makpid on infestation in fruits and vegetables.

  17. Aless abee mattir zeinThu Jun 22, 01:35:00 PM 2023

    Oh come on! Belsky, the quintessential Brooklyn Bridge salesman, conveniently claimed that R' Moshe was matir the worms to him personally - when no one else was present to hear it. And it's no chiddush to 11 am that R' Dovid Feinstein & R' Feivel Cohen signed that Belsky is full of it.

    It's also no chiddush to 11 am that even though Rav Elyashev knew teef teef that Belsky is an oissvorf who cannot be trusted anywhere in kol Hatorah kulah, the gadol hador was still willing to have a sit down to go over the sugyah with him for the sake of Klal Yisroel - but Belsky had the audacity to impose mechutzefdik preconditions (that he knew Rav Elyashev could not possibly agree to).

    Belsky is completely unplugged. He doesn't stop with the anisakis. He manufactured the wild claim that when the Gemara is matir darna, tze maint any kind of parasite whatsoever, inside or on the surface of fish.

    Rabbi Bess is weak with fruits & vegetables but he is not as bad as various other Vaaden that somehow have a good reputation despite being in gantzen reckless.

  18. Reb Moshe Feinstein, Z"L told Reb Moshe Vaye, Shlita that the anisakis found in the flesh is 100% Muter.

  19. R' Gershon Bess publicly slammed the Queens Vaad after the videos emerged of the creepy crawly swarms of insects in salads at restaurants.

    Queens Vaad has been getting away with it for years. It's one of their numerous money making scams. Leave it to Chaimel Schwartz doing the bidding of his YU-Young Israel rabbinate Modern Orthodox Masters. All the while Schwartz is blabbering about his "mehadrin" standards when even basic kashrus doesn't exist in Queens. It's a 'good thing' that Schwartz has a crazed OU mashgiach helping run interference for him.

    R' Yudel did help bring the salads scam to international attention.

  20. National Association for the Advancement of InsectsThu Jun 22, 05:41:00 PM 2023

    R' Dovid Feinstein's denial & decrying those who put words in the mouth of the tatteh R' Moshe to allow the parasites, applies to Rav Vaye in addition to the heter manufacturer from OU-Torah Vodaas.

  21. Reb Dovid Feinstein, Z"L never said such a statement.

    All prominent poiskim highly respects Reb Moshe Vaye, Shlita.

  22. R' Dovid signed that his father never allowed anisakis worms.

    Tiyuvta dRav Vaye Tiyuvta

  23. Reb Dovid never signed such a letter, never said such a statement, and halacha says very clearly that worms in fish flesh are permitted.

    Don't say Lashon-horah on Reb Moshe or Reb Dovid; you should be ashamed of yourself.

  24. R' Dovid zicher signed together with R' Feivel az der Tatten was never mattir yener fish paraseiten, and I believe it was displayed on this very blog.

  25. You are confused.
    Reb Dovid and Reb Feivel signed a letter re: COPEPODS IN NEW YORK WATER, not re: anisakis in fish.

    By kashrus issues, precise facts are of utmost importance.


    Here are R' Dovid-R' Feivel signing against anisakis. R' Dovid would never sign this if his father allowed it.

    Precise facts indeed, eh 5:54 am?

  27. This whopper of a quote is "priceless" in how it exposes orgs like OU & Queens Vaad as worshipping the almighty dollar instead of conducting themselves al pi Hatorah:

    The Orthodox Union, in agreement with Rabbi Vay from Jerusalem, however, ruled that these worms while still in the flesh of the fish are kosher.

    “Since the issue involves a possible biblical prohibition,” remarked one Rabbi on the Vaad HaRabbonim in Queens, “it is difficult to imagine that the OU will remain with the lenient position. This is especially true now that Rabbi Feinstein has signed this letter.”

  28. Rav Moshe Shternbuch said that the Aida says if you could use fish out anisakis, great otherwise one may use the ones that have it in the flesh, including herring, etc.

    The aida was shown fish with their hashgocha "נקי מתולעים", yet there were visible anisakis, they said we check to take out the larger ones, but it's not ossur regardless.

  29. Reb Mohe Shternbuch said that in general Americanah Rabbonim are allowing anisakis in the flesh of fish.

  30. Reb Moshe S also said that all American Rabbonim either intermarry or cause everyone to intermarry.
    Hopefully he meant that litvak intermarry with chasidim or sefardys with “esswhys”.

  31. Surprised that Reb Yudel has nothing much to say about Cohen under Kohn when he has a wide open door from day one.

  32. When Reb Yudel found serious issues with Cohn's poultry, he called the Rav Hmachshir Rav Kohn that he would like to tell him the issues, Rav kohn said you told other Youngerleit already, so I don't want to hear any of the issues.

  33. Maybe the machshir is right. If you talk to the consumers before you give the machshir a chance to either fix the issue or defend his actions Most people will never ever respond to you when you decide to speak to him.
    BTW, this is a regular Yudel behavior time and time again and again.

  34. St Reb Yudel to inspect Cohen's butcher, therefore he is to report to them and they could address the Rav Hamachshir.

    Reb Yudel tried a few times to reach the Rav Hamachshir, till he finally got him on the phone.


  35. Reb Yudel tried a few times to reach the Rav Hamachshir, till he finally got him on the phone.

    Try to reach reb Yudel on the phone and see if hes any better.
