Friday, September 09, 2022

Alert- Possible new kashrus scandal being discovered-stay tuned


Special Sushi sauces made with unknown ingredients being used by the high class sushi chefs.


  1. Lol the Shain weekly scandal, what a joke. In five years from now, when an upscale restaurant bar that no yoreh shomayim eats by, gets cought with a questionable sushi sauce, Shain will scream see I warned you.

    Stay tuned next week for another breaking kashrus non-story

  2. A Kashrus "Scandal" needs to involve Treif Meat or Chicken

  3. Oyster sauce speaks for itself.

    Otafuku sauce contains eel.

    Shirakiku sauce contains wine.

    Unagi sauce contains wine.

    Higher end teriyaki & other soy sauce variants contain wine.

    Many sauces contain butter and/or unchecked egg yolks.

    1. Rice wine is not wine, but what do you know

  4. What's about non-kosher fish, mammals, crustaceans, treif milk, etc?

  5. Oyster sauce, eel sauce, where do they fall, in what category?

  6. I hear it's happening 15 miles south of the Manalapan Chinese restaurant, R"L

  7. You can fool some of the peopleFri Sep 09, 09:49:00 AM 2022

    Wow! The BIGGER the kashrus scandal, the more the R' Yudel Haters from corrupt institutions come out in full force to be mevazeh him & deny there is any issue.

  8. Most eel sauces do not actually contain eel. They enhance the flavor of eel dishes.

    Hisachdus may confuse this with Uhel.

  9. The Rav Shain Bashers are Saucy. Equivalents of Saucy as per Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

    brash, brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, nervy

    1. That sounds more like Horav yudel then the bashers

  10. "R' Yudel Haters from corrupt institutions come out in full force to be mevazeh him & deny there is any issue."

  11. No Gain No FunctionFri Sep 09, 10:58:00 AM 2022

    Long before Communists started weaponizing them in labs, many machalos were introduced to the world compliments of Orientals fressing every sheretz on the planet.

  12. A shocking revelation, Reb Yudel opinion is that even after all of the OK's kashrus issues they are still head and shoulders above the fake Star-K.

  13. R' Sholom Schwadron would warn that people can say the dumbest, most embarrasing things, sometimes when convinced it is leshem Shomayim. He once saw a hunchback coming to daven in a beis medrash, when suddenly, a large fellow comes running over, lifts the hunchback off the ground as if he's making a kinyan on him, and bellows out "BORUCH ATA HASHEM ... MESHANEH HABRIYOS!"

    I was once stuck in a place where the only place to daven was a very wealthy Sfardi shul. A baal habos there married to a Japanese giyoress made a kiddush upon birth of a child. Another baal habos, who needs coaching on how to act mentchlich, had a very cringeworthy outburst, guffawing across the room to the mother of the giyoress: "Oh, Mrs. Takamoto, you make the sushi?"

  14. Who is the am haaretz?Fri Sep 09, 11:26:00 AM 2022

    Even though rice wine is not always yayin akum, it is still bishul akum according to most poskim. There are rice wines that are aged in grape wine casks. And there are flavored rice wines that are treif. But what does 10:13 am know?

    1. Very unclear. Beer is not included in the issur of bishul nochri because the Brocha changed with processing. The same svara should apply to rice wine

  15. Reb Yudel said that anyone that eats KCL can be very comfortable eating OK.

    How does that compare with the OK being head and shoulders above the Star-K?

    Reb Yudel responded the Star-K and the KCL are cut from the same cloth "The Emperor hath no clothing", they are both frauds and schemers, etc.

  16. Rav Yudel Shlita has said more than once the only thing Permissable to Eat or drink at a KCL Catered event is Filtered Water in a Paper cup

  17. Who is the am haaretz?Sun Sep 11, 06:49:00 AM 2022

    Chazal never included beer in bishul akum even though it's main ingredient barley is oyleh al Shulchan Melochim. Tosefos Avodah Zara 31 says heyos beer is birchas shehakol, the barley is tofel to the water. Aruch Hashulchan 113:22 says veiter that this applies to beer because there is a major change to the barley during production to beer.

    The chiluk from rice which is also oyleh al Shulchan Melochim is #1 that rice becomes edible before it turns into wine. #2 is rice wine factories cook it in kelim shaped like pots in your kitchen at home which is a koyveya in chasnus. #3 there's more water than rice in the final wine. The Shach 113:21 poskens that bishul akum is botul berov. But bittul may not apply when the issur is the ikker ingredient in taaruvos, is avidah letaima that gives the food chashivus.

    This is even CLEAR enough for the Modern Orthodox poskim at YU who asser rice wines not under hashgocho.

  18. Is the scandal still brewing or is it going to be uncovered in 10 years and this site will scream 'I told you so 10 years ago'. Either complete the story so that people will stop eating or have the guts to say 'its a possible scandal but has yet actually taken place'.

  19. Reb Yudel says "History repeats itself, just the players change".

    Where can we eat in Lakewood?

    Yudel said, Bagel nosh, and at home.

    No place else?

    Well, KCL says "Shain is farbutten" in our food service facilities, as he will see all of the problems and publicize them.
